The New iPad Portable Genius
by Paul McFedries

The New iPad Portable Genuis
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About the Author
Paul McFedries is a full-time technical writer. Paul has been authoring computer books since 1991 and has more than 75 books to his credit. Pauls books have sold more than four million copies worldwide. These books include the Wiley titles iPhone 4S Portable Genius; Macs Portable Genius Second Edition; MacBook Air Portable Genius Third Edition; Switching to a Mac Portable Genius Second Edition; Teach Yourself VISUALLY Macs Second Edition; Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets Second Edition; and The Facebook Guide for People Over 50. Paul is also the proprietor of Word Spy (, a website that tracks new words and phrases as they enter the English language. Paul encourages everyone to drop by his personal website at, or to follow him on Twitter at and
Being a freelance technical writer is an awesome vocation: You get to work at home; you get to set your own schedule; and you get to help other people understand and use technology, which is a warm-fuzzy-feeling generator. But perhaps the best part of technical writing is getting to be among the first not just to use, but to really dive into, the latest and greatest software and hardware. The hardware side is often the most fun, because it means you get to play with gadgets, and thats a gadget geeks definition of a dream job. So to say I had a blast researching and writing about the iPad redefines the word understatement. What self-respecting gadget guy wouldnt have a perma-grin while poking and prodding the iPad to see what it can do?
And what self-respecting technical writer wouldnt be constantly shaking his head in admiration while working with the amazing editorial team at Wiley? Skip back a couple of pages to see the complete list of the team who worked so hard to bring you this book. The people I worked with directly included Senior Acquisitions Editor Stephanie McComb, who found a way for me to realize my dream of writing an iPad book; Project Editor Amanda Gambill, whose mind seems to be constantly generating eyebrow-raisingly good suggestions; and Senior Copy Editor Kim Heusel, whose judicious and just-so editing makes me look like a much more competent writer than I am. Thanks to all of you for your hard work and unmatched competence.
Its not often that a device comes along and changes pretty much everything: The wheel, the clock, the printing press, the telegraph, the telephone, the TV, the PC. A couple of hands are all you need to count the technological inventions that have set the world on its ear in the past. Is it hyperbole to add the iPad to that list? Perhaps, but lots of smart people are betting the bank that the iPad is not only the most prominent landmark in a new computing landscape, but that it is, at the same time, forming that landscape. No, were not quite into what some are calling the post-PC era, but thanks to the iPad and the legions of imitators it has spawned, that era isnt as far into the future as you might think.
Are you ready to embrace that future? Certainly your purchase of an iPad signals that you, for one, are ready to welcome your new tablet overlords. But when times change, the people who thrive in the new world are those who master the technologies that are driving that change. As youll soon find out (if you havent already), your iPad is almost comically simple to use right out of the box. Its slick, elegant, and just so easy: a tap here, a tap there, and away you go.