Professional Networking For Dummies
by Donna Fisher
Professional Networking For Dummies
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About the Author
Donna Fisher found out early on that she was an introvert and yet, she also knew that she had a strong desire to connect with people and didnt want to be so shy. She noticed, time after time, that shyness would get in the way of her doing things she wanted to do. Through hard work and intense concentration, she gradually began to step outside her comfort zone. Now, shes a world-renowned networking expert and teaches others the networking skills that have made her a success.
Donna started her own business because she wanted to speak to groups and teach people how to connect, communicate, and create success together. She wanted people to see how the true spirit of networking could change their life in a positive way. By putting her networking skills to use, she grew her business from zero to six figures and has continued to grow it by approximately 30 percent every year.
Donna has developed People Power programs that are conducted at corporate meetings, conferences, and conventions around the world. She has also written four books, including Power Networking and People Power, which have been translated into four languages, and Power NetWeaving.
As a member of the National Speakers Association, Donna received her designation as a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) in 1998. At that time, she became one of 295 speakers in the world to receive the CSP designation. Her programs, Drumming Up Business and Powerful Connections: The People Side of Business, are often presented as the kick-off presentation for meetings, conferences, and conventions.
Her company, Donna Fisher Presents, focuses on connecting business with people and people with life. Donna helps companies bring out the best in their people and works with people to help them build strong alliances with each other.
Authors Acknowledgments
Special thanks to my literary agent, Carol Susan Roth, for seeing and seizing opportunities. Thanks to Holly McGuire, Suzanne Snyder, Ben Nussbaum, Pam Mourouzis, and everyone at Hungry Minds for their dedication, professionalism, commitment, wisdom, and talent. Thanks to Susan RoAne for being a friend and mentor who walks her talk.
I appreciate the support of my Mom, Betty Fisher, who worried as much about my deadlines as I did. My heartfelt thanks goes to Mike Henry for providing a daily dose of connection and encouragement. Thanks to my colleagues Carolyn Harvill, Lyn Salerno, and Steve Brown for keeping my business going and growing while I was busy writing. Thanks to everyone who so graciously shared of themselves by contributing their stories, experiences, and ideas to add richness and reality to this book. Also, thanks to all the people who have attended my programs and thus given me courage and inspiration to continue my path.
Thanks to everyone in Windsor for being my networking support group for over ten years, with special thanks to our monthly roundtable group. Thanks to everyone in Mastery for continually challenging me to step into new possibilities. Thanks to my brother Randy and family Linda, Valerie, and Leslea just for being there. Also thanks to everyone in Wisdom and Landmark who have contributed to my life in numerous ways. Thanks to my friends and buddies in the National Speakers Association, for your generous and valuable friendship and support. Thanks to Stan for giving me my theme song, writing, writing, writing, keep those fingers typing. To Vicki for the strength your love gives me. Thanks to everyone who has so graciously provided endorsements for this book.
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editor: Suzanne Snyder
Acquisitions Editor: Holly McGuire
Copy Editor: Ben Nussbaum
Acquisitions Coordinator: Tonia Morgan-Oden
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Editorial Manager: Pam Mourouzis
Editorial Assistant: Carol Strickland