The Ultimate Guide for Google AdSense
Making revenue by using Google AdSense advertisements on the website
Chapter 1: Introduction
You've already read a lot about Google AdSense (or, more specifically, Google AdSense V1), but you do not know exactly what it is. For starters, it's one of the hottest new ways to make money online without having to do anything. If you've read Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," you already know that passive income is the safest kind of income to get.
Passive income is money earned without having to fight with it. I understand that this might seem to be a pie in the sky get-rich-quick plan, but passive income is possible. In reality, every single billionaire on the planet employs the influence of passive income to keep money flowing in as he or she jets off to parties, beaches, and other such activities.
Real estate is the perfect example of passive profits in the physical world. When you own an apartment complex and employ a property manager and a construction crew to look after it and collect money, all you have to do is cash the checks that come in.
Of course, passive income would not appear immediately, otherwise everybody will have it. In the case of the apartment building owner, it took money, effort, and experience to establish a S business, locate a building to purchase, put up the down payment and get a loan for the remainder, renovate it, and then screen and employ the property manager and maintenance staff. However, after that was completed, checks started to arrive with little or no effort.
Google Adsense is the internet's equivalent of that. You will need to put some time in learning how to use it, so once you have it set up, you can look forward to receiving those nice tests. Alternatively, once you're completely online, you'll be able to see money streaming into your PayPal account.
1.1 So Just What is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense is a fast and absolutely ridiculously easy way for people with websites of all types and sizes to put up and display relevant Google ads on the content pages of their site and earn money.
Since the Google AdSense ads correspond to what your users come to your site to learn about, or because the ads fit the tastes and characteristics of the kind of people your content draws, you also have a way to improve your content pages while still making money off them.
Google AdSense is another way for site owners to offer Google search capability to users while still earning additional revenue by displaying Google ads on search results pages. Google AdSense allows you to receive advertisement money from any page on your website with a small commitment of your time.
So, what kinds of advertisements do you have to run? That's the good news: you don't have to make a choice. Google would do it for you. AdSense often offers specific ads that are specifically tailored to the content that users find on your web (on a page-by-page basis). For ex, if you have a page that tells the story of your pet fish, Google will give you advertisements for pet shops, fish food, fish bowls, aquariums, and so on.
If you plan to have a Google search box on your website, AdSense will send related ads to the Google search results pages that your visitors' search request created.
If you're looking for an update, Google now offers "AdSense Premium," which is CPC-based and, for the time being, has less versatility in terms of ad sizes (only banners and skyscrapers are currently available). You should apply for your current AdWords account or order a new account. Applicants are normally told within a day of their acceptance into the program.
Here's what you need to know:
Google does not have specific requirements for entry into the AdSense scheme, and there is no minimum traffic threshold. The only standards they are really adamant about are the basic "appropriate material" specifications, which are fairly standard almost everywhere. Google AdSense claims to be adamant about attracting premium content pages, and as a result, AdSense members are only permitted to serve one ad per domain. This means you can't use AdSense with both banners and skyscrapers at the same time. (Note: banners are the horizontal advertising that appear around the top and bottom of the page.) Skyscrapers are the tall advertisements that appear on the left and right sides of the page text.)
If you've been approved for Google AdSense, you'll be able to display AdSense advertising on every platform you own by using the same ad code, as long as you follow Google's guidelines. (And this is critical; more on that later.)
Your monitoring does not happen in real time, but it is posted on a daily basis during the day. If you run AdSense on more than one account, you cannot currently access reports based on domain or site.
Before you sign up, you can thoroughly read the AdSense site's extensive and informative FAQ.
1.2 What Can it do for Me?
In three terms, make money. More important advertising on your sites equals more clicksand more revenue for you. Since Google will pay you when users click on an ad. If you have your own sales force, you will get an added benefit: AdSense will supplement their efforts. It is not in competition with them. With AdSense, you have a reporting page that shows you how the ads are doing and how much money they are taking in.
Google has a massive advertiser base, but they have advertisements for almost every form of company and almost every type of material, no matter how large or specialized it is. You still don't have to waste hours talking to the marketers because Google supplies the advertising.
AdSense represents advertisers from all walks of life. These marketers include both major national retailers and small and local businesses. Furthermore, advertisements are geotargeted, allowing foreign companies to conveniently view local advertising. One last thing: AdSense is available in a variety of languages.
So, how does AdSense know how to do all of this targeted advertising? AdSense will offer meaningful ads because Google's gurus appreciate how web pages actually function and are constantly evolving their technologies to make it smarter all the time.
Some phrases, for example, may have several meanings depending on context. You've seen that happen with "two," "too," and "to." Google technology is intelligent enough to understand these differences based on the form in which the term appears, resulting in more personalized advertising.
When you have a Google search box on your website, you begin earning money from web searches performed on your blog. This option to browse off of your website keeps people on your web longer so they can search from right where they are, and it will only take you a few minutes to set up AdSense. The best thing is, of course, that AdSense is completely free to use.
1.3 What Kinds of Ads Will I Get on My Site?
Obviously, there are certain types of advertisements you don't want on your web, such as pornography ones or ads for sleazy multi-level marketing campaigns that shout in huge red letters, "Make $30,000 a month just by watching TV!"