We advise that the information contained in this book does not negate personal responsibility on the part of the r eader for their own health and safety . It is r ecommended that individually tailor ed advice is sought fr om your healthcar e or medical professional. The publishers and their r espective employees, agents and authors ar e not liable for injuries or damage occasioned to any person as a result of r eading or following the information contained in this book. Health start s in the kitc hen, which is why I dedicat e this book to each and ev ery one of you who is taking the empowere d decision to cook your way to being we ll and happy .


INTRODUCTION I am so incredibly excited to be able to shar e with you in this book what I believe to be the easiest, most delicious way to eat for optimum health and happiness an approach to food that leaves str ess and feelings of restriction at the door , while celebrating all that is mouth-wateringly tasty and incredibly good for you too! Now, I dont blame you if youre totally confused about what you should eat, how you should eat it, how much of it you can have and when is the best time to do so particularly when it comes to carbohydrates. The world of healthy eating, fad diets and quick-x solutions can get really confusing, especially when it changes as quickly as Melbourne s weather! The truth is, ther e is so much information and misinformation out there that most of us ar e left scratching our heads wondering how many carbs we should be eating per day , what sour ces they should come fr om or even whether we should be eating them at all! My aim with this book is to make looking and feeling your best as easy , enjoyable and delicious as possible, while providing you with a sustainable, long-term dietary appr oach that will r educe your cravings, boost your mood and have you feeling energised like never befor e! T o do this I am going to introduce you to what I call The Smart Carb Curve, which I have designed to help you nd an approach to healthy eating that works specically for you as an individual, based on your health and lifestyle. It all comes down to a wonderful thing called bio-individuality which I will also talk about shortly and youre going to love it! First, though, a quick recap of my food philosophy . Throughout my pr evious books I have shar ed recipes with you that celebrate r eal, nutrient-dense foods and avoid foods that may cause you harm and inammation. Common inammatories include gluten, dairy and rened sugars, so as a starting point, all of the recipes I cr eate are automatically 100% free of these, giving you guys a r eally good health baseline. This book is a safe zone for all those looking to remove or minimise these foods fr om their diet. The Smart Carbs focus is on nding the right balance between the most nutrient-dense foods to help us reach our individual health, wellness and happiness goals. So how do you go about working out the right balance for you? Well, that s where you need to follow my Smart Carb Curve (see page ) and get into the zone. There ar e thre e main zones on my curve the Keto Zone, the Low-Carb Zone and the Sustain Zone, with all of the recipes in this book suiting one (or more) of these zones. Each zone has its own appr oach to eating carbs and each will suit dif ferent people for differe nt reasons all you have to do is work out wher e you sit on the Smart Carb Curve, then opt for the corresponding r ecipes to deliver the level of carbs you need, together with supporting macr onutrients in the form of healthy fats and quality proteins. Befor e you know it, you will nd yourself well on your way to developing an individual, sustainable, long-term approach to healthy eating that never skimps on deliciousness. Personally , I am thrilled to be able to delve into this space, which is so often the missing piece in our overall health puzzle. Looking closely at our carb consumption and resetting it to best benet us as individuals allows us to take things to the next level, enabling us to work on ne-tuning specic things like reducing excess body fat and increasing ener gy levels, leaving us feeling happier and healthier overall. So, what ar e you waiting for? It s time to get started and learn mor e about how wonderfully unique we all ar e! INTRODUCTION

INTRODUCTION BIO-INDIVIDUALITY: ITS ALL ABOUT Y OU Imagine being able to eat the most delicious foods on the planet foods that leave you feeling satiated and energised to take on anything that life thr ows at you, foods that allow you to say goodbye to cravings and remove any of the str ess or guilt you may have towar ds what you eat. W ell, welcome to your unique bio-individuality! As a personal trainer and nutritional therapy practitioner I have experienced rst-hand the trials and tribulations people go through every day to achieve their health and wellness goals. All of us, myself included, strive to look and feel our best, but how do we go about doing so? What should we eat? How should we move, and what s the best way to manage life s str essors on top of all of this? Should we quit sugar? Or embark on a juice cleanse? Is dairy really bad for us? There is so much noise and misinformation out ther e surro unding our diets and lifestyles that I wouldnt blame you for being confused and overwhelmed. But what s fact and what s ction? W ell, I have good news for you, which I hope will enable you to move forward, con dently and in the right direction, backing yourself, knowing that youre doing the right thing. Her e goes There is no one-size- ts-all approach to diet and lifestyle. Ther e, I said it. Feels good, doesn t it? To know that, even with all that abundance of information out there and with medicine and science constantly looking for that magic bullet no one way of eating will work for everyone. And to know that, even if you haven t yet found exactly what your e looking for , it is possible to look and feel your best in all aspects of your life by listening to your body and working out the best way to nourish yourself from the inside out. Each and every person has their own unique needs it s working out what those needs are that will help you to thrive. THE NUTRITIONAL BA SICS To make the most of the principles contained in this book, it s r eally important to understand the basics surrounding pr otein, carbohydrates and fats, and how we use these macr onutrients as sour ces of energ y to function optimally , ght disease and stay feeling happy and healthy . As this is a cookbook and not a school textbook, I will keep this light and brief but trust me, understanding these macronutrients is an important part of the puzzle in guring out your own bio-individuality . As humans, we have an incr edible ability to conserve, expend and generate ener gy . But how do we know how much protein, carbohydrate and fat we need to eat as individuals to pr ovide us with enough ener gy to maintain a healthy weight? This comes down to nding the right balance that suits us as individuals, and that means following ve simple steps: Understanding your individual energy needs Evaluating your current health and long-term wellbeing goals Choosing an appropriate carbohydrate zone to complement these factors Celebrating the abundance of food choices on offer within your zone Balancing your meals, mindset and moves for long-term, sustainable results There is no one size ts all approach to diet and lifestyle.