Whispers from the Trees
This is an uncommon dialogue as this book is channeled straight from the Tree souls and all care was given to keep it exactly like it was delivered.
Thank you for your patience.
Whispers from the Trees
Copyright 2018 by Glenda Ungermann.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018905675
ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-5434-0915-4
Softcover 978-1-5434-0914-7
eBook 978-1-5434-0913-0
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Rev. date: 06/08/2018
Introduction from the Trees
by the Sentinel of Strength, Manquise
I wish to offer love and hope to you for the challenge you take on, feeling the responsibility to give us a voice. Although this is not the first time, you are making it a challenge in your life this time, and this time you will succeed.
We honour you; we applaud you. You are one, Glenda, but never doubt that one can be heard. We are always here to lend assistance; please just ask. We are always with you.
May love light your way to find inner peace?
Your guardian tree,
The Sentinel of Strength
As the author of this book, I feel I cannot take the full credit, as I wrote the words that were given to me so freely by the beautiful tree spirits that grace this planet. They trusted me to write the stories of their lives and their spiritual growth along with their past lives with wisdom, love, and compassion for all.
My first glimpse of tree whispering started by reading a beautiful book about fairies. In that book I realized what I could do, or putting it easier, I remembered what I could do.
It truly was a light bulb moment. I now understand that I am part of the fairy realm known as the elementals and put on this earth to help the natural environment.
I walked out to one of the trees in my own yard, and put my hands on her, and felt the vibration of the tree trunk, which felt like a million little cells exploding and running directly into my hands. I explained to her who I was and told her my name, and then I asked her to reply directly to me in my mind.
Moments later I could feel a muddy sensation in my head which gained better clarity and cleared, and then the words came: Hello! My name is Magnolia. I could feel her vibrations running through my hands. From that day forward, I use this method to connect with all of the trees. These days it is made easier, as I ask one of them to connect with me.
When my hands buzz and the sensations settle in my hands, then I am able to connect with the one who has something to say. They give me all sorts of answers, like spiritual insights, and help us to understand the lessons we put before ourselves this lifetime.
They tell me their names, which are a mark of honour to them. They are keen to share the stories of their past lives, when they were human or from another time. They talk about lessons and insights from bygone days, and they do all this from a place of love, peace, and understanding. They all share a common goal of wisdom, compassion, and love for all.
The trees tell me they convert their language to mine, to enable me to understand them as they usually only use a series of vibrations to communicate with each other.
I am able to hear them from the vibrations felt in my brain, where they tell me my thought forms begin. (This is still mind-blowing to me.) Only words known to myself can be accessed.
Now many years on, and the trees are very interested to help me write the stories of their lives, which would otherwise be lost forever. They know they can help us find peace in ourselves and restore wellness to our mental and physical states as our lives become much busier than ever before. Each and every one of them tells me, I have much to say! They are becoming very proud of their stories printed in what they call the Book.
I do hope this book can help you to understand the life of the trees and to get to know yourself even better.
Writing this book has given me the insight to allow myself the grace to enjoy my life each and every day. To only see the positive things and to not spend time worrying about what I cannot change. I now enjoy going with the flow, having what I want, and creating what my heart desires. I know it is always obtainable.
All the abundance you wish for is there for the asking simply by putting yourself first and loving yourself unconditionally.
We are all one, and one day we will all understand that one cannot be without the other.
Yours truly,
Glenda Ungermann,
A voice for the trees
The Sentinel of Strength has a personal message for me. Her name is Manquise, and this was what she had to say.
* * *
I wish to offer love and support to you for the challenge you take on, feeling the responsibility to give us a voice. Although this is not the first time you have tried, you are making it a challenge in your life this time, and this time you will succeed.
We honor you; we applaud you. You are one, but never doubt that one can be heard. We always here to lend assistance; please just ask. We are always with you.
May love light the way to find inner peace.
Your guardian tree,
Sentinel of Peace
Hello! I am Narcissus, and I am from a country you call Belgium. I am what we call a leader tree. I am the oldest here and thought of as an elder, one who is trusted to give advice and is of service at any given time.
This is truly a special time on this planet, as this is now a time of great change not only in our solar system but also everywhere in our zodiac! Realigning is occurring as we speak. This is occurring to procure a more permanent place in the universe for the next aeons to come.
We are presently in a life-altering time which we were all aware of before we came. We chose to witness this journey.
When the realigning is concluded, this earth will rest for quite some time. There are many changes taking place; some are quiet and small, while others are loud and extreme.
You may notice at this time that all these experiences are also playing out in your own lives; this change is affecting all of us uniquely in many different ways.
Illness is present at threefold to the value of before. Add to that the drama of life and all other types of quests yet to be experienced.
Every one of us has some cross to bear, and we all have the need to declutter our lives so we can move on more gracefully.
We all seem to be looking for answers in our everyday lives. Even those who havent reached the enlightenment stage are also feeling this move. Not knowing exactly what it is that they are feeling or where to turn to, they will keep processing until it makes more sense, and they too will find their way. All solutions will come, given enough time.
We are here to feel first, act second, and then find the solutions needed. Feeling is the greatest gift, as this is what we came here to learn. Acting upon it brings clarity, but lingering on it will bring out all the ugly things we wish to avoid, like hurt, hate, greed, and jealousy.
Finding the solution ends the subject, allowing us to move on. Forgiveness for ourselves and for others is sometimes a part of the solution.
These are some of the tools we use every day. We hope it will help you as well.
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