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If you are looking for a way to lose some of the extra weight, then there are many diet plans that are out there, but none of them are going to give the same results that you are going to find when you work with Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers is one of the most well-researched weight loss programs available. Weight Watchers has been around for a number of years now, and it is one of the most popular and most successful ways for people to lose weight.
Its an excellent, easy-to-follow program that works great!
Pasta, steak, cheese, ice cream ... you can eat what you want on Weight Watchers. While the popular weight-loss plan has been revamped, the basic principle of eating what you love remains, though the program steers you toward healthier foods with its points system. In its new program, called WW Freestyle, you can roll over some of your points to another day. And there are also more than 200 zero-point foods that you dont need to track at all. Those items include beans, chicken breast (skinless), eggs, and fish.
Weight Watchers isnt so much a diet as a lifestyle-change. And is not a difficult diet plan to follow. There are some simple rules that you can follow, but there is also a lot of freedom that you are going to enjoy that will make it easier than ever to make decisions that fit into your real life. It can help you learn how to eat healthier and get more physical activity, so you lose the weight for good. You can follow the plan online on your own. You'll track your food choices and exercise, chart progress, and find recipes and workouts.
Theres a coaching option if you prefer one-on-one consultations by phone, email, and text. Or you can go to in-person group meetings where youll weigh in. The good thing is, no food is forbidden when you follow this plan, which doesnt make you buy any pre-packaged meals. Youll have a SmartPoints target that's set up based on your body and goals. As long as you stay within your daily target, you can spend those SmartPoints however youd like, even on alcohol or dessert, or save them to use another day. Weight Watchers is good for anyone.
But its focus on nutritious, low-calorie foods makes it great for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and even heart disease. With this cookbook, youll learn of some very amazing recipes out there that you can use in your slow cooker that also fit the Weight Watchers point system. Also, youll find out about what the portion size for everything is, along with how many points each serving is, so you can cook it and kick start your program.
In late 2015, Weight Watchers updated from the beloved Points Plus way of measuring calories, fat, and fiber in foods to a new version of their plan called the Beyond the Scale plan. In November 2017, changes began to roll out and a new name was given to the plan. Instead of Beyond the Scale, it is now the Flex Plan in the UK and the Freestyle Plan in the US.
Food points are still calculated using the same measurements of calories, fats, carbohydrates, and sugars. As always, the core of the program is based on the latest nutritional science. Every food and drink is still on the menu. No foods have gone up in value, and many have gone down to zero! The best part? Foods on the zero Points list dont need to be tracked or measured, so you can spend less time counting and more time enjoying your food and your life! Like the old programme, WW Flex gives users a points budget but it now has more than 200 zero points food to choose from. It offers the freedom and flexibility they need to make significant lifestyle changes that have positive benefits beyond just weight loss. The results are the best weve ever seen for a Weight Watchers programme in a clinical trial.
The biggest differences in the plan are listed below. More Zero Point Foods on Weight Watchers Freestyle Plan: For the last few years, fruits and vegetables were all considered zero point foods unless they are juiced or blended in a drink. This was intended to encourage users to eat more of these healthier foods instead of using up points on less healthy options. This year, the zero points food list has increased drastically by including things like lean proteins (chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, and beans). It has also added in things like sweet corn on the zero points list alongside tofu. Many plan followers are loving the ability to have more of their favorite lean proteins for lower or no points.
Ability to Roll Over Daily Points to Your Weeklies Going back to an older plan favorite, you can now roll over up to 4 SmartPoints per day into your weekly points allowance. This makes it easier to splurge on a special treat and makes you feel less guilty about not eating all of your points each day. The point is not to eat every single point, but to eat healthy foods until you are satiated. This promotes a healthier mindset and will help you to maintain good habits after you reach your goal. Decrease in daily points Everyone will see a decrease in their daily points. It is said that 23 SmartPoints per day will be the lowest amount given rather than the old average of 30 points daily.
This is scary for some. The reality is that by doing this, Weight Watchers is further encouraging you to eat the healthiest possible foods. Since processed foods, red meats, and fats are higher in points values, youll find yourself focusing on more vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins to fuel your body. As always, your daily and weekly point values are calculated by a formula based on your age, height, weight, sex, and activity level. No Longer Told To Eat All of Your Points While Weight Watchers is still encouraging you to eat enough food each day, you are no longer told to eat all of your points each day. In fact, your healthy point range is now 10 points under or 5 points over your daily allotment points amount.