How I Make Thousandsin My Spare Time
By Steven Fies
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Steven Fies atSmashwords
Copyright (c) 2014 by StevenFies
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Edited byMarian Kelly
Published by Steven Fies
Electronic Edition: December 2014
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014921476
ISBN 978-0-692-33546-8
For Whitney
I owe a great manythanks to the people who supported me in writing this book, whichwould not have happened if not for the suggestion of my friend andcolleague Rob Acosta. Rob, Im glad I stayed at work late thatnight and had that conversation with you about doing this!
Furthermore, I owea great many thanks to my wife, Whitney, for supporting me throughthe journey of writing my first book, and to Gordon Kelsch, who sothoroughly helped me evaluate my first draft. I should also pointout that Gordon also helped me with my first flip by fixing up ahandle on an old speaker cabinet that became my first profitablesale.
I must also thankRob Jones for getting me involved in this mess in the first place,and for being my partner in crime throughout the process.
Many more thanksmust go to my friends and family, including Lora Fies, George Fies,Thomas Arthur, Gustavo Delgadillo, and the gentlemen from a bandcalled Weight of the Sun, for supporting this process in countlessways and providing critical input where needed.
Last but certainlynot least, the biggest thanks of all go to my editor, Marian Kelly,for crafting a halfway passable work product from my firstscribbles. Her experience was invaluable in reworking many sectionsof this book, and without her developmental guidance Im not surethis ever would have been published. She has a grasp of the Englishlanguage that is second to none, along with a knack for makingthings flow. Thank you so very much, Marian, you are trulyappreciated.
A birds eyeview of my system
Four ways toachieve a winning frame of mind
How I turned afree item into $500
Make this onedecision to maximize your success
Why I walk ifthere isnt at least $100 in a deal
The power ofintelligent data analysis
How I Earned$935 in just two deals
Two powerfulreasons to be on time
Leveragingemotional intelligence for greater results
Seven simplerules that will make or break your listings
Every teamlikes home games better
Six steps toclosing the deal
The hidden keyto bigger profit margins
How I doubledmy cash on a rare, 1930s era trumpet
Putting it alltogether
Steves salesdata, Jun-Dec 2013
Calculatingimportant financial metrics
The shrinkingprofit margin phenomenon
The shrinkingfunctional price range phenomenon
The first time I met Steven Fies was during myfreshman year at the University of California, San Diego. We wereassigned to the same dormitory suite, and it only took a fewcordial greetings to know we were destined for a lifelongfriendship full of memorable experiences together.
As I got to knowSteve during college, what always stood out to me as special washis courage and determination to set bold, forward-thinking goalsand accomplish them through great passion and extraordinary care.While many others struggled to keep up with basic course material,he would finish his classwork and then push himself to acquireadditional skills outside the classroom business skills thatwould later prove valuable to the bottom line of life.
The mostremarkable thing was how Steve made it seem effortless to dive intosomething completely new or out of his comfort zone and have greatsuccess. Fortunately for me, he didn't keep this ability a secret,and I was able to learn many lessons from him regarding how toapproach lifes challenges. Namely, how to take a smart risk, andhow to achieve the positive frame of mind needed to push theboundaries with my own work.
All of this stuckwith me after graduating from college, and eventually helped leadme to a decision that no one would have ever thought I d make.Leaving the safe-haven of a comfortable career in biotech, Idecided to pursue my dream of starting a tech company from scratch.Inspired in part by Steves relentless will to always find a way, Iknew my vision could become a reality once I harnessed mydetermination and took action.
Fast forward a fewyears and I have raised nearly $1M for my company. We launched inearly 2013, and since then, I have had the opportunity to befeatured on television and in famous news publications, meet someof the nations top CEOs and business scholars, and recruit anincredible staff aligned with a unified mission to build software Inever could have imagined before.
Importantly, allof this began when I conquered my fears and found the courage totake the first step.
What I like aboutThe Key to Making Money on Craigslist is that Steve takes the timeto show you exactly how to develop this courage, exploring thepsychology behind it in enough depth that anyone can understand it.This is often the missing link between success and failure, as wetend to hold ourselves back more than anyone or anything else.
This book alsowalks you through the definitive steps you must take to analyzedeals, negotiate effectively, and buy and sell at the right times and at the right prices. The level of technical detail covered hereis something this genre has never seen before, yet is explained soclearly that anyone can understand it. There is no doubt that youcan make hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars when applying theseprinciples.
However you chooseto apply this knowledge, whether to Craigslist or a differentresale market altogether, Steve has truly gone above and beyond indelivering an information product that is relevant, motivating, andimmediately applicable to your life. This book will not onlyempower you to get motivated, get on your feet quickly, andsucceed; it will provide you with business fundamentals that willserve you for the rest of your life.
President and Co-founder of Lateral SV
In seven months, I generated $3,827 on Craigslist byfollowing the principles in this book.
This amountwas the profit earned,not the gross sales volume, which was in excess of$10,000.
I generatedanother $2,126 in this same time period by selling existinginventory.
During thefollowing several months (while writing the first draft of thisbook), I continued to buy and sell, ultimately ending the year withan additional $8,521cash in my pocket. My total sales exceeded $20,000 for theyear.
Since I have afull-time job, all of this happened during my free time, in just afew hours per week.
Now youmight be wondering, How can I goabout generating hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in my freetime?
Its simpler thanyou realize, but the majority of us choose to spend our leisuretime relaxing on the couch, watching television, or surfing theinternet. By getting a little more focused, you too can generate afew extra bucks.