HTML, XHTML & CSS For Dummies, 7th Edition
by Ed Tittel and Jeff Noble
Foreword by Eric A. Meyer
HTML, XHTML & CSS For Dummies, 7th Edition
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About the Authors
Ed Tittel is a freelance writer, consultant, and occasional expert legal witness on Web technologies who works at home near beautiful Austin, Texas. Ed has written for the trade press since 1986 and has worked on more than 140 books. Ed has worked on many other titles for Wiley, too, including Windows Server 2008 For Dummies, XML For Dummies, and Networking with NetWare For Dummies. Lately, hes worked on various For Dummies custom titles, including booklets on clustered computing, mobile backhaul, XBRL Markup, and carrier Ethernet.
Ed blogs, provides expert Q&A, and writes for several Web sites, such as and He also writes for ITExpertVoice, Toms Hardware, Toms Guide, and more. When hes not busy working, Ed likes to travel, shoot pool, and spend time with his family. He also loves to spend time in the kitchen cooking like mad, or sous-cheffin for his cuisine-crazy wife, Dina. Contact Ed by e-mail at .
Jeff Noble somehow manages to juggle being a principal user designer at a global software company, CA Technologies, associate editor of (a blog about the good, the bad, and the ugly of user interface design), and owner of Conquest Media ( ), a small Web and application design company in Austin, Texas. Jeff has more than twelve years of design experience and specializes in all aspects of Web sites and enterprise software applications (designing, building, optimizing, explaining, and so on). In addition to this title, hes handled technical editing on six other For Dummies Web design and programming titles for Wiley. In what little spare time he has away from the computer, Jeff enjoys childish activities like eating unhealthy amounts of candy and breaking things, as well as relaxing hobbies like hiking, traveling, and gardening. Jeff is available for Web site and enterprise application consulting. You can contact him by e-mail at .
Authors Acknowledgments
Wow! Its hard to believe weve hit the lucky 13th edition for HTML For Dummies. Of all the books Ive worked on, this ones covered more time and versions than the rest. So thanks again readers, for keeping this book going strong. Wed also like to thank our readers and the Wiley editors for providing welcome feedback to drive continuing improvement of this book. Dont stop now keep telling us what you want. Especially, tell us what you liked and didnt like about this second full-color edition.
Let me also thank some people from previous editions, including J. Michael Stewart, Natanya Anderson, Dori Smith, Tom Negrino, Mary Burmeister, Brock Kyle, Chelsea Valentine, Dawn Davidson, and Kim Lindros. And, for the second time, Im indebted to my co- author and friend, Jeff Noble, for infusing insight and enthusiasm. I am grateful for your ideas, your hard work, and your experience in reaching budding Web experts. Thanks, too, to Mary Kyle Inks, who expertly project-managed this effort.
At Wiley, I must thank Bob Woerner and Jean Nelson for their outstanding efforts, and Brian Walls, Teresa Artman, and Christopher McGee for their efforts on design, layout, content, and coverage. A special shout-out to the friendly folks in Composition Services for artful page layouts, and for keeping all the color-coded elements straight.
Thanks to my lovely wife, Dina Kutueva-Tittel, and inquisitive son, Gregory, for putting up with my sometimes whacky and intense schedule. Im not always as easy to live with as I could be, but hopefully, Ill improve with time and effort. Also, thanks to my Dad, Al Tittel, for all hes done for my family and me, and for dropping in more frequently. I hope youre around to see our 14th edition come to print! Finally, profound thanks and remembrances to Cecilia Katherine Kociolek Tittel (4/3/19199/11/2009). Thanks, Mom, for encouraging my love of words and writing: I still miss you every day.