Series Editors:Fernando Cervantes
Peter Marshall
Philip Soergel
1 Possession, Puritanism and Print:
Darrell, Harsnett, Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Exorcism Controversy
Marion Gibson
2 Visions of an Unseen World:
Ghost Beliefs and Ghost Stories in Eighteenth-Century England
Sasha Handley
3 Diabolism in Colonial Peru, 15601750
Andrew Redden
4 Sacred History and National Identity:
Comparisons between Early Modern Wales and Brittany
Jason Nice
5 Monstrous Births and Visual Culture in Sixteenth-Century Germany
Jennifer Spinks
6 The Religious Culture of Marian England
David Loades
7 Angels and Belief in England, 14801700
Laura Sangha
8 The Laudians and the Elizabethan Church:
History, Conformity and Religious Identity in Post-Reformation England
Calvin Lane
9 Religious Space in Reformation England: Contesting the Past
Susan Guinn-Chipman
10 Anglo-German Relations and the Protestant Cause:
Elizabethan Foreign Policy and Pan-Protestantism
David Scott Gehring
11 John Bale and Religious Conversion in Reformation England
Oliver Wort
12 Religious Diaspora in Early Modern Europe: Strategies of Exile
Timothy G. Fehler, Greta Grace Kroeker, Charles H. Parker and Jonathan Ray (eds)
13 Celestial Wonders in Reformation Germany
Ken Kurihara
14 Jews and the Renaissance of Synagogue Architecture, 14501750
Barry L. Stiefel
15 Priestly Resistance to the Early Reformation in Germany
Jourden Travis Moger
16 Images of Islam, 14531600: Turks in Germany and Central Europe
Charlotte Colding Smith
17 Female Piety and the Catholic Reformation in France
Jennifer Hillman
18 Exile and Religious Identity, 15001800
Jesse Spohnholz and Gary Waite (eds)
19 The Renaissance Ethics of Music:
Singing, Contemplation and Musica Humana
Hyun-Ah Kim
20 Calvinism, Reform and the Absolutist State in Elizabethan Ireland
Mark A. Hutchinson
Ceremony, Ritual and Kingcraft at the Court of Charles I
Nile K. Blunt
Missionary Strategies in the New World, 16101690: An Intellectual History
Catherine Ballriaux
Elizabeth C. Tingle
First published 2015 by Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Limited
Published 2016 by Routledge
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Taylor & Francis 2015
Elizabeth C. Tingle 2015
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Tingle, Elizabeth C., author.
Indulgences after Luther: pardons in counter-Reformation France, 15201720.
(Religious cultures in the early modern world)
1. Indulgences France History. 2. Counter-Reformation France.
I. Title II. Series
ISBN-13: 978-1-84893-502-0 (hbk)
Typeset by Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Limited
This book grew out of a simple question: so what happened to indulgences after Martin Luthers criticisms of 1517? While working on parish documents in western France for a book on Purgatory, I began to notice fragments of evidence for pardons: printed posters, bequests in wills, inscriptions on church fabric and confraternity statutes. I found few works written on the fate of indulgences after Wittenberg, so the current project was born. Like all good pilgrimages, it took me to Paris, across France and to Rome itself.
I incurred many debts of gratitude along the way. Most of the research was carried out during a fellowship granted by the Leverhulme Trust 201314, for which I am hugely grateful. I owe thanks to the staff of the Vatican Secret Archives, British Library and Bibliothque nationale de France for their helpful assistance, and the British Museum for help with acquiring images of papal medals. I am particularly indebted to the staff of the French regional archives where I undertook the majority of research for the book, the Archives Dpartementales of Aube, Aude, Finistre, Gironde, Haute-Garonne, Loire-Atlantique, Morbihan, Rhne, Sarthe, Seine-Maritime and Vienne. I was received with warmth, courtesy and help everywhere, which greatly aided the project.
In Plymouth, I owe particular thanks to Dr Rachel Christofides and Professor Dafydd Moore for their great support, taking on extra work themselves so I could take leave. I also owe gratitude to other scholars who gave advice, commented on various drafts and generally gave generously of their knowledge, in particular Professor Simon Ditchfield, who read the whole work and gave very wise advice, Professor Ian Hazlett for editorial comments on an earlier essay and Professor Andrew Spicer for conversations and support. Thanks also to Janka Romero at Pickering & Chatto, for all her assistance with the manuscript.
It is my family to whom I have the greatest debt. My husband, Martin, and our children, Katie and William, accompanied me on my travels in person and in spirit. This book is dedicated to them.
ASV Sec. Brev. Ind. Perp. | Vatican Secret Archives; Secretaria brevium indulgentii perpetuum |
BL | British Library, London |
BnF | Bibliothque nationale de France |
AD | Archives Dpartementales |
AESC | Annales. conomies, Socits, Civilisations |
FH | French History |
FHS | French Historical Studies |
P&P | Past & Present |
RHEF | Revue dhistoire de lEglise de France |
RHMC | Revue dhistoire moderne et contemporaine |
SCH | Studies in Church History |
SCJ | The Sixteenth Century Journal |
TRHS | Transactions of the Royal Historical Society |