Table of Contents
List of Tables
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 18
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
List of Illustrations
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 18
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
BPS Textbooks in Psychology
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Coaching Researched
A Coaching Psychology Reader
This edition first published 2021
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Library of Congress CataloginginPublication Data
Names: Passmore, Jonathan, editor. | Tee, David, editor.
Title: Coaching researched : a coaching psychology reader / edited by Jonathan Passmore & David Tee.
Description: Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, [2019] | Series: 2380 BPS textbooks in psychology | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020007535 (print) | LCCN 2020007536 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119656883 (paperback) | ISBN 9781119656906 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119656890 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Personal coaching. | Positive psychology. | Executive coaching.
Classification: LCC BF637.P36 C6355 2019 (print) | LCC BF637.P36 (ebook) | DDC 158.3dc23
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Cover Design: Wiley
Cover Image: James Lee/Unsplash
All of the royalty proceeds from this title have been gifted to the British Psychological Society by the contributors, authors, and editors.
Bernard of Chartres used to compare us to dwarfs perched on the shoulders of giants. He pointed out that we see more and farther than our predecessors, not because we have keener vision or greater height, but because we are lifted up and borne aloft on their gigantic stature
John of Salisbury, Metalogicon, 1159
This book is dedicated to Prof Anthony M Grant, whose work inspired many and set the foundations for an evidenced-based approach to coaching through the development of coaching psychology.
We live in a world of change and transition. We cannot always control our environment or indeed what happens in our lives, but we can choose how we respond to it. We need to adapt to new ways of working and enhance how we interact with our world and those around us. At times, it can be challenging to see the way ahead or to explore different options. This is true for world and business leaders as it is for the rest of us in our daily lives. As Galileo said, we cannot teach people anything; we can only help them to discover it within themselves. Coaching has increased in popularity over the last 30 years and is now applied in a wide range of contexts from boardrooms to students, to educational and medical contexts. There is a fine line between coaching, mentoring and indeed counselling; and, as with coaches, practitioners too operate from different models and different perspectives.
We want to create momentum for change for each person, their teams and the environments in which they live and work. I readily observe this in practice. Take Jenna, the highflying executive, delivering and exceeding expectations. How can coaching support her? By using evidencebased practice, we can appreciate her experience more clearly. We can enable her to see different opportunities as well as ways to make the most of her social and emotional capital and to leverage resources more effectively. This is simply one example but now multiple the use of research and practice across the thousands of coaching situations and there is power and impact from coaching psychology.
But are we making the most of the research and evidence in the way we apply coaching? What does research tell us about the impact of our interventions, and what data and evidence do we need for future work? This book provides us with insights into these areas and more. As the president of the British Psychological Society, I am delighted that this BPSsponsored book is being published. My interest in this book is twofold. First, my experience over the last two decades as a practitioner psychologist and executive coach highlights the need for scientific evidence and wellresearched frameworks. Second, as a sponsor of the application of science and evidencebased practice in coaching, I want to see the perforation of research evidence and psychological base in coaching interventions.
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