Similar to Walmart, Cal Turner and his dad built their retail business based on the small-town values of hard work, perseverance, family, and faith. My Fathers Business is the story of what it took to build Dollar General into a national retail chain from its rural, Kentucky roots, and it will encourage anyone with a dream of building a business.
Doug McMillon, president and CEO, Walmart
The Dollar General story is not only a great American business success story, it is also a love story of a family that cares deeply for each other, their team, and their customers. This classic story told through the eyes of my friend Cal Jr. is instructive in almost every area of life. I simply could not put it down. Must-read!
Dave Ramsey, bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio show host
My Fathers Business is a must-read for an aspiring young entrepreneur and an enjoyable read for anyone.
Dr. Thomas Frist, co-founder, Hospital Corporation of America
My Fathers Business ought to be required reading in any business school interested in the incredible growth of a business from a two-man start-up to a public Fortune 300 company. My Fathers Business is a good read with a lot of important commonsense advice. A great book!
Peter Handal, president and CEO, Dale Carnegie Training
This is more than the tale of Dollar General, the 14,000-store discount chain that the authors daddy founded. It is a story of family turmoil as well as wild success.
Senator Lamar Alexander
This is a revealing and colorful book about the challenges of leading Dollar General from a family business to a professionally run public company. Cal Jr.s openness about the trials and tribulations both within the family and the company itself, as well as his personal reflection in retirement, is something we can all learn from and is sure to help us be more honest in our own self-assessments.
Senator Bob Corker
The story of Dollar General is an example of what makes our country so great. A simple idea: give your customer value coupled with sweat equity, hard work, and creativityand the business grows, provides good jobs, and gives back to its communities.
George Roberts, co-founder and co-chair, Kohlberg, Kravis & Roberts
People trust Dollar General. From simple pricing to conveniently located stores to friendly store managers, customers really believe that Dollar General treats them fairly and looks out for their best interest. This company ethos comes from the Turner family, and Cal Turner, Jr.s, style, values, and love for people were foundational in building the company into the juggernaut it is today.
Senator David Perdue
I highly recommend this book as an insight into what is really important in business. Cal is successful by anyones standardyet he remains a humble servant leader and I might just be his biggest fan.
Michael W. Smith, singer/songwriter
This book is a gripping account of a godly man who built a great institution to serve others. It contains both leadership and business lessons. Anyone aspiring to lead, learn, and create enormous value will benefit from this book.
L. Jay Bourgeois, III, professor of Business Strategy, senior fellow and former director, Darden Center for Global Initiatives, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia
Cal lives the Dollar General mission statement, Serving Others. His small-town roots and spirituality emphasize valuing every person and appreciating the challenges of the Dollar General customer. My Fathers Business describes the path on which Cal has walked while Serving Others along the way.
David M. Wilds, managing partner, First Avenue Partners, L.P.
This is a fantastic book, for new entrepreneurs and CEOs alike, and it will inspire pastors, teachers, not-for-profit organizations, and everyone who wants to integrate personal aspirations, family values, and best business practices.
Rev. Dr. Becca Stevens, founder and president, Thistle Farms
From the challenges and opportunities of the Dollar General story, My Fathers Business allows anyone aspiring to lead with heart, mind, and soul to imagine what is possible.
Bishop Bill McAlilly, Nashville Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church
This isnt a book about humble beginnings. It is about humility. My Fathers Business follows a spiritual journey that leads to a life lived inward and outwardfrom youth to retirement. That is success. That has been Cals business. That is the business we all should be in.
John F. Kutsko, executive director, the Society of Biblical Literature and Affiliate Faculty at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University
Reading Cals book gave me further insight into the founding of Dollar General by his grandfather and father. Cals deep sense of conviction to carry out the strong traditions set by these two great Americans is inspirational. My personal experience with a great retailer allows me a deep appreciation for what Cals family and company accomplished. It is great to read and enjoy a book written by a fellow Backsliding Methodist.
Barney Barnett, vice chairman, Publix Super Markets Inc.
Copyright 2018 by Cal Turner, Jr.
Cover copyright 2018 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.
This is a work of nonfiction, in which dialogue has been reconstructed to the best of the authors recollection.
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First published in hardcover, ebook, and as a special trade paperback in May 2018.
This Trade Paperback Edition: April 2019
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ISBNs: 978-1-4789-9296-7 (trade paperback), 978-1- 4789- 9299-8 (ebook)
I dedicate this book to you, the reader, that you may be emboldened in your pursuit of your Fathers business.
I have been blessed with family, friends, and coworkers as sources of love and inspiration. I hope this book makes clear that I am deeply grateful to them.
My father believed anyone would do well to be brought up in a small town, and I am grateful for my upbringing in Scottsville, Kentucky. My wife, Margaret, is also the product of a small Kentucky town, Park City, and she has, among many other things, made me a more complete person and better able to relate to others. I consider her to have lovingly accepted the handoff from my mother.
I am grateful to the thousands of company partners, especially those working in the stores and warehouses, who helped make Dollar General Corporation a family. Just as my grandmother was the strength behind my grandfather, and my mother was the strength and anchor behind my father, the women who were the vast majority of our store managers and customers were the backbone of the company. They taught me the relationship essence of leadership. Still, no one embodied our customers more in terms of my story than the old farmer who bought a 39-cent pair of panties from me when I was a store clerk at Allen Dry Goods in 1953. He first taught me to understand our business from the perspective of struggling, hardworking customers.