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The ultimate guide to intermittent fasting and low-carb eating for weight loss
This book is for those who have ever felt stuck, confused or frustrated on their health journey , but who are ready to be motivated and supported to achieve phenomenal results. Here I give you the tools to carve out incredible health and happiness each and every day . Starting right now .

INTRODUCTION As a nutritional therapist, personal trainer and passionate healthy cook, I hav e seen rsthand the pro found positive effects that impro ving someone s health can hav e on their w ellbeing. It is literall y lif e changing. When we lose excess body fat, increase health y l ean muscle mass, celebrate nutrient- dense real f ood and mov e daily we feel exponentially happier , sleep better and hav e increased energy and clarity , allowing us to live life to the full. This is where The Fa st Low-Carb Kick start Plan comes in. By combining the benets of intermittent fasting with low-carb eating, this kickstart plan really w orks fr om the inside out. Because, when these scientically and clinically pr oven methods of transforming yo ur health are br ought to gether , we end up with a r eally efcient, enhanced and time-effective appro ach to long-term wellness. There is incr edible h ype surro unding all things related to lo w-carb, keto and fasting diets at the moment, with people experiencing man y positiv e r esults. I put this book together to cut thro ugh all the noise with a reall y clear , succinct appro ach that absolutely any one can implement. In this book, y oull nd all y ou the tools y ou need to mak e fast, r ealistic and lasting changes that you can implement f or the re st of your lif e. T he information pack ed i nto the following cha pters re veals how intermittent fasting wo rks while also giving you all the knowledge yo u need about going low carb , with ove r 70 delicious recipes to get y ou star ted. Y oull be armed with the most up-to-date inf ormation on the impact that what w e eat and when we eat it ha ve on our ove rall wellbeing, plus youll get all the tips, tricks and recipes y ou need to mak e r eal change ha ppen, starting right now . And while my kickstart is fantastic for any one ne w to this ap proach , it s just as benecial for seasoned fasters and low-carbers who simpl y need a re boot, refre sh and reset. Look, I get it. I kno w that o v erhauling y our health can f eel daunting. But please kno w it is easier , mor e delicious and less r estrictiv e than y ou think. Fasting doesn t mean y ou can t eat, it s just about being mindful of when y ou eat. And g oing lo w carb doesn t mean you ha ve to count calories, cut out entire f ood gro ups and miss out on the things you love i nstead youll be eating better , more nu tritious and delicious food than ev er befo re. INTRODUCTION

So , if y ou lik e the sound of losing w eight and k eeping it off c ounting nutrients not calories n o reduction of portions or skimping on avou r r educing y our risk of chr onic disease and in ammation a meal plan with 70+ low-carb re cipes a four -w eek kickstart plan to get y ou on track a fad-free a pproa ch to long-term health t apping into yo ur fat-burning potential implementing a potent, exible and user -friendl y a ppr oach to health d iscover ing the motivation to stick to this long term then this book is for yo u! I am not here to ll y ou with hope of unattainable r esults, or to set you up on a fad diet you simpl y cannot sustain in the re al world. Instead this is a tried-and-tested plan for enhancing yo ur wellbeing, both phy sically and mentally . For building a str onger , more r esilient y ou. Now, it s time to break things do wn further and delve into this exciting guide. But before we do, know this. A nything is possible when y ou re armed with the right knowledge and the motivation to make long-term change. Y o u can do it and it will be incredible. So what are you waiting for? L et s do this! So what are you waiting for? L et s do this!

WHA T IS THE F AST LOW-CARB KICKST AR T PLAN? Ther e is no doubting the incr edible health benets of intermittent fasting. As y oull discover in this book, limiting the window in which we eat has a pro found effect on our bodies inside and out. Equally , following a low -carb or ke to diet can very quickly and effective ly pro duce results that benet our o verall health and wellbeing. When you combine intermittent fasting with a lo w-carb diet, the results ar e exceptional. This should come as no surprise because the benets of both con sistentl y overlap , so it is something of a no-brainer that one supports the other . Put simply , The Fa st Low-Carb Kick start Plan is a lifestyle pr ogram provi ding you with all the tools, tips and techniques plus delicious r ecipes and motivation necessar y to mak e incr edible long-term change when it comes to y our health and ha ppiness. Ill educate you on the k ey f actors and science behind intermittent fasting and how to follow a low er -c arbohy drate appro ach, and then pro vide you with meal plans that accompany a f our -w eek kickstart, helping you to implement this kno wledge into practical, every day use. ITS ABOUT THE MEALS , MINDSET AND MOVES Now, although I talk predominatel y in this book about what and when to eat, for any health transformation to be successful we need to adopt a holistic appr oach to nding synergy between our Meals, Mindset and Move s. What does that mean? We ll, rst and fore most it means celebrating nutrient-dense re al f ood and ditching f oods that can cause us harm or inammation. T erms lik e dir ty k eto or if it ts your macros suggest that, as long as the macro nutrient content of a fo od matches up to your dail y requir ements, you can eat whate ver y ou want including junk f ood. T his couldn t be fur ther fr om the truth. W e need to sour ce our macr o and micr on utrients from high -quality sourc es that pro vide our cells with energy in ord er to make every meal count, as the y ar e an in v estment in our long-term health. It also means that it is all well and g ood follow ing this kickstart pro gram as written, but to implement it successfully yo u need to align it with positive mindset techniques that will support yo u mentally on the journey . T his means making sure that little v oice inside your head backs you and speaks positiv ely abo ut what you re doing. It s about being your biggest cheerleader and not y our w orst critic at a time when y ou ma y experience ups and downs, both mentally and ph ysi cally . Lastly , it means that we can eat all the health y f ood in the wo rld and work on cultivating a positive mindset, but unless we use the gift of our body w e simply won t r each our full potential. So, nd a way to move each and ev ery day that you actuall y look forwar d to. For me this is the gym working out helps me s witch off and the endorphins it re leases are WHA T IS THE F AST LO W -CARB KICKST AR T PLAN?