Jewelry Making
Techniques to Take Your Projects to the Next Level
Chris Franchetti Michaels
More Teach Yourself VISUALLY Jewelry Making
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About the Author
Chris Franchetti Michaels is a writer and jewelry artisan specializing in beaded designs, wirework, and metal fabrication. She is the author of several popular craft books, including Teach Yourself VISUALLY Jewelry Making & Beading and Teach Yourself VISUALLY Beadwork . Chris has appeared on several episodes of the DIY Network television show Jewelry Making and is the Guide to Beadwork on Visit her Web site for more help and inspiration.
To everyone who worked on this book, I owe a big thank you. Special thanks to Pam Mourouzis and Donna Wright, who managed to keep everything on track and organized. Emily Hinkels and Marti Icenogles fresh eyes were truly invaluable. The production team juggled lots of material behind the scenes, and I really appreciate their contributions. As always, thanks to my agent, Marilyn Allen, for her continued encouragement, and to Dennis for his patience and support.
Do you dabble in jewelry making, but find yourself itching for new ways to express your creativity? Let this book be your guide as you explore fresh techniques for crafting truly one-of-a-kind handmade designs. Start with this chapter, where you can review the tools and supplies that are used throughout the book. Then head into your studio or craft space and begin taking jewelry making to the next level.
More Teach Yourself VISUALLY Jewelry Making is divided into 12 chapters. Chapter 2 is a review of the most basic jewelry making techniques, which are covered in detail in the first book in this series, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Jewelry Making & Beading. Chapters 3 through 11 explore related groups of new techniques. The final chapter is devoted to sample projects that show you creative ways to put your new skills to use.
After reading about the various categories of jewelry making tools and supplies in this chapter, read Chapter 2 for a quick review of jewelry making basics. For a more in-depth review of these and other basic techniques, use this book in conjunction with Teach Yourself VISUALLY Jewelry Making & Beading , or with the companion guidebooks, Wire Jewelry Visual Quick Tips and Beading Visual Quick Tips .
Chapters 3 through 11 of this book are divided into sections that focus on related sets of jewelry making techniques. You can begin with Chapter 3 and work through each chapter consecutively, or you can browse through all nine chapters and identify which techniques pique your interest.