![Holy Bible 1969 2003 by Barbour Publishing Inc Print ISBNS - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/410973/Images/cover.jpg)
![Holy Bible 1969 2003 by Barbour Publishing Inc Print ISBNS - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/410973/Images/title.jpg)
Holy Bible
![1969 2003 by Barbour Publishing Inc Print ISBNS 978-1-59789-466-1 eBook - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/410973/Images/logo1.png)
1969, 2003 by Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Print ISBNS:
eBook Edition:
Adobe Digital Edition (.epub) 978-1-63409-006-3
Kindle and MobiPocket Edition (.mobi) 978-1-63409-007-0
The New Life Version text may be quoted in any form (written, visual, electronic, or audio) up to and inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without express written permission of the publisher, provided that the verses quoted do not account for more than 25 percent of the total work in which they are quoted, and provided that a complete book of the Bible is not quoted.
When the New Life Version is quoted, one of the following credit lines must appear on the copyright page or title page of the work:
Scripture quotations marked NLV are taken from the New Life Version copyright 1969 and 2003. Used by permission of Barbour Publishing, Inc., Uhrichsville, Ohio, 44683. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations are taken from the New Life Version copyright 1969 and 2003. Used by permission of Barbour Publishing, Inc., Uhrichsville, Ohio, 44683. All rights reserved.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New Life Version copyright 1969 and 2003. Used by permission of Barbour Publishing, Inc., Uhrichsville, Ohio, 44683. All rights reserved.
When quotations from the NLV text are used in non-salable media, such as church bulletins, orders of service, newsletters, transparencies, or similar media, a complete copyright notice is not required, but the initials (NLV) must appear at the end of each quotation.
Quotations in excess of five hundred (500) verses or 25 percent of the work, or other permission requests, must be approved in writing by Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Published by Barbour Bibles, an imprint of Barbour Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 719, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683, www.barbourbooks.com
Our mission is to publish and distribute inspirational products offering exceptional value and biblical encouragement to the masses.
![INTRODUCTION The idea of a very readable and yet accurate version of the - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/410973/Images/logo2.png)
The idea of a very readable and yet accurate version of the scriptures came to us in an igloo in the frozen Canadian Arctic many years ago. A few of the primitive Eskimos with whom we were working then were just starting to learn English. Although it was twenty years later before the NEW LIFE Bible was published, the idea never left us. Instead, during those years, vocabulary and thought patterns were observed which helped set the course for a version that would eventually be used and appreciated in many parts of the world where English is used as a second language.
The secret of its readability is in the limited vocabulary. In most cases, each word uses only one meaning. Difficult biblical words found in other versions were broken down into simple, meaningful phrases. Other problems in Bible reading were researched, and the end result is a very readable and understandable version. Even educated adults who are familiar with the scriptures find themselves startled into new insights by its blunt simplicity.
Those of us who worked on this limited vocabulary NEW LIFE Version were constantly watching to keep it understandable without sacrificing accuracy. There was no thought to change Gods holy Word to todays street language. In fact, in many places, the wording and beauty of older versions have been retained. Paraphrasing, or mans idea of what the Bible says, was ruled out. The careful and prayerful use of some basic words can be made to say what the original languages said, thus assuring the reader of an accurate text.
Two different times, the Bible speaks of the very words that were written by God and by Christ. Exodus 31:18 says, When the Lord had finished speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai, He gave him the two stone writings of the Law, pieces of stone written on by the finger of God. And John 8:6 says, Jesus got down and began to write in the dust with His finger. Both of these writings were soon destroyed. The pieces of stone with the written Law were broken in front of the children of Israel who were worshiping a false god, and it was not long before the people walked over what Jesus had written on the ground. But it pleased God to have His law and the good news of life that lasts forever written by men He chose for that special job.
Those early men of God who copied the words given by the Holy Spirit that make up the 66 different books of the Bible used different languages than are used today. From Genesis to Revelation forty different men were used over a period of 1600 years. Four hundred years of time separated the Old Testament from the New. The way of life of the people living in Old Testament times was much different from those living during New Testament times. Hebrew was the language of the Old Testament, and Greek was used in the New Testament.
Those men did not write the Bible, but were led or guided by the Holy Spirit as to what they wrote and the words to use. Understand this first: No part of the Holy Writings was ever made up by any man. No part of the Holy Writings came long ago because of what men wanted to write. But holy men who belonged to God spoke (wrote) what the Holy Spirit told them (2 Peter 1:2021).
The first copies of the holy scriptures were perfect and without error. But man is not perfect, and because of changes in languages through the many years and translation from one language to another, no version can claim that same degree of perfection.
Since about 1900, many different versions have been printed in Englishand hundreds in other major languages and tribal languages around the world. In all these languages, Gods written Word is alive today. Through the years, sinful men have tried to destroy it, but this living Book can never be destroyed. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away (Matthew 24:35).
The Word of God contains many promises. This one tells what reading the Bible will do: All the Holy Writings are God-given and are made alive by Him. Man is helped when he is taught Gods Word. It shows him how to be right with God. It gives the man who belongs to God everything he needs to work well for Him (2 Timothy 3:1617).
We dedicate this NEW LIFE Bible to Him in whose honor it has been published. May it give all who read it a greater understanding of the scriptures and a better knowledge of Jesus Christ, who came to save from the penalty and power of sin all who will put their trust in Him.
Wherever * is seen, the words that follow are not in all the early writings of the New Testament. If part of a verse or more than one verse is missing in some of the early writings, it is marked [*].
The Beginning
In the beginning God made from nothing the heavens and the earth. The earth was an empty waste and darkness was over the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was moving over the top of the waters. Then God said, Let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good. He divided the light from the darkness. Then God called the light day, and He called the darkness night. There was evening and there was morning, one day.
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