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by Rich Sayer
ISBN: Print 978-1-64739-311-3 | eBook 978-1-64739-312-0
This book is dedicated to my husband and sons.
Without their unwavering support, I would not have been able to commit myself as a writer. During the endless hours I spend sitting at my laptop, they pick up the slack. I hope this book makes cooking for two easier for those with high blood pressure and everyone who simply wants to plan healthy meals for two people.
Having a strong family history of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, I was inspired to learn as much as I could about prevention. This was one of the reasons I became a registered dietitian. Its also why Im so passionate about the DASH diet. As a dietitian, I know that food plays a crucial role in staying well, but sometimes you cant prevent everything. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure after menopause, despite all of my best efforts to eat well, exercise, and prevent it. Oh, the irony! I follow a DASH eating style to keep my blood pressure under control. While I still require medication, following the diet allows me to take a very low dose.
Midlife is a challenging time of transition. Im sure that at this point in your life you are done spending hours in the kitchen! My goal is to help you enjoy eating well with minimal effort. Whether your children have left the nest, youre planning your retirement, or youve already retired, your health needs should be prioritized now more than ever. Eating well doesnt have to be hard or time-consuming.
Inspired by my Italian roots and trips to Portugal, Greece, and Hungary, this cookbook is designed to help you cook simple and delicious recipes, with practical advice to set you on the path to better health and lower blood pressure. Once you begin a few new habits and incorporate some of my recipes into your weekly rotation, youll be surprised how easy it becomes. The best part? Youll feel good! Youll also be relieved to know that the road to wellness is not as difficult as you think.
Why the DASH diet? As a science nerd, the fact that DASH has been tested with solid research showing many health benefitsincluding lowering blood pressure for those with high blood pressuremakes recommending it easy for me. The recipes in this book are specifically designed for two people, making it painless for you to keep your household healthy and stay on budget. This also is a win for the environment, as it helps reduce food waste. When trying to scale down larger recipes to suit two people, you have probably ended up with an accumulation of half-used ingredients in your cabinets. The beauty of recipes for two is that you will not have this issue.
When you make a change in your diet or lifestyle, you need support to be successful. It can be a challenge to shift your culinary style, which is why this book will be a valuable resource. Each recipe is designed to make 2 to 4 servings, with few to no leftovers. Typical cookbook recipes yield 6 to 8 servings, and no one wants to eat the same leftovers for a week, nor waste food. However, some recipes in this book will recommend cooking extra of some ingredients so you can save time and use them in another meal that week. This will give you more leisure time. Who doesnt want more time for fun?
![In this chapter Ill help you understand what the DASH diet is and how it can - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/258395/Image00005.jpg)
In this chapter, Ill help you understand what the DASH diet is and how it can benefit your health. The DASH eating plan is based on a framework of foods, but it isnt overly restrictive. Therell be no you-absolutely-can-never-eat-that rules in this book. I only suggest that you try to stick to this eating style most of the time (meaning 80 percent or more). Youll be able to enjoy a wide variety of foods on this plan. You may find you eat less of some foods and more of others, but the goal is a balanced plate that lowers blood pressure and keeps you active and healthy.
According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 20152016, more than 60 percent of all adults over the age of 60 develop high blood pressure. While being overweight increases your risk, you dont have to be overweight to be diagnosed with hypertension. Whether you are approaching midlife, are smack in the middle of it, or beyond, theres a good chance the DASH diet is a good fit for you.