![Jennifer J Bergin Copyright 2012 by Jennifer J Bergin All rights - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/396926/images/21132.jpg)
Jennifer J. Bergin
![Copyright 2012 by Jennifer J Bergin All rights reserved No part of this book - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/396926/images/BalboaLogoBCDARKBW_fmt.png)
Copyright 2012 by Jennifer J. Bergin
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FASTER, FASTER, FASTER, keep it up! Jungle Jen yelped. The jeep raced through the savannahs as fast as it could. SWOOSH went the grass.
BUMP, THUMP, AND KERPLUNK. The jeep came to a complete stop. Jen and Jim jumped out of the jeep.
Sure is DUSTY! Jen coughed.
The dust cleared after a few minutes. There it was..the jeep with a VERY FLAT tire.
What!!? A flat tire in the middle of the savannah!? cried Jen.
![Luckily we have a spare tire on the back of the jeep We can put the tire on - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/396926/images/Image_00041_Jeep_with_Fla_fmt.jpeg)
Luckily, we have a spare tire on the back of the jeep. We can put the tire on later. Lets walk a little and see where we are, said Jungle Jim.
Jim and Jen walked very carefully in the savannahs of Tanzania, Africa.
Jim and Jen walked, leaped, climbed, and jumped through the savannahs. They came to a clearing. Off in the distance, stood a CHEETAH.
Hes absolutely STUNNING! Jen exclaimed.
The cheetah is the FASTEST land animal on the entire planet. He can accelerate faster than our jeep! Jim claimed.
Yeah, especially now with our flat tire! mumbled Jen.
Ha Ha! replied Jim. Jen! Look, he is about to HUNT his dinner. He is watching and waiting to pounce at just the right time. Sometimes cheetahs can go days without food.
So he is good and hungry. That poor gazelle over there, I cant bear to watch., Jen said covering her eyes.
![He caught it He is a happy cheetah now Jim announced Personally I LOVE to - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/396926/images/Image_00042_Cheetah_chasi_fmt.jpeg)
He caught it! He is a happy cheetah now, Jim announced.
Personally, I LOVE to eat a nice pasta dish with a ceasar salad, fresh crusty breadchocolate cake for dessert.., daydreamed Jungle Jen.
![TIME for a DRINK yelped Jungle Jim Jen jumped and awoken from her daydream - photo 5](/uploads/posts/book/396926/images/Image_3_Jungle_Jen_Dayd_fmt.png)
TIME for a DRINK! yelped Jungle Jim. Jen jumped and awoken from her daydream.
Lets go under that tree over there, said Jim. There are not many trees out in the savannahs.
Jen and Jim made their way to the tree. They pulled out their canteens filled with water and laid back enjoying the shade of the tree. It was very HOT out there.
![CHAPTER 3 THE FRIENDLY GIANTS BOOM BOOM THUMP BOOM The ground Jen and - photo 6](/uploads/posts/book/396926/images/Image_00044_Jen_and_Jim_d_fmt.jpeg)
BOOM, BOOM, THUMP, BOOM. The ground Jen and Jim were sitting on started to shake.
What the #*%^#* is THAT???? screamed Jen.
SSSSSSHHHHH ELEPHANTS!!! Here, hide behind the tree so we dont get TRAMPLED! warned Jim.
Seven elephants were fast approaching. Jen and Jim were standing very still behind the tree.
The elephants stopped and stared. Jim and Jen slowly made their presence known and the elephants raised their trunks. The elephants were on high ALERT. They sized Jim and Jen up and down. Jim and Jen were very quiet and still. No one made a sound. Time passed and passed.
Jen whispered, How long are they going to stare at us?
Trust is earned! Jim replied.
![After a while the elephants lowered their trunks Jen and Jim knew they were - photo 7](/uploads/posts/book/396926/images/Image_00045_Elephants_on__fmt.jpeg)
After a while, the elephants lowered their trunks. Jen and Jim knew they were okay now. They had been ACCEPTED.
YES! Jim whispered, maybe we will become friends.
The elephants turned in the opposite direction and followed each other one by one. Jen and Jim followed carefully one behind the other too. They WALKED AND WALKED. The elephants snacked on leaves and trees along the way.
No wonder elephants are so BIG, look how much they EAT! Jen said.
Jim and Jen followed the elephants to a watering hole. The elephants seemed excited and relieved. WATER at last! They drank and drank. Using their trunks, they mixed the water with the dirt.
LOOK Jen, they are taking a MUD BATH, Jim said.
Thank goodness! sighed Jen, their skin looks awfully WRINKLY AND DRY!
Jen looked in her knapsack and found her cream moisturizer for her face and put it on profusely. Yes, just what I needed!
Jim laughed, You know Jen, I KNOW what you REALLY need. He grabbed some mud and smeared it on Jens arm. They started laughing and smeared mud all over each other. Jim and Jen were now muddier than all the elephants combined..
![CHAPTER 4 AN ELEPHANT RIDE Jen and Jim managed to find some more water and - photo 8](/uploads/posts/book/396926/images/Image_00046_Jen_and_Jim_i_fmt.jpeg)
Jen and Jim managed to find some more water and washed off the mud.
Jim hopped onto a rock and gently got on top of one of the elephants backs.
UHHHH, I dont know about this Jim? Jen questioned.
Just try it Jen; the view is amazing up here! Jim declared.
Jen slowly and reluctantly climbed a rock and then on top of an elephant. Away they went on an elephant ride they would never forget.
This is SOOO FUN! Jungle Jen smiled.
Suddenly, the elephant she was riding let out a HUGE roar. Jen JUMPED from the noise. She jumped so much her hat fell off. Jim assured Jen that the elephant was just communicating with her herd to let them know she was okay. Jens colour slowly came back to her face.Jims elephant saw the hat. He picked up the hat with his trunk and gave it to Jen. Jen giggled. They really were friends.
Jen, LOOK over there!!! Jim pointed.
In the far distance, they could see a herd of zebras grazing in the grass.
I LOVE their STRIPES! Zebras look so sleek in black and white. You know Jim, black and white is classic in the fashion world. That would make zebras really fashionable then! Jen laughed.
Jen, did you know that each zebra comes with its OWN striped pattern. The way their lines run are UNIQUE to each zebra, Jim noted.
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