E vangelization is a scary word to lots of Catholics. For too many of us, our first thought is of the guy on a soapbox on the street corner screaming obscure Scripture passages interspersed with YOURE GOING TO HELL. Or maybe you recall the couple going door to door for Religion X who just wouldnt leave. Or maybe you think of televangelists promising everything, delivering nothing, while rolling in money. No wonder Catholics run the other way when they hear the word evangelization! But it is long past time to set the record straight: evangelization is a good word.
Evangelization is simply sharing the message of Jesus Christ, the goodness of God in a world desperately in need of it. Its not imposing its sharing great news! Traditionally, it has meant sharing the message of Christ with those who have not heard it before. We have many books full of stories of Christians evangelizing in foreign lands, finding ways to articulate the good news in very different cultures. These stories are fascinating, inspiring, but perhaps feel far away. The shift we Americans need to make is that today, we live in a land increasingly foreign to the Christian message. More and more people (especially younger generations) identify themselves as having no religious affiliation, or as one of the nones. (and, when people do hear the name of God, it is muttered in vain or hostility), people dont look to the Church as a place of hope. People who are hurting or who have honest questions about God are simply not coming to us.
In addition to that, Pope John Paul II noted that we live in an age in need of a new evangelizationspreading the heart of the Christian message, the basic proclamation that God has a plan for each of us centered in Jesus Christto people who are already Christians. Many of us have fallen into a cultural Christianity, a comfortable social identity group that joins together for worship and practice but has not been challenged to open itself to the depth of the good news. Perhaps we attend Mass regularly or semi-regularly, but are more influenced on a day- to-day basis by a God-absent culture. By definition, we drift from where we should be without knowing it. We look into our hearts and know that drift is too easy. We all need to return to the reason for our hope, the core message of Jesus Christ.
The need is real. The news is GOOD. So why dont we dedicate some time to deliberately sharing the message that Jesus Christ has come for me and you, and allowing his grace in our lives to transform us in ways we never imagined?
But Arent We Doing That Already?
In most cases, no. If we were, we wouldnt be losing people by double-digit percentages.
I know were not standing stillparishes tend to be very active and engaged in vital community-building, catechesis, and service activities. But that work is not direct evangelization. We do a lot of insider discussion with those already Christian, presuming they dont need to be reminded of the story of our salvation. We do a lot of service for all people, regardless of their faith affiliation. And we enjoy each other, and have fun together. These are all good. But this booklet is focusing on one piece that is usually missing: direct evangelizationgetting the core message of Jesus out there to people who need to hear it. This one missing thing is essential and roots everything else.
If you are now thoroughly confused, have no fear. Its time to define our key term via the Catechism : Evangelization is the proclamation of Christ by word and the testimony of life. Evangelization always involves what is called the kerygma , or, if you prefer English, the proclamation Jesus and his disciples offer us. What is the kerygma, exactly? Basically, it has four steps:
Good news! Our all-powerful, all-good God, our Father, created the universe from nothing: and it was good. He created human beings as entirely good, and placed us in loving harmony with himself and the world.
Bad news. The first humans broke those perfect and good relationships by rejecting God, wanting to be our own gods. That first devastating sin broke the relationship between God and humanity, and that brokenness is part of our inheritance as humans. Now we are inclined to desire wrong rather than right, and evil exists.
Good news! The Father sent his Son, Jesus Christ, into the worldfully human and fully Godto teach the way, to love the lost, to preach repentance, to heal those in need, to raise others from the dead, and, ultimately, to sacrifice his life to create for us a path to union with the Father. Jesus died, and after three days, the Father raised him from the dead. He was seen, touched, and heard. He is alive! And he continues to give us himself.
More good news! Jesus Christ sent us the Holy Spirit to give us power, peace, and consolation to grow closer to Christ and to the Father, and to share the good news of God that life can be different, whole, better, and amazing.
Do you have to memorize all that? Well, no. But you begin to see what evangelization is about: presenting Jesus as the Christ who saves and leads us to a life of everlasting peace and joy. Sometimes you do get the opportunity to share the whole story. But usually you are offering the real hope of Jesus Christ to people in a specific situation, and the kerygma is more pointedJesus Christ has come for YOU, right here, right now. He is the source of healing and hope. You can trust him. God has a plan for you.
This is what we mean when we say Jesus Christ is the cornerstone, or the foundation. The Church exists to evangelize, and we cannot evangelize outside of that relationship with Jesus Christ. Evangelization is less taught and more shared.
Dont I Need to Know Someone Well First?
Ideally, yes, you share the Gospel within relationships. Parishes should have deliberate pre-evangelization work (creating bridges of outreach, trust, and friendship) in place. But you know what? Paul, Peter, Silas, Philip, Barnabas, and others in the Acts of the Apostles presented the Gospel to people they did not know. Sometimes the Holy Spirit paves the way, and we step into that path. But even then: be sensitive. Sharing the good news works best when it is invited by the one being evangelized in some sense, such as when the person asks a question or demonstrates clear openness to conversation. Respect the person you are evangelizing, and, if they walk away or demonstrate clearly they want to stop the conversation, yield gracefully. God pursues each one of us in myriad ways. Perhaps another person is meant to share the Gospel with them, or perhaps they need to hear it more than once.
Im Afraid.
There is a reason Jesus Christ continually said, Dont be afraid. He knows our fear. This is one reason he promised us his Holy Spirit, and it was given to us at Pentecost and in our baptism. We are temples of the Holy Spirit! No one can say Jesus is Lord except through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can counter our fear and give us the words that we need.
There is a reason that some of the most powerful evangelizers say they have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Baptism, in this case, simply means immersionbut simply being immersed in the Holy Spirit is an amazing thing! Whatever language you use, deliberate openness to the work of the Holy Spirit, and praying for his grace, is key to pushing out fear.
But this booklet is meant to assuage any fears as well. Evangelization is doable, exciting, a joy, and can change another persons life. If you are intrigued, even chomping at the bit, but you dont know how to beginthis book is for you.
Anything given to God is not wasted. Dont fear failure. Fear not trying. If you put on Christs love and share, you will be doing exactly what God desires, and he will work with it in ways that you may or may not see immediately. Wherever you go, God is already there, waiting for you.
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