Building Websites All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition
by Doug Sahlin and David Karlins
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Building Websites All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
Copyright 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2012942059
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About the Authors
Doug Sahlin is an author and photographer living in Venice, Florida. He is a professional photographer specializing in fine art photography. He also photographs weddings and events and writes books about computer applications like Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Photoshop. Dougs latest books have been about digital photography. In the past years, hes written Digital Photography Workbook For Dummies, Digital Portrait Photography For Dummies, and Canon EOS 7D For Dummies . To find out more about Doug and see some of his work, check out
David Karlins is a web design consultant, author, and teacher, addressing contemporary challenges in digital graphic and interactive design. Visit him at
From Doug: For my soul mate Roxanne and Niki, The Queen of the Universe
Authors Acknowledgments
From Doug Sahlin: Two authors wrote this book, but a cast of thousands okay, maybe hundreds are responsible for the finished product you hold in your hands. Many thanks to Executive Editor Steve Hayes for making the 3rd Edition of this book possible. Kudos to Senior Project Editor Nicole Sholly for making sure the authors did what they were supposed to do when they were supposed to do it. Thanks to Senior Copy Editor Teresa Artman for peppering the text with insightful comments designed to amuse and otherwise keep the authors on their toes. Thanks to the staff at Wiley for creating an awesome series of books. Thanks to Technical Editor John Chastain for making sure everything was technically accurate. Thanks to Margot Hutchison for ironing out the contractual issues and other such delights.
Thanks to my friends, fellow authors, and family for their continued encouragement and support. Special thanks to Ted, Colin, Karen, Niki the Cat, and her brother Micah.
From Dave Karlins: Bringing this book to life was a collaborative project, with the coauthors; Executive Editor Steven Hayes; Senior Project Editor Nicole Sholly; and literary agent Margot Mailey Hutchinson at the core. In addition, my pieces of the puzzle were enhanced by the contributions of a wide range of helpful designers, experts, and reviewers.
A number of creative content developers allowed me to use their inspiring material as models in the book, including: composer Inhyun Kim and Ear to Mind (
); graphic designer Emily Strand (
); and photographer Gary Wahl (
). I did my best to minimize distorting their content while using it to illustrate techniques in the book, and appreciate their generosity in lending content for that purpose.
Presenting JavaScript and PHP in this comprehensive book posed particular challenges. I was determined to make that material accurate, accessible, and useful while fitting within the constraints and parameters of this book. To that end, I got great assistance from some of the most dynamic innovators in the worlds of JavaScript and PHP. Those who unselfishly shared expertise and advice include Bryn Austin Bellomy (
); Jake Brumby (
); Mary D. (
); Alan Douglas (
); Jonathan Grover (
); Christopher Heng (
); Torstein Hnsi (
); and Orfeo Morello (