Stained Glass For Dummies
by Vicki Payne
Stained Glass For Dummies
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About the Author
Vicki Payne has hosted the internationally syndicated show Glass with Vicki Payne, on PBS, for more than two decades. With her husband Chris, she owned and operated one of the largest stained-glass teaching and supply centers in the Midwest. She has produced more than 50 stained-glass DVDs, authored nine bestselling books about the art-glass craft, and invented and developed some very helpful tools for glass workers.
Vicki is also the host of For Your Home, the second-most-aired home-and-garden series on television and has hosted the Handmade Gifts and DIY Crafts television series on the DIY Network. Shes also a frequent guest on other national and regional home-improvement and craft shows. In addition, shes an accomplished educator and a much sought after speaker at the International Hardware Show, Builders Show, and International Furniture Market in High Point. As the creative force behind Charlotte, North Carolinabased Cutters Productions, Vicki has made her name synonymous with the how-to industry. She also serves as a consultant to companies in the home-improvement and furnishing industries, where her innovative development and marketing strategies are fully embraced.
This book is dedicated to my mom, Mary James. She was an accomplished glass artist who never failed to encourage me to pursue my dreams and to do what I love. Thanks Mom, I miss you.
Mary James
Authors Acknowledgments
I want to thank my husband, Chris Payne, for coming out of retirement to help me create all the projects and samples in this book. It was great fun to share the studio together again.
I would like to thank the folks at Glass Accessories International for their great glass cutters. They always make me look like a pro. Thanks to Lori at Glastar Corporation, Glass Accessories International, and Copper Tools for their unwavering support for more than 20 years. I appreciate the glass manufacturers Spectrum Glass Company, Bullseye, and Uroboros Glass for providing me with glass photos. Thanks to Randy and Carole Wardell at Wardell Publications and Ron Bovard for helping me track down more photos.
A special thank you to all my girlfriends, staff, and family who had to listen to me turn down invitations and new projects because I have to work on my book! You guys are great friends and allies. Special thanks to Dan Rutter for picking up the slack so I could play in my studio and to my daughter Sloan Rutter for her help and support.
I also want to thank my acquisitions editor, Erin Calligan Mooney , my project editor, Chrissy Guthrie, my copy editor, Amanda Langferman, and everyone else from Wiley who helped make this book what it is today.
Thank you to Mike LoBiondo for his great photos that really make this book pop! Next time, Mike, lets do the photo shoots when it isnt 95 degrees in the studio!
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Senior Project Editor: Christina Guthrie
Acquisitions Editors: Mike Baker, Erin Calligan Mooney
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