Tracing Secret Service Ancestors
Tracing Your Air Force Ancestors
Tracing Your Ancestors
Tracing Your Ancestors from 1066 to 1837
Tracing Your Ancestors Through Death Records
Tracing Your Ancestors Through Family Photographs
Tracing Your Ancestors Using the Census
Tracing Your Ancestors Childhood
Tracing Your Ancestors Parish Records
Tracing Your Aristocratic Ancestors
Tracing Your Army Ancestors 2nd Edition
Tracing Your Birmingham Ancestors
Tracing Your Black Country Ancestors
Tracing Your British Indian Ancestors
Tracing Your Canal Ancestors
Tracing Your Channel Islands Ancestors
Tracing Your Coalmining Ancestors
Tracing Your Criminal Ancestors
Tracing Your East Anglian Ancestors
Tracing Your East End Ancestors
Tracing Your Edinburgh Ancestors
Tracing Your First World War Ancestors
Tracing Your Great War Ancestors: The Gallipoli Campaign
Tracing Your Great War Ancestors: The Somme
Tracing Your Great War Ancestors: Ypres
Tracing Your Huguenot Ancestors
Tracing Your Jewish Ancestors
Tracing Your Labour Movement Ancestors
Tracing Your Lancashire Ancestors
Tracing Your Leeds Ancestors
Tracing Your Legal Ancestors
Tracing Your Liverpool Ancestors
Tracing Your London Ancestors
Tracing Your Medical Ancestors
Tracing Your Merchant Navy Ancestors
Tracing Your Naval Ancestors
Tracing Your Northern Ancestors
Tracing Your Pauper Ancestors
Tracing Your Police Ancestors
Tracing Your Prisoner of War Ancestors: The First World War
Tracing Your Railway Ancestors
Tracing Your Royal Marine Ancestors
Tracing Your Rural Ancestors
Tracing Your Scottish Ancestors
Tracing Your Second World War Ancestors
Tracing Your Servant Ancestors
Tracing Your Service Women Ancestors
Tracing Your Shipbuilding Ancestors
Tracing Your Tank Ancestors
Tracing Your Textile Ancestors
Tracing Your Trade and Craftsmen Ancestors
Tracing Your Welsh Ancestors
Tracing Your West Country Ancestors
Tracing Your Yorkshire Ancestors
First published in Great Britain in 2016
an imprint of
Pen & Sword Books Ltd
47 Church Street, Barnsley
South Yorkshire, S70 2AS
Copyright Simon Wills, 2016
ISBN: 978 1 47383 433 0
PDF ISBN: 978 1 47388 050 4
EPUB ISBN: 978 1 47388 049 8
PRC ISBN: 978 1 47388 048 1
The right of Simon Wills to be identified as Author of the Work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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* * *
On the front cover:
Royal Navy first class petty officer in tropical uniform, c.1890 (top left).
Royal Navy Commander Stanley Miller on HMS Thunderer, 1912 (top right).
Fisherman at Southwold, 1880s (bottom left).
Merchant navy surgeon with the African Steamship Company, c.1900 (bottom right).
To my brother, Richard
This book examines how British seafarers were captured on camera during the period 1850 to 1950, and offers information and advice on how to interpret their roles, ranks and experiences.
Achieving this in one book is a difficult task and, understandably, it is not possible to illustrate and describe every single type of uniform or clothing worn by our maritime ancestors. In many instances this book will help you discover what a person in an old photograph did for a living. However, sometimes you will need to undertake further research yourself to understand a photograph more completely. In these situations I hope that I have included sufficient images and information to have at least pointed you in the right direction.
I have suggested a few archive resources that may help you begin to investigate an ancestors career too, but these are only examples to help start you off. Please consult more specialist sources for each seafaring profession for more comprehensive advice.
The men who worked on a ship in the Royal Navy or merchant service have been referred to variously throughout history as seamen, sailors or mariners. The Navy has also used the term rating to refer to its non-officers. Yet, for consistency I have generally used the word seaman throughout this book to describe professional men who worked on a ship. Similarly, I have used the term merchant navy to refer to the crews of commercial cargo and passenger ships, even when discussing eras when this was not an established term.
There is some difference of opinion on the correct terms to use to describe certain aspects of clothing and insignia of rank. I apologise if I have not used terms that individual readers have a preference for, but for clarity and consistency I have adopted the following:
Cuff stripes to refer to the sleeve markings or distinction lace used to denote the rank of officers.
Shoulder straps to describe the flaps of material running across the tops of shoulders which may carry information about rank.
Branch badges for the various embroidered insignia worn on the right upper sleeve by naval ratings to indicate their specialist line of work. These are sometimes called non-substantive or trade badges.
I am indebted to the following experts who kindly gave me their time, access to resources and ideas:
Heather Johnson, librarian and archivist, Royal Naval Museum Library, Portsmouth.
Ian Maine, Deputy Head of Collections & Subject Specialist Royal Marines, Royal Marines Museum, Portsmouth.
Vicky Green, cruise-ship specialist, Maritime Collection, Southampton Central Library.
Chris White, secretary, Royal Fleet Auxiliary Historical Society.
Elise Chainey, collections officer, RNLI Heritage.
ADM | Admiralty (series of records at TNA) |
BT | Board of Trade (series of records at TNA) |
ERA | Engine Room Artificer |
FAA | Fleet Air Arm |
HMS | His/Her Majestys Ship |
P&O | Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company |
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