Rawson - The Somme campaign

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Rawson The Somme campaign
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Ch. 1 Planning the Offensive -- ch. 2 One Disastrous Day -- 1 July -- ch. 3 Clearing the Flanks -- 2 to 13 July -- ch. 4 A Different Approach -- 14 to 20 July -- ch. 5 The Trouble with Villages and Woods -- 21 to 31 July -- ch. 6 Facing a Wearing Out Battle -- 1 to 18 August -- ch. 7 Straightening the Line -- 19 to 31 August -- ch. 8 Preparing for Another Big Push -- 1 to 14 September -- ch. 9 Armoured Creepers Join the Fray -- 15 to 24 September -- ch. 10 Exploiting the Success -- 25 to 30 September -- ch. 11 The Weather Turns -- 1 to 31 October -- ch. 12 One Final Push -- 1 to 19 November.

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First published in Great Britain by PEN AND SWORD MILITARY an imprint of - photo 1

First published in Great Britain by PEN AND SWORD MILITARY an imprint of - photo 2

First published in Great Britain by
an imprint of
Pen and Sword Books Ltd
47 Church Street
South Yorkshire S70 2AS

Copyright Andrew Rawson 2014

ISBN 978 1 78303 051 4

eISBN 9781473838406

The right of Andrew Rawson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.

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Regimental Abbreviations
Regiments in Alphabetical OrderAbbreviations Used
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders RegimentArgylls
Bedfordshire RegimentBedfords
Black Watch RegimentBlack Watch
Border RegimentBorders
Buffs (East Kent) RegimentBuffs
Cambridgeshire RegimentCambridge or Cambridgeshires
Cameron Highlanders RegimentCamerons
Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) RegimentScottish Rifles
Cheshire RegimentCheshires
Coldstream GuardsColdstreamers
Connaught RangersConnaughts
Devonshire RegimentDevons
Dorsetshire RegimentDorsets
Duke of Cornwalls Light InfantryDCLI
Duke of Wellingtons (West Riding) RegimentDukes
Durham Light InfantryDurhams
East Lancashire RegimentEast Lancashires
East Surrey RegimentEast Surreys
East Yorkshire RegimentEast Yorkshires
Essex RegimentEssex
Green Howards (Yorkshire) RegimentGreen Howards
Gloucestershire RegimentGloucesters
Gordon HighlandersGordons
Grenadier GuardsGrenadiers
Hampshire RegimentHampshires
Herefordshire RegimentHerefords
Hertfordshire RegimentHertfords
Highland Light InfantryHLI
Honourable Artillery CompanyHAC
Irish GuardsIrish Guards
Kings (Liverpool) RegimentKings
Kings Own (Royal Lancaster) RegimentKings Own
Kings Own Scottish BorderersKOSBs
Kings (Shropshire Light Infantry) RegimentKSLIs
Kings Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry) RegimentKOYLIs
Kings Royal Rifle CorpsKRRC
Lancashire FusiliersLancashire Fusiliers
Leicestershire RegimentLeicesters
Lincolnshire RegimentLincolns
London RegimentLondoners
Loyal North Lancashire RegimentLoyals
Leinster RegimentLeinsters
Manchester RegimentManchesters
Middlesex RegimentMiddlesex
Monmouthshire RegimentMonmouths
Norfolk RegimentNorfolks
Northamptonshire RegimentNorthants
North Staffordshire RegimentNorth Staffords
Northumberland FusiliersNorthumberland Fusiliers
Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light InfantryOx and Bucks
Queens (Royal West Surrey) RegimentQueens
Queens Own (Royal West Kent) RegimentQueens Own
Rifle BrigadeRifle Brigade
Royal Berkshire RegimentBerkshires
Royal Dublin FusiliersDublin Fusiliers
Royal FusiliersRoyal Fusiliers
Royal Inniskilling FusiliersInniskilling Fusiliers
Royal Irish FusiliersIrish Fusiliers
Royal Irish RegimentIrish Regiment
Royal Irish RiflesIrish Rifles
Royal Munster FusiliersMunster Fusiliers
Royal Newfoundland RegimentNewfoundlanders
Royal Scots RegimentRoyal Scots
Royal Scots FusiliersScots Fusiliers
Royal Sussex RegimentSussex
Royal Warwickshire RegimentWarwicks
Royal Welsh FusiliersWelsh Fusiliers
Scots GuardsScots Guards
Seaforth HighlandersSeaforths
Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derbyshire)Sherwoods
Somerset Light InfantrySomersets
South Lancashire RegimentSouth Lancashires
South Staffordshire RegimentSouth Staffords
South Wales BorderersBorderers
Suffolk RegimentSuffolks
Welsh RegimentWelsh
Welsh GuardsWelsh Guards
West Yorkshire RegimentWest Yorkshires
Wiltshire RegimentWiltshires
Worcestershire RegimentWorcesters
York and Lancaster RegimentYork and Lancasters

Another book on the 1916 Somme campaign I hear you say as you pick a copy off the shelf or browse the internet. Surely there are enough out there already? What does this one tell me that the others do not? Well, some concentrate on the politics, some on just the opening day, some on the German view and some on the personal experiences of the men who fought and died. This one concentrates on the British Armys experience during the five and a half month long campaign.

In my experience books on the Somme campaign follow a similar structure. The first third of the narrative concentrates on the build up to the campaign, covering the politics and raising of the divisions, particularly the New Army divisions. The second third focuses on the disastrous first day on 1 July when the British Army suffered over 57,000 casualties; the highest number in one day in the Armys history. The final third of the book covers the remaining 141 days of the campaign and a fair amount of that is devoted to the arrival of the tank on the battlefield on 15 September. So the narratives have an unequal balance which focuses on gallant failures rather than some of the heroic successes which came later.

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