Your Inner Child
Has Something to Say
Elaine Cox

Copyright 2017 Elaine Cox.
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Interior Graphics/Art Credit: Troy Cox
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2017900006
Balboa Press rev. date: 01/26/2017
Dedication: In Memory of Tina Girard Barnstable
About the Author: ELAINE COX.
Cover and Interior Graphic / Arts Credit: TROY COX.
Prints Available: Troy Cox /
It is with great honor I dedicate this book in Memory of:
Tina Girard Barnstable
Without you I would not have been led to EFT nor would I have had a reason to write this book.
May your spirit touch the readers in the same way you touched all of us that knew you and LOVED YOU!
Interesting Fact: My Mom, My Grand Daughter and Tina Girard Barnstable share the same birth date.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is based on the same principles as acupuncture, but use a tapping method instead of needles.
It is believed that the imbalance of the energy system in our bodies have a profoundly negative effect on our physical and emotional health. Doctors often tell us that our symptoms are caused by stress.
Dr. Roger Callahans first experience with EFT was in 1980. One of his patients, was suffering from frequent headaches and nightmares. She sought help from different therapists for years without much success. Dr. Callahan had been working with her for a year without making much headway.
One day, he stepped outside of the normal boundaries of psychotherapy. After studying the bodys energy system, he decided to tap with his fingertips under her eyes (the end point of the stomach meridian). She had complained of stomach upset and fear of water and swimming pools.
To his astonishment, she opened her eyes and immediately announced that her disturbing thoughts about water were gone. She raced down to the nearby swimming pool and started splashing water on her face. No fear. No headaches.
It all went away..including the nightmares, and never returned . His patient is now free of her aqua phobia. Results like that are rare in the field of psychotherapybut common with EFT.
My Introduction to EFT
EFT came in to my life in September 2009; a friend of mine was mourning the loss of her thirty-five-year-old daughter to breast cancer.
Realizing it was the one year anniversary of her daughters passing, I was quick to accept her invitation to attend an EFT healing circle.
She shared with me that EFT was helping her deal with her grief, which seemed insurmountable at times. I could see it was making a difference for her. Not sure what EFT was, I was interested.
She had mentioned she would like to have someone to tap with. She informed me that it was a method of releasing stress by tapping on certain points on our body. She told me, the coach would be guiding us.
After watching the Coach tapping on different points with others in the group, I would be next to try. It seemed like it could be a good fit for me, since stress had become something of my specialty.
I was not feeling well. Most of the time, I was extremely exhausted, overwhelmed and angry. Many things beyond my control had just turned my world upside down. In short, I felt helpless and overwhelmed.
At the time, I was cleaning a few houses a week while my daughter attended school. I enjoyed cleaning and the sense of accomplishment I felt in putting things in order. I believed I was very good at it and could do a lot of work in the allotted time.
I now realize that I was working on adrenaline most of the time. My plan was to set a timer and work against the clock. I would push myself to exhaustion. I inevitably burned myself out many times. I would quit all the jobs, then after spending some time healing and recuperating, I would find more houses to clean, promising myself this time was going to be different. Of course, it wasnt, because I did the same thing each and every time while expecting a different result.
I would end up angrier at myself each time I replayed this insane game. I did not realize that I was harming myself at the time. I believed I was doing everything to the best of my ability. Although I did feel it was a low job in societys eyes, I also believed it worked for my family needs.
During my tapping turn, I realized how much anger and resentment I was holding in. After a few minutes of saying these things out loud, I felt an awakening of sorts. Tapping brought up a lot of other thoughts I had not been aware I even felt.
The coach asked me if I liked feeling this way. I replied back by saying, Of course I dont want to feel like this. I was making myself sick. I was not only emotionally up set I was having reactions to the cleaners, which no doubt filled my body with toxins.
I felt a complete shift, not only in my body but also my thinking. Feelings of worthlessness also surfaced.
The coach asked me whether I had felt that anger and worthlessness as a child. Thinking back I knew immediately where it came from and why I felt this way.
Just understanding its source shifted my energy and thoughts. It was amazing to me how much better I felt. The other participants in the healing circle witnessed my transformation.
My mind was clear. I made a decision right then and there. I would not be cleaning houses anymore. I let go of all my clients at once.
Imagine shifting all that blocked energy in such a short time. Feeling clear headed and having a new perspective, enabling me to make a good decision quickly.
I felt the release; I was hooked wanting more of this feeling. I certainly did not want to go back to the way I felt entering this room. I now felt calm, sure of myself, relieved. I realized that EFT would be very beneficial to me.
I began to attend weekly healing circles and one-on-one sessions with an EFT coach. My friend and I set aside time to tap together. It was like peeling back an onion; we were clearing emotional stress one layer at a time.
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