The New iPad Fully Loaded
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The new
Alan Hess




About the Author
Alan Hess

Alan is a San Diego-based commercial photographer and author specializing in concert and live-event photography. He is the author of four Digital Field Guides and the iPad Fully Loaded series of books.
Alan is currently the house photographer for a large concert venue in Southern California and when he isnt out shooting concerts, he is writing books or checking out the newest gear at the local Apple Store. You can
follow Alan on Twitter at ShotLivePhoto
or check in with him on his website at
I could not have written this book without the support of my family. Working on the tight deadlines to get the book out soon after the new iPad was released meant very long days immersed in a world of Apple, iPads, and not much else. Thank you for your patience.
This book was produced by a team that worked incredibly hard to meet some of the most insane deadlines ever. Courtney and Carol over at Wiley who kept the ball rolling on the project; Jennifer, the newcomer to the series, kept the whole project running smoothly; Garth, who double-checked my work; and Erik, who makes everything I write look better. You guys are awesome and I couldnt do it without you.
Thank you to Patrick, who has more artistic talent that I could ever imagine. Your insight into painting on the iPad was invaluable.
A big thank you goes out to all the people who have bought the previous (and current) version of this book. Without you I would not be able to do this. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
And as always, a huge thanks to my wife for putting up with an author husband. I keep crazy hours and tend to mumble to myself about apps, updates, and screen resolutions. Thanks for putting up with the crazy times.
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For Nadra

The iPad has really changed my life. It changed the way I check my e-mail and browse the Internet; it changed the way that I show off my photos; and it changed how I read books. And I am not alone. The iPad has changed the way a lot of people do a lot of things.
In the fourth quarter of 2011 Apple sold 15.4 million iPads. That is a lot of devices out there, most of them being used everyday. There are now three different iPad models. The original iPad was released back in 2010 and discontinued in 2011 when the iPad 2 was released. The iPad 2 was a faster, thinner version of the original iPad, and added two cameras and support for cellular data networks other than the original AT&T. In March 2012, Apple released a new iPad and called itthe new iPad. At the same time, they dropped the price of the iPad 2. That means that there are two different models currently available, each in two colors and three capacities on a variety of cellular networks. In Chapter 1, I break down all the choices for you and clear up any confusion that you have over the different iPad models available.
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