Table of Contents
List of tables
- Tables in Chapter 1
- Tables in Chapter 2
- Tables in Chapter 3
- Tables in Chapter 4
- Tables in Chapter 5
- Tables in Appendix One
- Tables in Appendix Two
List of figures
- Figures in Chapter 1
- Figures in Chapter 2
- Figures in Chapter 3
- Figures in Chapter 4
- Figures in Chapter 5
Casting Aluminum Alloys
Their Physical and Mechanical Metallurgy
Michael V. Glazoff
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, USA
Alexandra V. Khvan
National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Vadim S. Zolotorevsky
National University of Science and Technology, Moscow Russia
Nikolai A. Belov
National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Alan T. Dinsdale
Brunel University, London, UK
Table of Contents
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About the Authors
Michael V. Glazoff is a distinguished staff scientist at Idaho National Laboratory (United States). He holds three doctorate degrees: chemistry (Russian Academy of Sciences, 1987), materials science and engineering (University of Pennsylvania, 1995), and nuclear engineering (University of Idaho, 2015). He has over 22 years of research experience, including 13 years in the US aluminum industry (Alcoa Inc.) He has also held a number of academic positions, including Adjoint Professorship in physics at Vanderbilt University. He holds 4 US patents and 2 international patents, and published 2 books and more than 200 archival papers, conference proceedings, and technical reports at Alcoa Inc. and INL.
Alexandra V. Khvan is an Associate Professor of materials science at National Institute for Science and Technology (formerly Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Moscow, Russian Federation), and the Director of a Research Center. Her areas of interest include the study of alloys and ceramics development and characterization, phase diagrams, and thermodynamics. She is a member of the Materials Science International Team (MSIT) (Global); Chairman of the Materials Science International Team, Russia; Member of the Materials Science and Technology Editorial Board (MST, IOM3); and was a member of the international Scientific Committee of the Calphad XLII conference 2013.
Vadim S. Zolotorevsky is a Professor at National University of Science and Technology. His areas of expertise include physical metallurgy of aluminum alloys, including nonequilibrium solidification, structure formation during solidification and its evolution during heat treatment and plastic deformation, development of new Al-alloys. He has published 8 books and over 200 papers in scientific journals, and has been involved in over 50 patents.
Nikolai A. Belov is the Chief Scientist and Professor of materials science and light alloys at the National University of Science and Technology. His areas of expertise include physical metallurgy of aluminum alloys, including development of new Al-alloys (both casting and wrought), analysis of multicomponent phase diagrams, and structure formation during solidification and its evolution during heat treating and plastic deformation. He has published 17 books and over 300 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings, and has been involved with over 50 patents and inventions.
Alan T. Dinsdale is a Professor of Materials Thermodynamics at Brunel University, London. He was previously an associate professor within a new scientific research center concerned with the thermochemistry of materials at the Russian National University for Science and Technology, where he was the lead scientist in a rapidly expanding research group. He has been involved in the field of thermodynamics and phase equilibria since he joined the National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom, in 1975. During a long career at NPL, he has worked in a number of diverse aspects including the development of data for alloys, oxides, sulphides, molten salts, ionic liquids, cements, and solders. He has also played a major role in the development of MTDATA, software developed at NPL for the calculation of phase equilibria from critically assessed thermodynamic data, one of the four major commercial software products in this field. He has been heavily involved in the Materials Chemistry Committee of the UK Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining serving as the chairman for a number of years, APDIC (the Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission) and also within SGTE where he was president for many years overseeing its expansion worldwide and supervising the publication of a number of volumes of data as part of the Landolt Boernstein series.