Appendix 1
The Irish Brigade Under Montrose 1644 1645
The list below is to be found in the Ormonde Papers. The order of the listing presumably reflects the respective regimental seniorities, and would imply that when deployed for battle, McDermotts Regiment, as the most senior, was normally posted on the right, OCahans as second in seniority on the left, and MacCollas/Laghtnans Regiment in the centre.
List of men gone unto the Isles. Sent by the Lord of Antrim to my Lord Ormonde,
15 Nov. 1644
A list of Collonell James Mac Dermotts regiment, in briefe.
The Collonells one company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Officers : Lieutenant Sorly Mac Donnell
Ensigne John Mac Heaghin
Sarjants William Mac Keon and Hugh O Kealte
Lieftennant-Collonell Jo. Mac Donnells company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Officers : Lieftennant Arte Carragh O Guilluir
Ensigne Donnagh O Guilluire
Sarjant Donnagh McGilhany
Sarjeant-Major Swynes company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Lieftennant Ensigne Sarjant
Captain Twole O Haras company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Lieftennant James O Hara
Ensigne Bryne O Hara
Sarjeantas Manus O Hara and Christopher Sherlogge.
Captain Hugh O Neals company consisting of 50 men compleate.
Lieftennant Daniell O Neale
Ensigne Laghlan Mac Keon
Serjeants Eivar O Mullan and Henry O Mulchallin.
Captain John Mac Cleanes company consisting of 50 men compleate.
Lieftennant Ensigne Sarjeants
Summa Totius 500 besydes officers.
A breefe note of Collonell [Manus] O Cahans regiment:
Collonnell Cahans own company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Officers Lieftennant Cnogher O Cahan
Ancient Dualtagh Mac Duffy
Sargeants of the company Owen O Cognoghor and Hugh Mac Cormacke
Lieftennant Collonnell Donnaghe O Cahans company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Officers Lieftennant Shane O Cahan
Ancient John Cooper
Sarjeants of the company Bryen Oge Mac Cormacke and William Oge Mac Cormacke
Sarjeant-Major Ledwitch his company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Officers Lieftennant James Dease
Ancient Bartholomew Newgent
Sarjeants of the company Tohill Moddirrt Mac Illrey and John That.
Captain Art O Neales company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Officers Lieftennant Con O Neale
Ancient Bryen O Neale
Serjeants Hugh Oge Lavery and Hary O Muldowne
Captain John Mortimers company consisting of 50 men compleate.
Officers Patricke O Mallen, Lieftennant
Phelim O Donnelly, Ancient
Daniel Mac Duffy and James O Mulhollan, Sargeants.
Captain Rowry Duffe O Cahans company consisting of 50 men compleate.
Officers John Mac Guyer, Lieftenant
Donnagh O Cahan, Ancient
Edward Keltey and Terlagh Mac Cana, Serjeant.
In all, 500 besydes officers
A list of Lieftenant-Generall Mac Donnells regiment.
The said Lieftenant-Generalls owne company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Captain ,Lieftenant ,Ensign ,Sarjeant
Lieftennant-Colonell John Mac Donnells company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Lieftennant ,Ensigne ,Sarjeants
Sarjeant Major Thomas Laghtnans company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Sarjeants
Alexander Mac Colls company consisting of 100 men compleate.
Lieftenant John Hamilton,
Ensigne ,Sarjeants
James Mac Donnells company consisting of 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Serjeants
Captain Henry Mac Henry his company consisting of 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant Congher Mac Henry,
Ensigne Patricke Mac Hughe,
Serjeants Richard Mac Henry and Shane Roe Mac Hugh
Captain Patricke Mac Henrys company consisting of 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Serjeants
Captain Randle Mac Coll Mac Randle Mac Donnells company consisting of 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Serjeants
Captaine Evar Mac Quillins company consisting of 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Serjeants
Captain Garrett Mac Quillins company, 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Serjeants
Captain Donnell Crome Mac Alsters company, 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant Huiston Mac Daniell.
Ensigne ,Serjeants
Captain William O Shiels company, 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Serjeants
Captain John Relis company, 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Serjeants
Captain Donnagh O Cahans company, 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Serjeants
Captain Manus O Cahans company, 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Serjeants
Captain Cormucke Oge O Hara his company, 50 men compleate.
Lieftenant ,Ensigne ,Serjeants
In all 1030 besides officers.
Appendix 2
News from His Majestys Army in Scotland
by an Irish Officer in Alexander MacDonnels Forces
News from His Majestys Army in Scotland, to be presented to the Most Honourable the Lord Lieutenant-General of Ireland; written at Inverlochy in Lochaber the 7th of February, 1644, by an Irish officer in Alexander MacDonnels Forces .
When the Irish forces arrived in Argyles bounds in Scotland, our General-Major Alexander MacDonnel sent such of his Majestys commissions and letters to those to whom they were directed; although for the present none was accepted on: which caused our General-Major and those forces to march into Badenogh , where they raised the country with them; and from thence to Castle-Blaire , in Athol, where the Lord Marquess of Montrose came unto and joined them with some other small forces. From thence they marched to St. Johnston , where the enemy had gathered together 8000 foot and 800 horse with nine pieces of cannon; his Majestys army having not so much as one horse: for that day the Marquess of Montrose went on foot himself with his target and pike; the Lord Kilpunt commanding the bowmen, and our General-Major of the Irish forces commanding his 3 regiments. The armies being drawn up on both sides, they both advanced together, and although the battle continued for some space, we lost not one man on our side, yet still advanced, the enemy being 3 or 4 to one: howsoever God gave us the day; the enemy retreating with their backs towards us, that man might have walked on the dead corps to the town, being two long miles from the place where the battle was pitched. The chase continued from 8 a clock in the morning til 9 at night: all their cannon, arms, munition, colours, drums, tents, baggage, in a word, none of themselves, nor baggage escaped our hands, but their horse and such of the foot as were taken prisoners within the city. This battle to Gods glory and our Princes good was fought the first day of September.
From thence we marched straight to Aberdeen , only surprising such as withstood us, with little or no skirmishing until the 13th of the same month. At Aberdeen the Covenanters of the North had gathered themselves together to the number of 3,000 foot and 500 horse, with 3 pieces of cannon. We had then about 80 horse. The battle being fairly pitched, it continued for a long space, and the enemy behaved themselves far better than they did at St. Johnston . Yet we lost not that day above four, but the enemy were altogether cut off, unless some few that hid themselves in the city. The riches of that town, and the riches they got before, hath made all our soldiers cavaliers. This battle being ended, only our manner of going down to battle, and how each one commanded I omit, till it be drawn and set down in a more ample manner; now tendering only a brevity of our proceedings; for if I should write the whole truth, all that hath been done by our army would be accounted most miraculous; which I protest I will but shew in the least manner I can, leaving the rest to the report of the enemy themselves.