This book is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical manual. The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent medical help.
Mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities in this book does not imply endorsement by the publisher, nor does mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities imply that they endorse this book.
Internet addresses and telephone numbers given in this book were accurate at the time it went to press.
2006 by Universal Studios Licensing LLLP. The Biggest Loser and NBC Studios, Inc., and Reveille LLC.
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Book design by Christina Gaugler
Illustration on page by Judy Newhouse
Food photographs by Mitch Mandel. All other photos by NBC Universal Photo.
Photo of Devin Alexander on page
The Library of Congress has cataloged the previous edition as follows:
Alexander, Devin.
The Biggest Loser cookbook : more than 125 healthy delicious recipes adapted from NBCs hit show / Chef Devin Alexander and The Biggest Loser experts and cast ; foreword by Bob Harper and Kim Lyons.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13 978-1-59486-575-6 paperback
ISBN-10 1-59486-575-2 paperback
1. Cookery. 2. Reducing dietsRecipes. 3. Biggest loser (Television program) I. Biggest loser (Television program). II. Title.
TX714.A433 2006
Direct, online version available August 2009:
ISBN-13: 978-1-60529-417-9
Distributed to the book trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers
12 14 16 18 20 19 17 15 13 11 paperback
2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 hardcover
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Product Development & Direction: Chad Bennett, Dave Broome, Cindy Chang, Mark Koops, Kim Niemi
Project Coordinator: Neysa Gordon
NBCU, Reveille, and 25/7 Productions would like to thank the many people who gave their time and energy to this project:
3Ball Productions, Stephen Andrade, Nancy N. Bailey, Sean Bangert, The Biggest Loser contestants, Scot Chastain, Elayne Cilic, Tami Booth Corwin, Dr. Michael Dansinger, Lisa Dolin, Milissa Douponce, Kat Elmore, John Farrell, Dawn Fiore, Cheryl Forberg, Kurt B. Ford, Jeff Gaspin, Chris Gaugler, Jennifer Giandomenico, Linda Gilbert, Kristen Goble, Beth Goss, Marc Graboff, Erica Gruen, Bob Harper, Heather Halloway, Kim Hedland, Dr. Robert Huizenga, Frederick Huntsberry, Helen Jorda, Allison Kaz, Jessica Kirby, Laura Kuhn, Beth Lamb, Roni Lubliner, Kim Lyons, Vince Manze, Rebecca Marks, John Miller, Kam Naderi, Todd Nelson, Jennifer O'Connell, Carole Panick, Joanne Park, Trae Patton, Liz Perl, Jerry Petry, Craig Plestis, Kevin Reilly, Chris Rhoads, Lindsay Rickel, Beth Roberts, J. D. Roth, Lauren Santiago, Leslie Schneider, Ben Silverman, Charles Steenveld, Lee Straus, Amy Super, Deborah Thomas, Matt Vassallo, Brian Wendel, Bob Wright, Yong Yam, Jeff Zucker
Dear Reader,
You are what you eatand I love to eat! I love to eat all kinds of food, and I definitely have a sweet tooth that will probably never go away. The contestants on The Biggest Loser also love to eat, and with our help, they learn to form a new and healthy relationship with food.
While working with the contestants on The Biggest Loser, one concern comes up over and over again: food. Contestants want to know what they are going to eat, and they wonder if they will ever enjoy eating healthy. When I talk to my team about food, their first thoughts are diet, restriction, and deprivation. My contestants think I am going to take away all the food that they enjoy and force them to live on salad and broccoli. It has been a very big struggle for me to ease their fears. When new contestants come to the ranch for the first time, their whole world has been turned upside down. They are away from their family and friends and their habitsand most of all they are away from their comfort food.
In the end, they learnas you willthat eating healthy can be quite delicious and enjoyable. Every single day, I work with food and recipes to help keep my people on track. It takes thought and structure to come up with healthy alternatives. But the good news is that Chef Devin Alexander and The Biggest Loser team have done all the work for you! Its all here in your two little hands.
Youll learn all the tricks and secrets we use on the ranch. Youll learn how to make these delicious and easy recipesand youll see that many of them take only a few minutes of prep time.
Eating healthy doesnt mean bland, tasteless food. People ask me all the time about what everyone is eating at the ranch. Many people, including the contestants at first, believe that there is some fantastic chef living with us, cooking our food, and taking care of our every need. I always laugh when I hear that. The ranch is definitely not a resort. It is a boot camp for life. The time that we spend in the gym is comparable to the time we spend in the kitchen.
I think youll be pleasantly surprised when you use this cookbook. We found ways of cutting out the calories but leaving in all of the taste in every dish. We found ways to satisfy our sweet tooth without expanding our waists. We found ways of eating burgers and pasta without getting off our plans. Have you watched our show and wondered, What were they eating that got them to lose so much weight? Well, you are holding the answer. This cookbook is a great tool to get you on track. When you start eating right, it will absolutely change your life. It will make you feel better. You will have more energy. You will feel good. When you incorporate these recipes into your eating plan, you will feel the change that our contestants have felt. You will be empoweredand I will have done my job. So what are you waiting for? Get to the grocery store, get your new tools for the kitchen, and start cooking. You are really going to love it, like we all do.
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