One of the best things about being a PI is that you develop a good memory for details, and you are part of an exclusive inner circle of other PIs who are willing to share thoughts and materials. I was honored to be allowed to join the Medmenham Club, and I have fellow members Wing Commander M D (Mike) Mockford, OBE, RAF (Retd), and Major ACL (Chris) Halsall, Intelligence Corps (Retd) to thank for some of the most significant photos in this bookand particularly for access to Douglas Kendalls unpublished memoirs. I also had fine cooperation from the National Air and Space Museum (NASM), Defence Audio Visual Agency (DAVA), Imperial War Museum, US National Archives, Bundesarchiv and several private collectors of Second World War imagery. Some of my sense of what was going on and how people felt at the time comes from years of taking every chance I had to talk with former bomber and fighter pilots during unit Reunions, Squadron parties and coffee breaks during various military assignments. I have also talked with people who heard the buzz-bombs overhead as children. They were there and lived through the critical months this book documents.
The opinions that follow are mine alone, and if I got any of the story wrong, I hope the friends who helped me, and those who served at Medmenham, will forgive.
Lastly, I want to thank the publishers (noted in the Bibliography) who so graciously granted permission to quote from their copyright material, and the folk at Pen & Sword for making this such a comfortable experience--particularly Brigadier Henry Wilson and David Hemingway.
Babington Smith, Flight Officer Constance, WAAF. Air Spy. New York, N.Y.: Ballantine Books, 1957. Paperback ed. Quoted with kind permission from the copywrite holder. Originally published in the UK as Evidence In Camera , this book inspired me to become an aerial photo interpreter, and my copy was so often used it wore out and I had to buy another. The most recent edition of the book was published by Stroud: Sutton in 2004.
Becker, Cajus. The Luftwaffe War Diaries . New York, N.Y.: Ballantine Books, 1969.
Bowman, Martin. Mosquito Photo-Reconnaissance Units of World War 2 . Botley, Oxford, England: Osprey Publishing, 1999.
Bowyer, Chaz. The Encyclopedia of British Military Aircraft . London, England: Bison Books, Ltd., 1982.
Breuer, William B. Secret Weapons of World War II . New York, N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000.
Brookes, Andrew J. Photo Reconnaissance. London, England: Ian Allan Ltd., 1975.
Brown, Anthony Cave. Bodyguard of Lies . New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books, Inc., 1975.
Budiansky, Stephen. The Man on the Trail of the Nazi A-Bomb. Leesburg, VA, October 2007 World War II magazine.
Carter, Kit C. and Mueller, Robert, compilers. Army Air Forces in World War II: Combat Chronology 1941-1945 . Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1973.
Churchill, Sir Winston S. Closing the Ring . Cambridge, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1951.
- Triumph and Tragedy . Cambridge, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1951. Both Churchill books quoted with kind permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Cooksley, Peter. Flying Bomb . New York, N.Y.: Charles Scribners Sons, 1979. Quoted with kind permission from the author and Hale Books.
Craven, Wesley F. and Cate, James L. T he Army Air Forces in World War II , vol. 3. Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History, 1983.
Der Zweite Weltkrieg Im Bild, Band II . Baden-Baden, GR: Eilebrect (compilation of photos included as sales inducements in cigarette packages), circa late 1940s.
Dornberger, Major Gen. Walter R., German Army. V-2 . New York, N.Y.: Ballantine Books, Inc., 1954.
Eisenhower, General of the Armies Dwight D., U.S. Army. Crusade in Europe . Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1948. Quoted with permission of the copyright holder, Random House, Inc.
Encyclopedia Astronautica
Esposito, Brigadier General Vincent J., U.S. Army. The West Point Atlas of American Wars, vol. II . New York, N.Y.: Praeger Publications, 1959.
Evidence In Camera, ACIU magazine, March 1945 special edition reprinted by Medmenham Club.
Faber, Harold (ed.). Luftwaffe: A History . New York, N.Y.: Times Books, 1977.
Ford, Brian. German Secret Weapons: Blueprint For Mars . New York, N.Y.: Ballantine Books Inc., 1969.
Freeman, Roger A. Mighty Eighth War Diary . London, UK: Janes Publishing Company Ltd., 1981.
Garlinski, Jozef. Hitlers Last Weapons . New York, N.Y.: Times Books, 1978.
Hallion, Dr. Richard P. Bombs That Were Smart Before Their Time. Leesburg, VA, September 2007 World War II magazine.
Halter, Jon C. Top Secret Projects of WW II . New York, N.Y.; Wanderer Books, 1978.
Hastings, Max. Bomber Command . New York, N.Y.: The Dial Press, 1979.
Haswell, Jock. D-Day Intelligence and Deception . New York, N.Y.: Times Books, 1979.
Henshall, Philip. Hitlers Rocket Sites . New York, N.Y.: St. Martins Press, 1985.
Hinsley, F. H. British Intelligence in the Second World War , vol. 2 & 3. New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 1981 & 1984. Footnoted as Brit Intel . Quoted with permission from the Office of Public Sector Information.
H?lsken, Dieter. V-Missiles of the Third Reich the V-1 and V-2 . Sturbridge, Mass: Monogram Aviation Publications, 1994. Footnoted as V-Missiles . Quoted with permission from Eagle Monogram Publications. I do not agree with all the authors conclusions but this book is a MUST for anyone serious about the V-Weapons.
Hogg, Ian V. German Secret Weapons of the Second World War . Mechanicsburg, Penn.: Stackpole Books, 1999. Reproduced by kind permission of the publisher from German Secret Weapons of the Second World War by Ian Hogg, published by Greenhill Books, London, 1999.
Infield, Glenn B. Unarmed and Unafraid . New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company, 1970.
Interpretation of Military Installations. Development of Photographic Intelligence, vol. V: 325th Photographic Wing, Reconnaissance, (probably, Mt. Farm, circa 1945). Courtesy of Capt. Herman J. Bendfeldt, USAF (ret.)
Irving, David. The Mares Nest . London, England: William Kimber, 1964.
Isaacson, Walter. Einstein and the Bomb. Leesburg, VA, June 2007 World War II magazine.
Ivie, Thomas G. Aerial Reconnaissance . Fallbrook, CA: Aero Publishers, Inc., 1981.
Johnson, Brian. The Secret War . New York, N.Y.: Methuen, 1978.
Johnson, David. V-1 V-2 . Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.: Stein And Day, 1981.
Jones, R. V. Reflections on Intelligence . London: Heinemann, 1989.
MOST SECRET WAR: BRITISH SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE 1939-1945. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1978 Copyright (c). American release as The Wizard War . New York, N.Y.: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc., 1978. Quoted by kind permission of Penguin Books Ltd. I dont agree with everything the author said or did but this is another must read from a brilliant man who was central to a number of intelligence coups.
Keegan, John. Intelligence in War . New York, N.Y.: Vintage Books, 2004
Keen, Patricia F. Eyes of the Eighth . Sun City, AZ: CAVU Publishers, L.L.C., 1996.
Kendall, Wing Commander Douglas N., OBE, OC, RAF (Retd). Extracts from unpublished work A War of Intelligence, circa. 1957. Quoted through the courtesy of the Medmenham Collection and Trustees. All rights reserved. Invaluable comments and insight by a man who was at the center of things.
King, Benjamin & Kutta, Timothy. Impact . Rockville Centre, N.Y.: Sarpedon, 1998.