Fine teachers from around the United States and Canada contributed art ideas and suggestions for everyday materials in Art with Anything, inspiring the development of unique activities for childrens creative expression. Thank you one and all for your dedication to childrens art, your inspiring art ideas, and your generous contribution of time and energy.
Barbara Zaborowski, Phoenix, AZ
Beth Engelhardt, Trotwood, OH
Courtney Price, Lynden, WA
Donna Hooper Moyer, Suwanee, GA
Jane Phelan, Arlington, VA
Karen Heller, Janesville, WI
Katie Dupree, Bel Air, MD
Lisa Skeen, Summerfield NC
Margaret Mahawold, Golden Valley, MN
Melva Herman, La Loche, SK, Canada
Pat Stull, Brandon, FL
Rana Snow, Albany, OR
Sara Kreutz, Holstein, IA
Suzette Milam-Morrow, Cambria, CA
Tracey Neumarke, Chicago, IL
Valerie Kowaluk, Summit, IL
Zannifer Van Antwerp, Henderson, NV
Thank you in particular to three special friends at Gryphon House: Kathy Charner and Kate Kuhn for masterful editing, and Cathy Calliotte for inspired marketing. I treasure your friendships and appreciate your belief in my ability to bring art to children. Working with you is one of the greatest pleasures in my life.
First Art
Primary Art
Preschool Art
Preschool Art: Clay and Dough
Preschool Art: Collage
Preschool Art: Craft and Construction
Preschool Art: Drawing
Preschool Art: Painting
Making Make-Believe
MathArts, with Cindy Gainer
Cooking Art, with Jean Potter
Global Art, with Jean Potter
Discovering Great Artists, with Kim Solga
Good Earth Art, with Cindy Gainer
Great American Artists for Kids, with Kim Solga
Mudworks, Bilingual Edition
Science Arts, with Jean Potter
Scribble Art
Storybook Art, with Jean Potter
Address Labels
Address labels are an inspiration for art any day of the week!
Materials for Day 1 | full sheet of white
address labels (used or new) drawing
materialschoose from: crayons, markers,
paints and brushes optionalold
magazines or an old poster
Materials for Day 2 | full sheet of white address
labelsused or new drawing materials
choose from: crayons, markers, paints and
brushes background paperchoose from:
drawing paper, construction paper or colored
paper, sturdy paper or cardboard, poster board
Materials for Day 3 | full sheet of white
address labelsused or new tempera paint
or watercolors, brushes, water optional
crayons or markers
Materials for Day 4 | full sheet of white
address labelsused or new crayons or
markers scissors background paper
choose from: drawing paper, construction
paper or colored paper, sturdy paper or
cardboard, poster board resealable plastic
bag or envelope for storing puzzle pieces
Materials for Day 5 | full sheet of white
address labelsused or new drawing
materialschoose from: crayons, markers,
paints and brushes background paper
choose from: drawing paper, construction
paper or colored paper, sturdy paper or
cardboard, poster board
Label Collage
Color each individual label on a full sheet of white address labels in a different way. Draw designs on some labels, and cover others with single blocks of color.
To make a simple label collage, peel and stick the labels on a colorful piece of paper in any fashion, overlapping the labels if desired.
Picture Cover Art Idea: Cover a magazine picture or poster, leaving some of the picture exposed between colorful labels and completely covering other parts of the picture.
Painted Label Art
Note: This art idea is for groups or partners.
Each child paints, colors, or scribbles over an entire sheet of white address labels with one color.
The artists then share their labels so everyone has different colored labels with which to work.
The artists use the labels to make colorful collages.
Mosaic Idea: Cut the labels into smaller squares and create a label mosaic on drawing paper.
Woven Look Painting
Paint a wash of colors on a large sheet of paper. Dont worry about painting a picturesimply paint colors and shapes. Cover the paper completely.
When dry, peel and stick labels in a planned pattern, with the labels spaced out in lines and rows (or some other pattern).
The painting may resemble a weaving when viewed from a distance.
Color or decorate the labels.
Label Puzzle Craft
Completely cover a sturdy piece of paper or cardboard with peel-and-stick labels.
Use large labels for beginning artists, and smaller ones for more accomplished artists.
Draw a picture on the entire sheet of stickers, ignoring lines and sections.
To make a puzzle, cut the sheet apart between labels.
Reassemble the puzzle picture.
When finished, store the puzzle pieces in a resealable plastic bag, envelope, or small box.
Fancy Spaced-Out Labels
Draw on a full sheet of blank labels using crayons, paints, or markers. Detailed pictures or freeform designs will work equally well.
Peel off each drawn-on label, and then reassemble the labels in the same order on a piece of poster board. Leave large spaces between the labels as you put them on the poster board. These spaces will create a larger version of the original piece of art, as well as an optical illusion.
Some artists like to color or decorate between the labels; others prefer to leave the spaces untouched.
Aluminum foil
Aluminum foil is an inspiring art material cause of its shine and its ability to form and hold new shapes.
Materials for Day 1 | aluminum foilclean,
recycled pieces or a full roll in a box colored
art tissue paper, colored paper thinned
white glue in a dish, and a brush shiny
collage items, choose from: sequins, buttons,
threads, foil papers, and glitter scissors
optionalconstruction paper or blank note
card rags or wipes old washable markers
and 3 or more partially full four-ounce
bottles of white glue, to make glue paint
Materials for Day 2 | aluminum foilclean,
recycled pieces or a full roll in a box pad of
newspapers tape poking tool, like a dull
pencil scissors colored tissue paper
Materials for Day 3 | Old Marker Glue Paint,
prepared on Day 1 aluminum foilclean,
recycled pieces or a full roll in a box
Materials for Day 4 | aluminum foilclean,
recycled pieces or a full roll in a box scissors
colored paper, other paper tape thick
tempera paints, paintbrushes
Materials for Day 5 | paperchoose from:
paper plates, white drawing paper, cardboard,
poster board, junk mail, colored paper
scissors thinned white glue and brush large