Moodle For Dummies
by Radana Dvorak
Moodle For Dummies
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About the Author
Radana Dvorak holds a PhD in computer science from the Queen Mary, University of London, a masters degree in knowledge-based systems (AI) from the University of Sussex, and a BA from the University of Michigan. Radana has been involved in eLearning since 1989, when her research in human computer interaction focused on computer-based training (CBT). She has been a researcher and a university instructor who taught in the United Kingdom, Cayman Islands, and the United States. She has also spent some time in the software industry. Currently, she is an adjunct professor at Portland State University and owner of eLT Solutions LLC. Her focus is to help organizations with the development of learning courses using learning content management systems and integrating Web 2.0 technology to meet the changing needs of educators, trainers, and learners.
To my children, James and Anna, and my parents for their ongoing encouragement and support.
Authors Acknowledgments
I want to go back a number of years and thank three professors: Professor Mike Sharples who supervised my masters degree at the University of Sussex and was instrumental in introducing me to the area of eLearning (dubbed CBT in 1989). His vision and dedication inspired and excited me about the possibilities in education. Mike Sharples is currently Professor of Learning Sciences and Director of the Learning Sciences Research Institute at the University of Nottingham. I want to thank Professor Peter Johnson for accepting me to the computer science PhD program at Queen Mary, University of London, and Professor Stephen Summerville, who was instrumental in my research interests and supervised my Ph.D. His vision, enthusiasm, and dedication to his students are admirable. Our discussions about AI, communicative structures transferring to online communication, the future of online books and education, all pre-Web, were vital in my research and love for the field.
I want to thank my Portland State University graduate students; it has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to teach them. They are the most dedicated and hardworking bunch of students I have ever taught. Martin Dougiamas, the original developer of Moodle, believes that in a true collaborative online teaching environment, everyone is both a teacher and a learner this has proved to be true with my students.
That brings me to thank Martin Dougiamas for developing Moodle and the wonderful Moodle community around the world. The developers, the dedicated forum helpers, and the teachers, many of whom wear all three hats, are integral to Moodles success.
This book owes a great deal to the fabulous Indianapolis Dummies Tech group at Wiley Publishing. Thank you, Kyle Looper, for believing in Moodle and giving me the opportunity to write this book; Leah Cameron for initial feedback and editing instructions; and Nicole Sholly, the project editor, who spent hours ensuring this book is crafted in the For Dummies style. This group of people is professional, nice, and a sheer joy to work with.
Finally, I am grateful for my wonderful children, Anna and James, and indebted to them for putting up with my nocturnal working existence, blurry eyes, and disconnected nature while trying to meet deadlines.
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editor: Nicole Sholly
Acquisitions Editor: Kyle Looper
Copy Editor: Virginia Sanders
Technical Editor: Bill Bateman, Humboldt State University and owner of consulting
Editorial Manager: Kevin Kirschner
Media Development Project Manager: Laura Moss-Hollister
Media Development Assistant Project Manager: Jenny Swisher
Media Development Associate Producers: Josh Frank, Marilyn Hummel, Douglas Kuhn, Shawn Patrick