The Eating Plan for Empaths & HSPs
The Easy Permanent Path to Emotional Freedom, Weight-Loss, Health and Happiness!
Copyright 2016 Diane Kathrine
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in articles or book reviews.
The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician or specialist, either directly or indirectly. The authors intent is to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest to find complete balance. Should you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
First published 2016
Revised December 2018
In 2012, I stumbled across an online interview with the American cardiologist, Dr William Davies, that changed my life as an Empath. The strange thing was the interview had nothing to do with the traits of the Sensitive, it was about modern wheat!
Dr Davies explained how wheat has been genetically altered and how this change has led to the obesity, diabetes and depression epidemics sweeping the globe. Having always had problems with my weight, like many Sensitive people do, his claims immediately caught my attention. It was on the strength of his convictions that I decided to try wheat elimination.
I gave myself a month; telling myself if I saw no change, I could go back to eating wheat. But within that time some remarkable changes happened: My hyperacidity, which caused me a great deal of stomach pain, disappeared, my appetite significantly reduced, and I felt healthier and happier. Yet, what I was most surprised at was how its elimination affected my Sensitivities.
Those which I had considered to be my negative Empath traits were having less impact. Being in public places or around certain people were not causing the typical crushing overwhelm. I could still feel the energy of others, but it did not break me in the usual way. And my intuition was becoming stronger. That was just the start of some remarkable changes.
As the months came and went, I knew I was doing something transformational. People started to comment on my weight-loss and how well I looked, they wanted to know what I was doing differently. I was fascinated by the changes I saw unfold within myself. But what I was most astounded by, and not expecting at all, was how these simple alterations to my diet helped me as an Empath. I was stunned that what I consumed had such a profound effect. I assumed, like many of you do, that most of what I experienced emotionally was down to being a Sensitive person, living in the midst of a chaotic world. I discovered my negative traits had all been heightened and exaggerated by what I was eating. And if this was how wheat affected my Sensitive characteristics, I was curious to find out how other foods shaped them.
I came to understand that although I would always be in tune with the energy of other people, I was not supposed to be constantly taken down by them. But because my body and mind had been weakened by what I was eating, I could not handle what I was feeling as an Empath. My diet had been scrambling my inner-signals, which had a detrimental impact on my Sensitivities. I wanted to know why. And this led to further research into how drug-like foods affect those of us who are Sensitive.
Since then my life has continued to transform in many positive ways. As an Empath, I still get peopled and drained by being around certain others and I still get overstimulated, but at normal levels. The steps I take to prevent or reduce overwhelm now work, and when I am out-of-balance, I can zone in on the exact cause, whether it be food, people or the environment.
Having witnessed first-hand the amazing changes that happen by making alterations to the diet, I want to pass this knowledge on. Life as an Empath or HSP already comes with enough challenges. We should not be taken down by our food, nor do we have to be.
This eating plan has been devised and written with the intention of reshaping your life as a Sensitive. By following the advice within these pages, you can see a transformation in your emotional health, stress levels, appearance, weight, all over wellbeing and happiness.
If you are Sensitive, then this book is for you!
I use the term Sensitive to describe the Empath or Highly Sensitive Person. In other words: those who possess heightened senses, those who react to their environment, emotions and energy of other people, and those who have a highly developed sense of awareness, intuition, a need for solitude and quiet.
As a self-proclaimed Empath, introvert and HSP, I have studied the traits of the Sensitive for many years in a bid to find balance and heal myself. After much research and self-trials, I know that our diet plays an integral part in how we show up in the world. And until we make adjustments to what we eat, we will never find true balance. This book is an accumulation of years study into nutrition, holistic health and healing, and a lifetime of being an Empath.
Suffer No More
Too many Sensitive people are suffering without understanding why. My aim is to assist in making the necessary changes, so you too can start living the brilliant life you were born to live! Now is the time for you to get back in control. Take the plunge and start making the changes you know will transform your life as a Sensitive!
How to use this book?
For easier navigation I have split this book into 3 sections.
Section 1 Gives you the lowdown on how your diet has impacted your Sensitive traits. It gives you the ways to make incredible changes through diet, supplementation and more.
Section 2 Contains recipes and meal ideas. It is common when changing the diet to not know where to start with meal ideas. This section is designed to help you with that. It wont take long before you find your feet and become a whizz in the wheat-free kitchen.
Section 3 A guide to staying grounded and balance. We all have off days, even after changing the diet. This section gives you the tools to stay in balance as a Sensitive even when you have had the most stressful or overwhelming days.
Section 1
What Does Diet Have to Do with Anything?
Diet has more impact on the negative aspects of being Sensitive than you may imagine. So much so, a book is needed to explain why.
We often blame our Sensitivity stress for all our emotional upheavals and inability to spend time around people, but many of our weaknesses begin with the food we put into our mouth. Certain foods create havoc with our emotional wellbeing and the sooner we become aware of this, the sooner we can make changes. The point of this book isnt about going on a diet, feeling deprived or hungry, its about removing drug-like foods from your life and seeing the miraculous changes that happen after. You never need to feel deprived again. Nor do you need to feel mentally dependent on any food.
The majority of Sensitive people only attempt to change their diet, as a last resort, after trying everything else. We dont always want to know how destructive drug-like foods are to our emotional health because they have such a powerful mental hold. Changing the diet may seem like one of the hardest things to do, but it really isnt. Only our thoughts and addictions make the notion a torturous idea.