100 Artists Manifestos
Alex Danchev is the author of a number of acclaimed biographies, including Czanne: A Life and Georges Braque: A Life . He has also translated and edited a collection of Czannes letters. He writes regularly for the Times Literary Supplement and Times Higher Education . He has held Fellowships at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC, St Antonys College, Oxford and Queen Mary, London. He is currently Professor of International Relations at the University of St Andrews.
100 Artists Manifestos
Edited with an Introduction by Alex Danchev
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For D
For permission to use the manifestos collected here, we are most grateful to the following:
The Foundation and Manifesto of Futurism, Against Traditionalist Venice, The Futurist Manifesto Against English Art and Manifesto of Futurist Cuisine, from Critical Writings by F. T. Marinetti, edited by Gnter Berghaus, translated by Doug Thompson. Copyright 2006 by Luce Marinetti, Vittoria Marinetti Piazonni and Ala Marinetti Clerici. Translation, compilation, editorial work, foreword, preface and introduction copyright 2006 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC.
Manifesto of the Futurist Painters by Umberto Boccioni and others, translated by Robert Brain; Futurist Painting: Technical Manifesto by Boccioni and others, translated by Robert Bruin; Futurist Manifesto of Lust by Valentine de Saint-Point, translated by J. C. Higgitt; The Painting of Sounds, Noises and Smells by Carlo Carr, translated by Robert Brain; Futurist Manifesto of Mens Clothing by Giacomo Balla, translated by Robert Brain; Manifesto of Futurist Architecture by Antonio SantElia, translated by Caroline Tisdall; and Warpainting by Carlo Carr, translated by Robert Brain, from Futurist Manifestos (Viking, 1973), edited by Umbro Apollonio, by permission of Thames & Hudson Ltd, London.
A Green Sun by Takamura Ktar, from A Brief History of Imbecility: Poetry and Prose of Takamura Ktar (University of Hawaii Press, 1992), edited and translated by Hiroaki Sato, by permission of University of Hawaii Press.
Manifesto of Futurist Woman by Valentine de Saint-Point, Lantitradition futuriste by Apollinaire, We Must Create by Vicente Huidobro, Dimensionist Manifesto by Kroly (Charles) Sirat and others, from Manifesto: A Century of Isms (University of Nebraska Press, 2001), edited and translated by Mary Ann Caws, by permission of Mary Ann Caws.
Preface to Der Blaue Reiter Almanac by Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc, from The Blaue Reiter Almanac 1974 by Thames & Hudson Ltd; Der Blaue Reiter 1965 by R. Piper & Co. Verlag, edited by Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc, translated by Henning Falkenstein, by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Group (USA), Inc.
On the Subject in Modern Painting by Apollinaire, from Apollinaire on Art: Essays and Reviews 19021918 , edited by L. C. Breunig, translated by Susan Suleiman, translation 1972 by the Viking Press, Inc., by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of the Penguin Group (USA), Inc.
Feminist Manifesto and Aphorisms on Futurism, from The Lost Lunar Baedeker by Mina Loy. Works of Mina Loy copyright 1996 by the Estate of Mina Loy. Introduction and edition copyright 1996 by Roger L. Conover. By permission of Roger L. Conover, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC, and Carcanet Press Limited.
Rayonists and Futurists: A Manifesto by Mikhail Larionov and Natalya Goncharova, Suprematist Manifesto by Kasimir Malevich, and The Realistic Manifesto by Naum Gabo and Anton Pevzner, from Russian Art of the Avant-Garde: Theory and Criticism 19021934 , edited and translated by John E. Bowlt 1976 and 1988 John Bowlt, by permission of Thames & Hudson Ltd, London.
Manifesto and Our Vortex by Wyndham Lewis, from BLAST 1 1914 Wyndham Lewis, 1981 The Estate of Mrs G. A. Wyndham Lewis, 2008 Wyndham Lewis Memorial Trust (a registered charity), by permission of Thames & Hudson Ltd, London.
LArt cerebriste by Ricciotto Canudo, from Les Manifestes littraires de la belle poque (ditions Seghers, 1966), edited by Bonner Mitchell, by permission of ditions Seghers; translated for this book by Emily Haves.
Futurist Synthesis of the War by Boccioni and others, 1914 (litho) by Private Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library.
A Drop of Tar by Vladimir Mayakovsky, from Words in Revolution: Russian Futurist Manifestoes 19121928 (New Academia Publishing, 2005), edited by Anna Lawton, translated by Anna Lawton and Herbert Eagle, by permission of Anna Lawton.
Manifesto of Suprematists and Non-Objective Painters and Manifesto of the Constructivist Group by Aleksandr Rodchenko and others, from Rodchenko: Experiments for the Future. Diaries, Essays, Letters and Other Writings 2005 The Museum of Modern Art, New York, edited by Aleksandr Lavrentiiev, translated by Jamey Gambrell, by permission of the Estate of Aleksandr Rodchenko, the Russian Authors Society (RAO), and the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Dada Manifesto by Tristan Tzara, translated by Ralph Manheim, and Dada Manifesto by Francis Picabia, translated by Michelle Owoo, from The Dada Reader: A Critical Anthology Tate 2006, edited by Dawn Ades, by permission of Tate Trustees.
What is Architecture? by Walter Gropius, from Programmes and Manifestoes on 20th-Century Architecture (Lund Humphries, 1970), edited by Ulrich Conrads, translated by Michael Bullock, by permission of the Bauhaus Photo Archiv, Berlin.
Dada Excites Everything by Tristan Tzara and others, from Dadas on Art (Prentice Hall, 1971), edited and translated by Lucy R. Lippard, by permission of Lucy R. Lippard.
First German Dada Manifesto by Richard Huelsenbeck, from The Dada Painters and Poets (Harvard University Press, 1989), edited by Robert Motherwell, translated by Ralph Manheim, by permission of Harvard University Press and Alan Wofsy Fine Arts.
A Strident Prescription by Manuel Maples Arce, Manifesto of the Union of Mexican Workers, Technicians, Painters and Sculptors by David Alfaro Siqueiros and others, Art, Revolution and Decadence by Jos Carlos Maritegui, Cannibalist Manifesto by Oswald de Andrade, Inventionist Manifesto by Edgar Bayley and others, and Neo-Concrete Manifesto by Ferreira Gullar, from Art in Latin America (Yale University Press, 1989), edited by Dawn Ades, translated by Polyglossia, by permission of Yale University Press.
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