Kitchen Remodeling For Dummies
by Donald R. Prestly
Kitchen Remodeling For Dummies
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About the Author
Don R. Prestly is a former Senior Editor for HANDY Magazine for The Handyman Club of America, as well as a former Associate Editor for The Family Handyman Magazine. In addition to his nearly 20 years of writing and doing home improvement projects, he spent several years as a manager for one of the Midwests largest home centers. Throw in the everyday upkeep needs of being a homeowner, dealing with the same problems and repairs as other homeowners, and its obvious that he has the background and experience to help you make your kitchen dreams come true.
I dedicate this book to the tens of thousands of homeowners who have all said the same thing: This old kitchen has got to go! Whether your project involves changing the wall color, upgrading with new appliances, or tearing everything out down to the bare wall studs, just remember that youre not alone. You may even be surprised to find out that your neighbors, whom you havent seen since last year, really arent being unfriendly. Theyre just so darn anxious to complete their kitchen remodel and cant wait to show you! For all of you, your neighbors, and you kitchen dreamers, this books for you.
Where do I begin? Some 20 years ago I left the world of home improvement sales and management and got started in the industry known as DIY. And who would have known that Id end up writing a home improvement book for the great team at Wiley Publishing? All of their books make information interesting, understandable, and, for the most part, fun. Certainly enlightening! From my first dealings with the gang in acquisitions to my day-to-day working with my wonderful Senior Project Editor Alissa Schwipps, the subject of kitchen remodeling has been met with enthusiasm and excitement.
Im also grateful to my agent, LaVonne Carlson. Without her, I wouldnt be writing these words of thanks. Thank you, LaVonne, for staying on me when needed, and for backing off, too. Youre the best.
Making sure that the information Im giving you is accurate is a crucial step to the success of any publication. And without a fantastic technical expert, Id be lost. A big thank you to Dwayne Ganzel, carpenter/craftsman by trade and an English major to boot! How often do you find that combination? Ive watched and worked alongside Dwayne on a number of home improvement projects and I come away every time admiring his skill and care in everything he does. His critical eye on the jobsite, as well as his keen and discerning eye for correct information, has made my final product one to be proud of. Thanks, Dwayne.
Finally, I wouldnt be expressing myself in this book today if it werent for my first boss in the home improvement magazine industry, Mark Thompson. Mark has been a wonderful mentor, as well as a good friend. His skill at writing and editing, his quick wit, and his sharp eye for distilling information down to what you need to know without sounding pretentious have been keys to my success. Thanks for getting me started in this crazy business!
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Senior Project Editor: Alissa D. Schwipps
Acquisitions Editor: Tracy Boggier
Copy Editor: Jennifer Bingham
Editorial Program Assistant: Holly Grimes
Technical Editor: Dwayne Ganzel
Editorial Manager: Jennifer Ehrlich
Editorial Assistant: Elizabeth Rea
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