I am ever so grateful to everyone at Watkins Media and Watkins Bookstore for their shared passion and commitment in bringing spiritual knowledge to the general public. The world is most certainly a better place for the hard work they put in. Special thanks, however, must go to my publisher Jo Lal, who saw the potential in my work and was willing to take a risk on a new writer. Her brilliance and vision enabled this book to become manifest and I cannot express deeply enough my gratitude to her for being so supportive. I also wish to say a huge thank you to Kate Latham, my copy-editor, who has been my guiding star the whole way through the writing process and a joy to work alongside.
Of course, I must also thank the ever-inspirational Theresa Cheung too, who plucked me from obscurity and championed me. If ever I had an earth angel, it is her. Lastly, my endless gratitude and love must go to my husband and beautiful daughters for being so patient and supportive whilst I tucked myself away for hours on end in order to write. And to my lovely Mum who, for no reward, looked after the day-to-day running of my private practice so I could follow the guidance of spirit and my passion. I am blessed.
This is not to be a book of answers, but a gateway to knowing. When you recognise the truth within yourself, answers will no longer be necessary, only action.
White Feather, 8 March 2018
I am a medium, a practitioner in the service of spirit, and the title of this book came to me in a moment of inspiration. For twenty years I received messages from spirit guides and teachers telling me I was to write for the spirit world. The messages I received often stressed the immense need for the wider public to gain the knowledge being shared with me, but the spirit teachers who drew close to inspire me with their wisdom never lost their sense of humour, so the tongue-in-cheek title of this book feels appropriate.
I have written this book with several intentions. Firstly, I want to share some of my own story as to why I know the afterlife is real and some of the incredible encounters Ive experienced with loving beings in the spirit world who, through their interactions with me, have taught me valuable life lessons. I hope that in doing so you too will benefit from these teachings and gain peace of mind, motivation and inspiration.
Secondly, I hope to help you expand your own awareness and understand that you may enjoy your own personal relationship with the spirit world. The loved ones youve lost are truly never far from you. I also hope to encourage you to gently challenge your own thinking and beliefs so that you may rise above any fears you hold about contact with the spirit world and to help release you from any fears surrounding death.
Lastly, I want to give you reason to believe in an afterlife and to understand that mediumship is a valuable therapeutic practice.
Answering the Calling
We are in a time when genuine practitioners of spirit across the earth are receiving the same call to action from the spirit world; to help make the public more aware of who they really are and to assist them in connecting for themselves to a greater reality. No matter whether this knowledge comes through mediums, shamans, channellers, mystics, energy healers, spiritual teachers, coaches, researchers, holistic practitioners, near death experiencers, forward-thinking scientists and doctors, open-minded media or social media presenters, or any other guardians of the light that I might have missed off that list, each is playing their individual part in a wider objective to raise human awareness.
My own spirit guides communicate that more and more people are seeking deeper spiritual understanding as they look at the world around them and wonder where they themselves are headed, as well as humanity as a whole. More of us are questioning what is the purpose of it all, as well as harbouring a deep conviction inside that there must be more to life than this short physical experience. Im told that, as a result, practitioners such as myself will find ourselves in greater demand, as more people open their minds to greater truths and exploring the existence of an afterlife for themselves. I have certainly found this teaching to be true in my own life. Post 2015, my services as a medium are in such high demand by the general public that I can no longer physically help everyone who reaches out to me, the numbers are so great.
At the same time, my spirit guides have also impressed upon me that many of us are distracted from incorporating a spiritual practice into our daily lives because we are so focused on the physical world outside of ourselves. They warn that this comes with its own price as an ever-increasing imbalance develops between physical life and our spirituality and mental health, fuelling inner disharmony and even discontent in
growing numbers of people, whilst simultaneously ill preparing us for what will inevitably come one day: our own transition to the spirit world.
The solution lies within us all however and always has done.
Our mental and spiritual well-being is fundamental to our progression and survival in the physical world and I believe its time to recognise the importance of that fact. It benefits us greatly when we prioritise spirituality in our lives, and it can be done in a way that supports peoples busy lifestyles. I really believe that despite the challenges we face in life or because of them people are being drawn towards a more individualised form of spirituality and this is a good thing. It places the personal responsibility and potential for growth directly in the hands of the individual. This book is my
contribution towards helping as many people as I can benefit from my experience and understanding whilst on their own road to spiritual enlightenment.
By the end, it is my hope that you will have not only received comfort from my words, but that you will be inspired to observe and even explore the spirit dimensions of life for yourself. To assist you in achieving this, throughout this book you will discover Call to Action suggestions and simple exercises. These tips are designed to help you tap into your own innate intuitive abilities. They are not intended to train you to become a practitioner of mediumship because that takes years of dedication and commitment in the exploration of spirit communication. Instead, they are designed to get you off the starting block by introducing simple everyday practices to help empower you.
Keeping it simple
Numerous teachers from the spirit world have told me they are working with me to bring this knowledge to you because I speak in clear and simple terms. On receiving that insight, I laughed because I wasnt sure if that was their way of saying that it is I who needs things laid out clearly and simply in order to understand! Either way, I want this book to be easyto-read, despite the fact it conveys deep spiritual truths and highlights some of the relevant scientific research.
I know from my own life as an extremely busy mum, wife and professional practitioner, who is juggling work, family time, school runs, homework and the neverending list of menial tasks around the house, that the best teachings are both the simplest and the most practical. Im a deep thinker for sure, but Im also someone who doesnt benefit from my spiritual practice being overcomplicated or all-consuming. Everything in balance is my motto. Im grounded and dont do well with what seems to me to be fluffy, airy fairy or lofty ideals; nor do I like rigid dogma or being labelled. A philosophy that speaks to me therefore needs to be real and honest with room for doubt, growth and questioning.