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Lee Zhi Eng - C++ GUI Programming with QT5

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Key Features
  • Explore Qt5s powerful features to easily design you GUI application
  • Leverage cross-platform development ability of QT5 which gives you the opportunity to release your product to wider audience
  • Learn to customize your Qt application with various modules like Multimedia, Networking, QtLocation and so on.
Book Description

Qt 5, the latest version of Qt enables the developers to develop applications with complex user interfaces for multiple targets. It gives faster, smarter ways to create modern UIs and application for multiple platforms thus guarantying cross-platform development at its best.This book teaches how to design and build a graphical user interface that is functional, appealing, and user-friendly using Qt5.

In the initial part of the book, you will learn what is Qt5 and what you can do with it. You will dive into Qt Designer and discover different types of widgets generally used in Qt5 and then connecting your application to the database for dynamic operations. Moving on you will be introduced with the most anticipated feature in latest version of Qt5 - Qt5 chart which allows to easily render different types of graphs and charts and then incorporating List View Widgets in your application. You will be working with various Qt modules like QtLocation, Qt WebEngine, Multimedia, Graphics and Networking module and learn how to build them in your projects. The last part focuses cross-platform development with QT5 that enables developers code once and run it everywhere, natively, including mobile platforms. This book delivers the bigger picture of GUI programming by building real-world, productive, and fun application.

By the end of this book, you will successfully learn high-end GUI applications, and will be capable of building many more powerful, cross-platform applications.

What you will learn
  • Implement the tools provided by Qt5 to design beautiful looking GUI
  • Understand different types of Graphs and Charts supported by Qt5
  • Create web browser using Qt5 WebEngine module and web view widget
  • Connect to MySQL database and display data obtained from it onto Qt5 GUI
  • Incorporate Qt5 multimedia and networking module in your application
  • Develop Google Map-like application using Qt5s location module
  • Discover cross-platform development by exporting Qt5 application to different platforms
  • Uncover the secrets behind debugging Qt5 and C++ applications

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Hands-On GUI Programming with C and Qt5 Build stunning cross-platform - photo 1
Hands-On GUI Programming with C++ and Qt5
Build stunning cross-platform applications and widgets with the most powerful GUI framework
Lee Zhi Eng

BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI Hands-On GUI Programming with C and Qt5 Copyright - photo 2

Hands-On GUI Programming with C++ and Qt5

Copyright 2018 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

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Commissioning Editor: Richa Tripathi
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Proofreader: Safis Editing
Indexer: Pratik Shirodkar
Graphics: Jisha Chirayil
Production Coordinator: Nilesh Mohite

First published: April 2018

Production reference: 1260418

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78839-782-7


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About the author

Lee Zhi Eng is a self-taught programmer who has worked as an artist and programmer at several game studios before becoming a part-time lecturer for 2 years at a university, teaching game development subjects related to Unity and Unreal Engine.

He has not only taken part in various projects related to games, interactive apps, and virtual reality, but has also participated in multiple projects that are more oriented toward software and system development. When he is not writing code, he enjoys traveling, photography, and exploring new technologies.

About the reviewer

Nibedit Dey is a technopreneur with multidisciplinary technology background. He holds a bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering and a master's degree in digital design and embedded systems. Before starting his entrepreneurial journey, he worked for L&T and Tektronix for several years in different R&D roles. He has been using Qt to build complex software products for the past 8 years. Currently, he is a healthcare innovation fellow at IIT, Hyderabad, and is involved in the development of a new medical device.

What this book covers

, Introduction to Qt , will give you a tour of Qt. In this book, you'll download the SDK, install Qt, and, most importantly, install Qt Creator, which is used as both the user interface designer and the IDE for writing and compiling C++ scripts.

, Qt Widgets and Style Sheets , will introduce you to the different types of widgets generally used in Qt to develop desktop applications. You will learn the first step to create your own application, which uses all kinds of widgets and customizations, using the powerful style sheet mechanism provided by Qt, which is very similar to CSS for web.

, Database Connection , will introduce you to the MariaDB database and teach you how to connect to it using Qt. You will first learn what is MariaDB database and how to call simple SQL commands to fetch and insert data into a MariaDB database. We will then create a simple but fully functional login page.

, Graphs and Charts , explores the Chart feature to allow users to easily render different types of graphs and charts, such as pie chart, bar chart, and line graph. We will make use of the knowledge learned from this chapter to create a dashboard page for an application, which displays all kinds of statistical summary of their company and business.

, Item Views and Dialogs , will teach you how to display a list of information by using three different item view widgetsa list widget, tree widget, and table widget. You will also learn how to prompt a message box to display error messages, warnings, and confirmation. You will then create an application that can load, scale, and crop images.

, Integrating Web Content , will empower you to use the Qt WebEngine module and make a simple web browser, which displays a web page. We will then go through what is sessions, cookies, and cache and subsequently how to manage them with Qt WebEngine. Finally, you will learn how to make your C++ code communicate with JavaScript content through the WebChannel mechanism.

, Map Viewer , will focus on creating a map display. This map will be used to display the location of places and people. You will learn how to implement the QtLocation module, understand the coordinate system, display location markers on the map, and so on.

, Graphics View , will provide a platform to manage and interact with a large number of custom-made graphical items and a view widget to visualize the items with support for zooming and rotation. You will learn how to make an organization's chart page that displays the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs.

, The Camera Module , will explore how to display camera images using Qt. Qt provides us with a multimedia module that enables us to easily take advantage of a platform's multimedia capabilities, such as connecting to the camera of the computer.

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