It seems crocheters have a love affair with mandala throws! Just look at the Hot Right Now pages on Ravelry on any given day, and youll find dozens of crocheted mandala-style throws, afghans and blankets.
So, what makes them so popular? Is it the riot of colors we get to play with? Or the testing of our skills as we try new techniques and stitches? Or maybe it is because once you start a mandala throw, you have to keep going! Just one more round! Seeing the colors and textures play against each other as you crochet each new round is just so mesmerizing!
In this book youll find a variety of mandala throws to crochet no matter your skill level. Start out by crocheting the Squared-Up Mandala or the Daystar Throw. Both are worked in self-striping yarn so the color changes just flow from your hook with no effort!
If you love crocheting cables and textural stitches, the Celtic Mandala Throw is a stunner. Ready to go all out? Gather your favorite colors and dive into the Cathedral Rose Window Afghan. This beauty is sure to take center stage no matter where it is displayed!
This is one book that is sure to provide hours of crochet goodness, so gather up your crochet hooks and some yarn and dive right in!
Round upon round of gorgeous textures and colors come together to create this stunning throw that is sure to take center stage no matter where it is displayed.
54 inches in diameter
Universal Yarn Uptown Worsted medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn (3 oz/180 yds/100g per skein):
3 skeins #333 purple iris (G)
2 skeins each #314 lime (A), #306 pumpkin (C), #319 lavender (E), #325 cranberry (H), #305 peanut butter (J) and #323 steel grey (K)
1 skein each #331 sapphire (B), #353 Donahue (D), #355 mint green (F) and #335 acorn (I)
Sizes I/9/5.5mm and H/8/5mm crochet hooks or size needed to obtain gauge
1 stitch marker
Tapestry needle
Rnds 14 in pattern with larger hook = 4 inches in diameter
Weave in ends as work progresses.
Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.
All rounds are worked with right side facing.
Chain-1 at beginning of round does not count as a stitch.
Chain-3 at beginning of round counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated.
When starting a new round with a new color, place slip knot on hook and work first indicated stitch as normal.
4 treble cluster (4-tr cl): [Yo twice, insert hook in indicated st, yo, draw lp through, (yo, draw through 2 lps on hook) twice] 4 times, yo, draw lp through all 5 lps on hook.
3 double crochet cluster (3-dc cl): [Yo, insert hook in indicated st, yo, draw lp through, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook] 3 times, yo, draw lp through all 4 lps on hook.
Puff: Yo, insert hook in indicated st and draw up a lp, [yo, insert hook in same st and draw up a lp] twice, yo and draw through 7 lps on hook.
Shell: (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in indicated st or sp. When working into a shell, work into the ch sp unless otherwise specified.
2 treble cluster (2-tr cl): [Yo twice, insert hook in indicated st, yo, draw lp through, (yo, draw through 2 lps on hook) twice] 2 times, yo, draw lp through all 3 lps on hook.
Treble crochet popcorn (tr-pc): Work 4 tr in indicated st, remove lp from hook, insert hook in top of first tr, pick up dropped lp and draw through st, ch 1 tightly to secure.
Single crochet popcorn (sc-pc): Work 4 sc in indicated st, remove lp from hook, insert hook in top of first sc, pick up dropped lp and draw through st, ch 1 tightly to secure.
With larger hook and A, ch 5, join(see Pattern Notes) in first ch to form ring.
Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 3(see Pattern Notes), 11 dc in ring, join in top of beg ch-3. Fasten off. (12 dc)
Rnd 2: With B(see Pattern Notes), [2 bpdc(see Stitch Guide), ch 1] around each dc around, join in first dc. Fasten off. (24 bpdc, 12 ch-1 sps)
Rnd 3: With C, [4-tr cl(see Special Stitches), ch 4] in each ch-1 sp around, join in first cl. Fasten off. (12 cls, 12 ch-4 sps)
Rnd 4: With D, [puff(see Special Stitches) in next ch-4 sp, ch 2, fpsc(see Stitch Guide) around top post of next cl, ch 2] 12 times, join in first puff. Fasten off. (12 puffs, 12 fpsc, 24 ch-2 sps)
Rnd 5: With E, [fpdc(see Stitch Guide) around next fpsc, ch 2, fpdc around next puff, ch 2] 12 times, join in first fpdc. Fasten off. (24 fpdc, 24 ch-2 sps)
Rnd 6: With F, sk first ch-2 sp, [fpsc around post of next fpdc, working in front of ch-2 sp, dc in next ch-2 sp 2 rnds below, 3 dc in next fpdc, working in front of ch-2 sp dc in next ch-2 sp 2 rnds below] 12 times, join with G in first sc. Fasten off F. (12 3-dc groups, 12 fpsc)
Rnd 7: With G, ch 1(see Pattern Notes), [fpdc around post of next fpsc, fpdc around post of next dc, dc in next dc, 3 dc in next dc, dc in next dc, fpdc around post of next dc] 12 times, join in first fpdc. (36 fpdc, 60 dc)
Rnd 8: Ch 1, [fpdc around each of next 2 fpdc, dc in next 2 dc, 3 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, fpdc around next fpdc] 12 times, join in first fpdc. Fasten off. (36 fpdc, 84 dc)
Rnd 9: With A, sk first 2 fpdc, *bpsc around each of next 7 dc, bpsc around next fpdc, ch 15, 3-dc cl(see Special Stitches) in 7th ch from hook, [ch 3, sk 3 chs, 3-dc cl in next ch] twice, sk next fpdc, bpsc around next fpdc, rep from * around, join in first bpsc. Fasten off (see photo A). (12 petals, 108 bpsc)
Rnd 10: With H, *sc in rnd 8 in center dc of first 3-dc group, sk next 4 sts on rnd 8, working along rnd 9 petal, fptr around bottom of first cl, [2 tr in next ch-3 sp, fptr around bottom of next cl] twice, 11 tr in ch-6 sp, fptr around top of next cl, [2 tr in next ch-3 sp, fptr around top of next cl] twice, sk next 4 sts on rnd 8, rep from * around, join in first sc. Fasten off (see photo B). (12 sc, 12 25-tr petals)
Rnd 11: With I, *3-dc cl in next sc, sk next 3 tr, bphdc around each of next 19 tr, sk next 3 tr; rep from * around, join in first st.