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Dan Babel - The Magical Cuisine of Arabian Nights: A Cookbook Full of Ancient Arab Magic

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Dan Babel The Magical Cuisine of Arabian Nights: A Cookbook Full of Ancient Arab Magic
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Aladdin, Sindbad, Princess Jasmine, Ali Baba and hundreds of other characters have made our childhood awesome. Arabian Nights, a long storybook, has ruled the classic literature in almost every language. If you are a fan too, you must know how people used to throw lavish parties with an elite menu in the book. Let us delectably take you on a tour of the magical streets of Baghdad where exotic food is everywhere. This book offers you the recipes of the luxury dishes you read about in the legendary book. Some of the phenomenal foods you will find in this unique cookbook are:* Princess Jasmines Manakeesh* Haroon-Ul-Rasheeds Shish Tawook* Princess Scheherazades Aish el Saraya* Aladdins favorite Mejaddra in Rice* Queen Zubaidas special recipe of Kabsa.Order this book right now to indulge in the world of ancient Arabian Nights cuisine. You will find the entire food range inspired by the legendary book. There are yummy drinks from all over the world, unique appetizers, classic lamb recipes and exotic desserts. Get your copy to explore the new world of tasty magic!

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The Magical Cuisine

of Arabian Nights

A Cookbook Full of Ancient Arab Magic


Copyright 2021 by Dan Babel License notes No part of this publication - photo 1

Copyright 2021 by Dan Babel

License notes No part of this publication or its contents may be copied - photo 2

License notes

No part of this publication or its contents may be copied, printed, published, or distributed by any means without the express permission of the author. This book is bound by copyright law, and the author reserves all rights to its publication. While the author has done the required research to ensure that all contents are accurate enough to inform and instruct, the reader is responsible for its content consumption. The author shall not be held accountable to anyone for damages resulting from the text being misinterpreted.

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httpsdansubscribemenowcom Table of Contents Introduction A - photo 4


Table of Contents Introduction A tale inside a tale and then one more - photo 5

Table of Contents


A tale inside a tale and then one more mind-blowing tale inside it this is - photo 6

A tale inside a tale and then one more mind-blowing tale inside it; this is what the legendary book Arabian Nights seems to all of us. Other than the mighty palaces, highly decorated roads and royalty, we find food as the most prominent thing in the book.

The abundance of a variety of food in Arabian Nights leaves the foodies like us startled. We have tried to capture a few major parts of the book where food is dominating the scene. You get a range of food from the fantasy world of Baghdad in this recipe book. Perfect Arabian appetizers, snacks and much more make this cookbook your most precious treasure if you are a food lover.

Get a tangy flavor of Tahini salad to be a friend on hot summer afternoons. Savor the goodness of hummus on its own or with your favorite snacks. The taste of roasted lamb and chops reminds you how rich and poor relished on luxurious foods in Baghdad.

The ingredients, the recipes and the imagination, all are highly captivating in this book. The sophistication of food is enough to tell the tales of the excellence of the cooks and the tastefulness of the public. All the recipes in the book can raise the bar a bit higher as they all come from the dining tables of the kings and queens.

Let the wise princess Scheherazade carry you around the thousands of tales, full of glory and surprises. Have a round of eventful nights of Baghdad and Basra with this majestic cookbook.

Starters, Sauces, and Drinks
Sindbads Coconut drink

Sindbads seven voyages have been the most unpredictable surprising and - photo 7

Sindbads seven voyages have been the most unpredictable, surprising and exciting tale of the book. The most common thing in all the voyages is that coconut water or raw coconut always helps him. Lets see if this recipe is quenching enough to refresh you in the warm summers on beaches.

Serving size: 2

Cooking time: 10 minutes


  • Milk cup
  • Greek yogurt cup
  • Oats cup
  • White sugar 1 tablespoon
  • Shredded coconut cup
  • Ground flaxseed 2 tablespoons
  • Coconut milk cup
  • Banana 1 (cut into chunks)


In a blender, put the sugar, flaxseed, shredded coconut, coconut milk, oats, yogurt, milk, and banana and blend well until it becomes smooth.

Pour in two glasses and put them in the refrigerator for an hour.

Serve chilled.

Marjinas Special drink for the guests

When Alibaba invited the forty thieves as his guests Marjina prepared a - photo 8

When Alibaba invited the forty thieves as his guests, Marjina prepared a special drink for them. She mixed some drugs in the drink to get the drink to blackout the thieves. However, this drink had some special ingredients to recharge the energy of Alibaba and his sons. Try our recipe and feel how you get energized after sipping it.

Serving size: 1

Cooking time: 5 minutes


  • Orange water 2 drops
  • Mint leaves 4
  • De-stoned nectarine
  • Schweppes mango and orange mineral water
  • Mint sprig (for garnishing)


Add the mint leaves, orange water drops, and nectarine into a big glass. Muddle it.

Add the ice and stir. Top it with the Mango and Orange Mineral Water.

Serve chilled.

Scheherazades Tahini Salad

Scheherazade is an elegant princess and she did not eat much Her picky habits - photo 9

Scheherazade is an elegant princess, and she did not eat much. Her picky habits of eating made the royal staff prepare something wholesome, light and tasty. Moreover, she didnt want to feel drowsy so that she could continue her legendary tale every night. This recipe includes vegetables in rich seasoning to make you full without being lazy.

Serving size: 4

Cooking time: 30 minutes


  • Diced large tomato 1
  • Sliced mint leaves 10
  • Minced garlic 1 clove
  • Lemon juice cup
  • Olive oil 2 tablespoons
  • Tahini cup
  • Sliced green onion 1
  • Chopped parsley bunch
  • Diced Persian cucumbers pickle-size 2
  • Diced radishes 3 (optional)
  • Salt to taste


Combine the parsley, mint, green onion, radish, tomato, and cucumber in a small bowl.

In another bowl, add the olive oil, lemon juice, tahini, and garlic and stir. Season it with salt as per your taste.

Toss these vegetables along with dressing until it is combined well.

Cover the bowl. Then, put it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Serve chilled.

Baba Ghanoush

There are numerous dishes on the tables of the elite of Baghdad Scheherazade - photo 10

There are numerous dishes on the tables of the elite of Baghdad. Scheherazade takes the readers to the wonderland of food through her tales. This side dish also has its inspiration from the sauces presented with exclusively roasted lambs and camels.

Serving size: 8

Cooking time: 6 minutes


  • Tahini 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice cup
  • Olive oil cup
  • Salt to taste
  • Large eggplant 1
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