Table of Contents
List of tables
- Tables in Chapter 2
- Tables in Chapter 4
- Tables in Chapter 5
- Tables in Chapter 6
- Tables in Chapter 7
List of illustrations
- Figures in Chapter 2
- Figures in Chapter 3
- Figures in Chapter 4
- Figures in Chapter 5
- Figures in Chapter 6
- Figures in Chapter 7
- Figures in Chapter 8
Table of Contents
Friction Stir Welding of High-Strength 7XXX Aluminum Alloys
Rajiv S. Mishra
Mageshwari Komarasamy
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA
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List of Figures
Summary of various reactions in Al-Zn-Mg-based alloys | 12 |
Schematic illustration of the FSW process | 16 |
A macrograph of the cross-section showing various regions in FSP 7075-T651 | 17 |
Various defects in FSW welds | 19 |
Temperature distribution adjacent to the FSW nugget of 7075-T651 | 22 |
(A) Location of the thermocouples and (B) peak temperature variation in three locations as a function of the welding speed | 23 |
(A) Torque and peak temperature variation as a function of rotation rate under two conditions, (B) temperaturetime at 8 ipm, and (C) time spent above 200C in HAZ under all the three conditions | 23 |
Temperaturetime profiles (A) for welds with pitch 0.28 mm/rev and (B) for welds with 180 rpm | 25 |
TEM micrographs of displaying the grain structure in different weld zones, (A,B) base metal, (C) HAZ, (D) TMAZ I, (E) TMAZ II, and (F) DXZ | 32 |
SAXS maps (volume fraction and size) of precipitates in various zones for the T3 and T79 welds under low and high welding speeds | 35 |
Postweld microstructural characterization of different weld zones, grain boundary precipitates in (A) nugget, (D) TMAZ, (G) HAZ; bimodal precipitates in (B) nugget, (E) TMAZ; fine strengthening precipitates in (C) nugget, (F) TMAZ; (H) coarsened HAZ precipitates | 37 |
Precipitate structure in (A) base material, (B) HAZ, (C) TMAZ I, (D) TMAZ II, and (E) DXZ | 39 |
Precipitate structure in TMAZ (A) arranged like a deformed grain boundary and (B) preferential precipitation on subgrain boundaries | 40 |
Overall summary of the precipitate evolution in different zones under various conditions | 40 |
A typical DSC thermogram with baseline correction in the case of solution-treated and solution-quenched sample | 41 |
DSC peaks of the HAZ region of 7050-T7651 friction stir weld as a function of the natural aging time | 43 |
DSC peaks of the weld nugget region of 7050-T7651 friction stir weld as a function of the natural aging time | 43 |
DSC peaks of weld center, advancing, and retreating sides of the 400-rpm weld | 44 |
Weld thermal cycle measured at minimum HAZ hardness and the corresponding schematic of the precipitate evolution | 50 |
Local strain distribution in nugget and HAZ regions | 51 |
Hardness profiles across the weld at (A) weld top and root in as-FSW condition, (B) weld top in as-FSW and as-SFW+T6, and (C) weld root in as-FSW and as-FSW+T6 | 52 |
(A) As-welded hardness across the weld as a function of the weld speed for an advance per revolution of 0.42 mm/rev and (B) average nugget hardness as a function of welding speed for three advance per revolutions | 53 |
Variation in average minimum HAZ hardness as a function of the welding speed in (A) as-welded and (B) postweld heat-treated condition | 53 |
Change in hardness in nugget and HAZ in response to postweld heat treatment as a function of the peak temperature | 54 |
(A) Hardness profile across the weld as a function of the tool rotation rate or spindle speed and (B) effect of tool rotation rate on the hardness variation for the three tool traverse speeds | 55 |
(A) Weld cross section, (B) hardness contour map, microhardness as a function of (C) tool rotation rate, (D) traverse speed, and (E) rev/min | 56 |
Postweld heat-treated hardness profile across the weld in (A) 800 rpm and 16 ipm and (B) 200 rpm and 6 ipm | 57 |
Hardness distribution across the weld under various conditions | 57 |
Hardness measurements across the weld mid-plane in W, T6, and T7 tempers after the postweld heat treatment |