101 Morning Routines
A unique collection of all types of morningrituals
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Copyright 2015 - Lidiya K
1. Leo Babauta fromZenHabits
1. Wake at 4:30a.m.
2. Drinkwater.
3. Set 3 MostImportant Things (MITs) for today.
4. Fix lunches forkids and myself.
5. Eat breakfast,read.
6. Exercise (run,bike, swim, strength, or yardwork) or meditate.
7. Shower.
8. Wake wife &kids at 6:30 a.m.
Craig Ballantyne, editor of EarlyToRise, Strength andConditioning Coach, Author of Turbulance Training
My day begins between 3:30 and 4 a.m.
I make my way to the bathroom to get dressed andcleaned up. I put on my workout clothes for later and head down tothe kitchen table. A jug of cold water from the fridge and a fewdaily supplements (vitamin C, a probiotic, and glucosaminechondroitin) are the only nourishment I need for the next fewhours.
I grab my writing sweatshirt and put on myheadphones. Theres no music. Just silence. It helps me get lockedin and laser-focused for the next sixty to ninety minutes.
By five thirty or six oclock Im satisfied withmy first draft. Its time for my daily inspirational quotes to beshared with our rapidly growing Turbulence Training and Early toRise Facebook readership.
After this few minutes break I return to mywriting. This time, its email drafts.
My next habit is one of my favorite parts of themorning. It is my daily document review and reading time. Thirtyminutes are allotted to this important thinking session.
I move to my gratitude and achievement journalnext. Split lengthwise down the page, the left hand side is for thepeople, activities, and the future for which I am grateful.
Time to move over to the achievement side. Ilist the five biggest accomplishments of the past day, and reflecton ways to achieve the same or better results today.
On I go to the many documents Ive gathered overthe years. There are the Kekich Credos, Yanik Silvers MaverickBusiness Rules, and many others. Each day I review one from thelist.
The first new habit is reading a chapter of a bookeach day. With all of the other reading in my day-to-day schedule,Id found my book reading diminished in the last year. What betterway to fix this problem than with making this a daily habit. Eachmorning, before the dog gets walked, a chapter must beread.
Finally, this brings us to my last habit, one thatI had struggled to implement for years. Yet it is the simplest ofactivities. It is doing nothing, absolutely nothing. Thats right,mediation. I havent missed a day in over a year, and yes, Ibelieve it has made a difference.
Its now broaching 7 a.m.
And I watch, satisfied. Im satisfied that myheaviest lifting of the day is done, though the city is just wakingup.
3. ManeeshSethi
1 . As soon as I get on my computer,I activate Freedom, a simple app that turns off the Internet, for30 minutes.
2 . I drink a liter of cold water.This jumpstarts my metabolism and makes me feel great during theday.
3 . I journal 2 pages in myLiveScribe Notebook. Part of my journal includes my MITs (MostImportant Todos) of the day, so I know exactly what I have set forme.
At this point, Iwill still have 10-15 minutes of Freedom leftso Ill turn on mycomputer and start working on whatever is the most important taskof the day. Restricting access to Internet is the most successfulway, at least for me, to really focus on a task and get workdone.
4. CharlesDarwin
7 a.m. Rose andtook a short walk.
7:45 a.m.Breakfast alone .
89:30 a.m. Workedin his study; he considered this his best working time.
9:3010:30 a.m.Went to drawing-room and read his letters, followed by readingaloud of family letters.
10:30 a.m.12Returned to study, which period he considered the end of hisworking day.
noon Walk,starting with visit to greenhouse, then round the sandwalk, thenumber of times depending on his health, usually alone or with adog.
5. TonyRobbins
Tony Robbinsstartup routine is simple and has three parts:
1. Moving andBreathing (5 minutes)
2. In this step,you change the way you move to change the way you feel. The sciencebehind it is breath walking. Youll use breath walking tostimulate your lymph nodes and energize your body. Youll also linkyour body to a feeling of confidence and certainty.
3. The approach isto inhale 4 times through your nose, and exhale 4 times throughyour mouth, as you make strong, purposeful strides. Its 4 shortbreaths in, one after the other, and then 4 short breaths out, oneafter the other: in-in-in-in and out-out-out-out. This will fullyuse your sinuses and oxygenate your body.
4. Emotional Stateof Enormous Gratitude (5 minutes)
In this step, youcreate an enormous state of gratitude. You do so by acknowledgingand appreciating both people and situations that you are gratefulfor.
There are twoparts to this step:
1. Current State:For the first few minutes, you focus on what you are grateful forthat already exists.
2. Future State:This is where you visualize what you want to create in your life.For the last few minutes, you focus on the future, and you envisionwhat you will be grateful for, but you state it as though italready exists.
So, in essence,you are first feeling grateful for what you have in your life, andthen you are dreaming up what you want in your life, and feelinggrateful for the future. You mind will build certainty around thisfuture vision and help you achieve it in resourceful ways. Feel asif it exists. Affirm it. Own it. Your mind and body will change toit. Remember that everything we create in our life, we first createas thoughts, feelings, or desires.
5. Incantations (5minutes)
This is where youchant out loud, use your body, and express it. As you walk, use themusic, use your body, and use your mind, to reinforce yourmantras.
Walk with a senseof excitement and link it to a sense of certainty as you state yourincantations.
Tony Robbinsshares a few mantras you might use:
- All I need is within me now.
- All the joy I need is within me now.
- All the love I need is within me now.
6. Mark MorganFord, author, creator ofEarlyToRise.com
6:30 Woke.Dressed. Sprinted, walked, stretched, and meditated on thebeach.
The first thing Ido is sprint and stretch and meditate. This is the most importantthing I can do (besides eating well) to ensure a long and happylife.
7:00 Showered.Changed. Went to my home office.
7:30 Revised twopoems written last year.
8:00 Wrote a newpoem.
8:30 Wrote 600words of Sin, my current (and first-to-be-published novel).
9:30 Wrote 600words of the marketing book Im working on with MaryEllen.
10:30-11:30 Wrotean essay for ETR.
I devote fourhours entirely to writing which is one of my four top priorities.About half my writing time is spent on creative writing and abouthalf on business writing. This reflects a balance that correspondsto my current goals.
7. AnulekhaVenkatram, Associate Product Manager Digital Products
5:20 am - Firstalarm goes off. Sometimes, it takes me 3 alarms to get out of bed.Bottom line: I have to be out of bed by the third alarm, which goesoff at 5:30am and has a loud, ominous ringtone.
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