Both the green juice diet plan and the quinoa offers you achoice of healthy recipes that are light because they contain only healthyingredients and nothing that is considered junk food. Below are tips foreating a healthy light menu with success.
Be Sure to Drink Plenty of Water
Water is vital to your health and you should consume plentyof it daily. You can get water from fruit juice, milk, coffee, tea, and othernatural drinks, but you also need to drink plain water too. Your waterconsumption should be more than the other beverages you drink in a day's time. Water helps the digestive system to function properly. It acts as an internalcleanse and shows up in clearer healthier skin.
To figure out how much water you must consume in a day's timetake your weight in pounds and divide it by two. That number is the number inounces you need to drink. For example, a person weighing one hundred andeighty pounds would divide that by two and get ninety. So a person weighingone hundred and eighty pounds would drink ninety ounces, or a little overeleven cups of water a day. If you exercise, you may need to increase that bya bit.
Keep a Food Journal
A food journal is an excellent way to figure out where youare not eating right. Notate the time of day you eat, what you eat, and howmuch you eat. Keep a journal for a week or two and notate what is going on,for example, are you stressed? Busy? Upset? Happy? You can see patterns inyour eating habits by doing this. Are you a bored eater? Do you eat whenupset? Some people do, some people don't.
Wean From the Junk Food
Now you can take the information you gained from your foodjournal and wean from the harmful junk food. Eating junk food is a bad habitmuch as smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol is. Junk food causes realaddictions in the body and these should be broken in order to make a successfullifestyle change to eating better. The recipes in this book are a great startto starting a nutritious diet and making a lifestyle change for the healthier. If you have an addiction to junk food you need to wean from it first or youwill have unpleasant side effects and cravings.
Give yourself three weeks to wean from the junk foodaddiction by replacing one snack or meal with a recipe from this book everythree to five days (depending on how bad your cravings are.) If your cravingsare very bad, give yourself five days before stopping another junk food. Ifyou are okay, three days will do. By the time you reach three weeks you shouldhave broken the junk food habit. If you still find you have big cravings forjunk try to eat right and allow yourself one or two junk food snacks a week. Intime, those will change and you will instead crave healthy nutritious food.
It is wise to take this step if you truly want to make apositive lifestyle change with your health and diet. Junk food addictions arestrong and cause many people to stop their diets because it is simply too hardto diet and deal with the side effects and cravings. Weaning slowly like this,gives you a greater chance at sticking with the healthy diet indefinitelywithout risk of slipping back into your old eating habits.
Exercise or physical activity is very beneficial to yourhealth and your body. While you can lose weight and be healthier with a dietchange alone, you are healthier for adding exercise to your weekly routines. The body is meant to be in motion. However, a body that is not in motion willbecome accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle. This type of lifestyle grows. Themore you are not physically active the more you do not want to be. Exercisecan be difficult at first, especially if you feel lethargic and fatigued atfirst.
It does not require a lot of exercise to make a differencein your health. Just commit to being physically active at least three times aweek for at least half an hour. The exercises do not need to be complicated.You can do a gentle walk and eventually increase it to a jog. You can take aswim, do low impact aerobics, lift weights, dance, ride a bicycle, or even hopon a treadmill or any other exercise machine. The point is in being physicallyactive for a solid half of a hour at a time.
When you first begin an exercise routine, you may not feellike doing it. You need to force yourself to make and stick with thiscommitment. Exercising works with a healthy light diet in making the bodyfit. If you go ahead and exercise even when you feel you do not have theenergy do so anyway and you will notice a remarkable change. After a few timesof working out you will begin to feel more energized after exercising. Youwill find eventually that you will crave the physical activity. Remember, thefood you eat from the recipes in this book will give you energy. Dieting andexercise works together to make a healthy and fit body.
Disclaimer About the Helpful Information in this Book
Always seek the advice and counsel of your health careprovider before taking any advice on your health and on a diet change or addingexercise. The content in this book is not meant to diagnose or be areplacement for the advice from your health care provider; it is forinformation purposes only. Make sure you are okay to go on a green juicingdiet or a quinoa diet. Make sure you are safe to exercise or to do any of thethings suggested in this recipe book.
Section 1: Green Juice Diet
More than likely, you have heard the term, green juicediet. However, you may not even be sure what green juice is, much less how tofollow this type of diet. Big names, such as Dr. Oz, often refer to greenjuicing diets. Of course, you may be left wondering what this diet is allabout. Why should you even consider this diet and what benefits can a greenjuice diet offer you? If you decide to go on the diet, how can you ensure thatthe diet is successful?
This ebook is your perfect guide to making a green juicingdiet work for you. First, you will learn what the green juice diet is and howit works. Then, you will get a closer look at all the benefits that green juicehas to offer you, and you may even be surprised at some of the great benefitsthis diet has to offer. You will even find helpful tips that you can use as youbegin this diet, helping you make sure that you are successful when you givethis diet a try.
Of course, this book is also packed with plenty of greenjuice recipes to get you started. No matter what flavors you enjoy, you aresure to find some amazing recipes that you will like. Some are sweet andrefreshing while other recipes offer you a more savory juice. So many recipesare packed in here that it will take you awhile to try them all out. As you gothrough and try these recipes, you may even learn enough about green juicesthat you will want to try coming up with your own combinations, creating yourown green juice recipes.
If you think you may have a tough time planning out yourmeals when you start the green juice, this book offers exactly what you need.After all the great recipes, you will find a helpful meal plan. It offers you afive-day plan that you can follow to get started. Yes, everything you need tomake your green juicing diet a success is right here in your green juice dietguide.
Chapter 1: What is the Green Juice Diet?
What is green juice and what is the green juice diet? Agreen juice is a type of juicer that includes a large amount of greens, alongwith some other fruits and veggies. The green juice diet is a type of juicecleanse or fast that includes abstaining from solid foods. During this time,you only consume water and green juices. Some people try this diet for a fewdays while others go on it for a couple weeks. Of course, before trying a diet likethis, it is often a good idea to talk to your doctor to ensure it is safe foryou.