SolidWorks For Dummies, 2nd Edition
by Greg Jankowski and Richard Doyle
SolidWorks For Dummies, 2nd Edition
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About the Authors
Greg Jankowski is the Customer Satisfaction Manager at SolidWorks corporation. He is a veteran (translation: been doing this longer than he cares to admit) in the CAD industry with experience using SolidWorks, ProEngineer, and Computervision CAD systems in a variety of mechanical design and developmental positions. Greg was the Principal at CIMCO, a SolidWorks Solution Partner since SolidWorks 95.
Greg is the author of the book SolidWorks for AutoCAD Users and the e-book Exploring SolidWorks. In addition, he authored and developed the SolidWorks workstation benchmark. He is also the author of the Cadalyst magazine column Solid Thinking and is a regular columnist for the SolidWorks Express newsletter.
Richard Doyle is the User Community Coordinator at SolidWorks, responsible for helping SolidWorks user groups grow and thrive. A SolidWorks user since 1997, Richard has 29 years of experience in the field of mechanical drafting and design, including 22 years spent working with CAD. As one of the original founding members of the SolidWorks User Group Network (SWUGN) committee, Richard has spent a good deal of time helping to keep SolidWorks users informed and educated and enjoying the benefits of working with 3D CAD.
Greg Jankowski: This book is dedicated to the three women in my life, my wife Sandy and daughters Alexis and Kaitlyn, who continue to put up with me and my crazy projects. I appreciate their patience, love, and understanding.
I also want to dedicate this book to all the hard-working folks at SolidWorks. It continues to be my pleasure to work with some of the best, hardest-working, and brightest folks in the industry.
Richard Doyle: This book is dedicated to the SolidWorks User Group Network (SWUGN) committee and all the SolidWorks user group leaders. These hard-working volunteers spend a lot of their own time making sure that fellow SolidWorks users have an outlet for networking and learning and for sharing information about SolidWorks and mechanical engineering.
Authors Acknowledgments
Thanks to Ricky Jordan, who did the technical editing for this edition. Rickys careful attention to detail and vast knowledge of SolidWorks made him the perfect choice.
Thanks to Greg Jankowski, who allowed me the opportunity to update this book for SolidWorks 2008.
Special thanks to Becky Huehls, project editor, who offered encouragement and advice and showed remarkable patience during this entire process.
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