iPad 2 Fully Loaded by Alan Hess
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About the Author
Alan Hess
Alan is a San Diego-based photographer and author, specializing in concert and event photography. He has also photographed everything from portraits to products. He is the author of the iPad Fully Loaded and four Digital Field Guides: The Composition Digital Field Guide, The Exposure Digital Field Guide, the Sony A200 Digital Field Guide and the Sony A700 Digital Field Guide. His concert and backstage images appear in numerous online and print publications, and theyve been used for promotional purposes, including music packaging.
Alan has written for Photoshop User Magazine and teaches concert photography and the Basics of Exposure and Composition at Photoshop World.
He is a huge computer nut and tends to live on the bleeding edge of technology. A long-time Apple user, Alan eagerly awaits the announcement every year from Cupertino and has been an iPod, iPhone and iPad user from the day these devices were released.
Alan can be contacted through his website, www.alanhessphotography.com, where he publishes a regular blog, and you can follow Alan on Twitter, where he goes by ShotLivephoto.
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I first and foremost want to thank my wife, parents, brothers, sisters-in-law, nephews and nieces for their patience with me as I wrote this book. The schedule was really tight this time around, and I know I practically vanished into the world of iPads, Apple and Apps for the month of March.
To Courtney, Jenny and Erik, it was great working with you again. Thanks for keeping up with the crazy schedule I set and producing a book Im very proud of. I want to thank Garth for joining the team on this edition and making sure that I got the technical stuff right. Any mistakes are mine, not his.
To all my really helpful followers on Twitter who came up with suggestions, answers and some interesting questionsI thank you for all of it. Special thanks to Moose, William, Michelle, Mike, RC, Ken and Josh for always seeming to have the right answer or at least the right question at the right time. Thanks again to all of you.
A very special thank you to Glyn Dewis and Dave Clayton. Both of these fine gentlemen have helped spread the word about my books and photography in the United Kingdom.
And as always, a very special thanks to my wife Nadra who no longer minds that I carry my iPad around with me everywhere, because she now does the same thing with the iPad 2.

I have used my iPad every day since it first came out. And its been great. On a quick road trip with my brother in December 2010, I didnt even bother to take my laptop. I just used my iPad ... without regret. So when Apple announced a media event on March 2, 2011, to announce the iPad 2, I hoped to soon be using a newer, faster, thinner, lighter iPad. Dreams come true, my friends!
So Apple announced the iPad 2 along with a new version of the mobile Operating System iOS 4 that runs the iPad (and the iPhone, iPod Touch and Apple TV). The new iPad, unsurprisingly called the iPad 2 , is a major upgrade over the original version of the device, and it comes with not one but two cameras!
The original iPad is considered one of the biggest success stories in the world of consumer electronics, and the iPad 2 looks to keep that trend going. The addition of the aforementioned two cameras, along with a faster processor and more memory, makes the second generation of iPad a big step up from the original.
But that doesnt mean this book is only for people who have the iPad 2. Although we cover some content that is only available on the iPad 2, most of the information in this book applies to both devices. The real differences relate to video and taking photographs, because the new iPad has two cameras and the original version has none. But dont worry, I point out these differences when they apply.
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