Food The Great Challenge
Enrique Pons Sintes
Translated by LMA Parminter
Food The Great Challenge
Written By Enrique Pons Sintes
Copyright 2017 Enrique Pons Sintes
All rights reserved
Distributed by Babelcube, Inc.
Translated by LMA Parminter
Cover Design 2017 Enrique Pons Sintes
Babelcube Books and Babelcube are trademarks of Babelcube Inc.
By Enrique Pons Sintes
Translated by LMA Parminter
Toxic and harmful foods in supermarkets, the great challenge, to feed healthily without being fooled.
Copyright 2017 Enrique Pons Sintes
All rights reserved, the partial or total reproduction of this book is prohibited. This book is property of the author, who holds all rights over the work.
I would like to thank my family for the understanding that they have shown during the creation of this book, for the days and hours during which I have been preoccupied, without them this book wouldnt exist.
Many thanks to all the people who have helped me investigate and learn more about nutrition, especially the doctors and nutrition specialists who anonymously have directed us in order to be able to have a better understanding of our bodily functions and detect products that are not good for health.
T his book is written based on the personal experiences that my family and I have lived throughout the last year, concerning food products that can be found in the majority of supermarkets and shopping centres.
Our family is small, made up by three people, two adults over forty-five, a youngster of fifteen. We're the typical middle-class family, educated and interested in health and wellbeing.
We don't know how, we believe that by chance. But one day, we suddenly decided to make a change in our lives, not because we didn't feel good or due to being extremely obese, it wasn't due to our economic situation either, we simply decided to take better care our ourselves and eat more healthily.
Looking back, we remembered that during our childhood, even during our youth, food tasted a lot better, even if sometimes it was ugly or going bad.
We remembered what tomatoes or apples and a never-ending list of products tasted like. Nowadays it's not so, our son hasn't come to know these sensations and tastes that have been lost with time.
One day like any other, after having gone shopping at a big shopping centre, as always on Thursdays or Fridays, we started to discuss how the prices of fruits and vegetables had raised spectacularly. We ended up talking about the relation with food quality, regarding a never-ending list of products: starting by fruit, then discussing vegetables, fish, meat, frozen food, etc. Continuing a rather heated discussion over the raise in prizes, this was back in spring, 2015.
This conversation, or better said, the rage regarding prices and quality, made us think about how food had changed since our childhood until nowadays. We spent various days concerned and talking about this issue.
We started to search for an explanation between friends and acquaintances, some of which doctors and nutrition specialists, friends in general, in order to get to an answer or conclusion to all this.
By taking to these people, we thought that we would find some kind of explanation, but what happened was the contrary, our concern was progressively growing, which took us to investigate a bit more about the current food and eating issue.
We went to various doctors, the majority family friends, with the aim of finding an explanation about the influence of food in our health, this inspired us to continue exploring this issue, especially when some doctors associated our symptoms such as tiredness, heaviness, lack of concentration, obesity and insomnia, etc.... to unhealthy food and bad eating habits.
We found that all these symptoms, in our case are produced by our diet. A diet that we thought was correct, but it seems that its not so due to ignorance, we used to buy the products that we saw advertised on TV, from shopping centres or big supermarkets because we thought that they offered a better guarantee.
After becoming interested in the issue, we decided to do something about it, changing the way we eat. Not to lose weight, but simply in order to feel better, healthier and be a bit fitter.
Due to our jobs, we have had to move around a lot in our lives, throughout many countries to work and try and get along. On the other hand, travelling is also one of our passions; therefore, we have had the luck to get to know many cultures and different gastronomies.
We decided to make our life quality better, starting with the quality of our diet, simply to find a better way, without having any prefixed idea such as losing weight or dieting. No, nothing of that! Our aim was simply to investigate the truth about the food we were eating, whether it was right or we should substitute it for something better.
After a few months, we found that the changes that took place, nearly by art of magic, with hardly any effort. We found that our weekly expense on food products was reduced in a 50%, but that with a correct and healthy diet, with no deficiency or scarcity. Incredible!
What was most interesting was that we had lost weight practically without having tried, spectacularly and within a few months. We were a bit scared about the weight loss, therefore we went to a doctor, who ran a general check-up, due to the fact that we believe that if one losses weight suddenly, without doing anything for this to happen, it can be due to some disease, normally a serious one. Due to this, we decided to find out if we were ill or what had happened for the three of us to suddenly lose weight.
After our check-up, we found that the three of us were perfectly healthy, without any disease or anything similar. We were actually healthier: with normal Cholesterol levels, Blood Sugar and Pressure, etc.... We were surprised to see that it had all happened due to a change in eating habits. We didnt give food and diet such credit until then.
For this reason, we have decided to share our story & experiences with everyone. In order to inform about our investigations, the experiences of our own bodies, so that others can have more information and may be able to make a change in their lives in order to have better health and life quality. Its also, in order to be able to achieve a fairer commerce and to require more transparency & quality from the food industry.
We believe that this can only happen if as customers we are the ones who get in charge of the situation, by being more demanding, based on verified information, so that we arent treated as mere consumers without opinion, who indiscriminately and unconsciously buy what the industry offers us.
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