Free to Be Happy With Energy Psychology
By Tapping on Acupuncture Points
Robert Elias Najemy
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2002 Robert Elias Najemy
Athens, Greece
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Table ofContents
I dedicate this book to Dr. Roger Callahanand Gary Craig and to all the other pioneers of Energy Psychologyand, of course. to you that you may now benefit from it.
This is a handbook for employing EFT on awide variety of issues as well as towards important goals of alltypes. We might call it EFT for Self-knowledge and totalfreedom.
We start by explaining how to use EFT fordealing with emotions and physical problems.
The remaining chapters are dedicated toenabling our effective use of EFT for removing all obstaclesto clarity, inner peace, happiness, love for ourselves and othersand in general the manifestation of our various needs andgoals.
I am so deeply grateful to Dr. RogerCallahan and Gary Craig for their dedicated work towards offeringthis unprecedentedly powerful and effective technique for humantransformation.
Never before has there been such anobjectively and repeatedly reliable method for freeing ourselvesfrom fears and other negative emotions, as well as inner obstaclesto health, happiness, peace, love and the manifestation of ourgoals in life.
In this book I have combined EFT with anabundance of information and possible applications acquired in my35 years of working with myself and thousands of people on freeingourselves from obstacles to happiness.
Many of you will find my book ThePsychology of Happiness, a useful companion to this work.Additionally, you can find an abundance of useful articles andinformation on our web site
I am always open to your feedback concerninghow we can improve our work. I am especially interested in hearingfrom you concerning your discoveries, successes and even failures(which we might be able to transform) while using EFT.
Experience or Flow?
In this book you will find a number of listsand suggestions which are the result of over 3 decades ofexperience in working with people's emotions, beliefs andreactions. They can be helpful for those with less experience asthey might contain possibilities, which you may not have thought ofor experienced.
However the flow of EFT is magical and oftenvery different from what we expect. This flow of emotional andphysical aspects is incredibly healing and should never beinterrupted or obstructed because of our personal perceptions orideas.
Thus we suggest that you just employ EFT andfollow your own or the other's flow which is brought about by thetapping. If however, you get stuck or feel there may be aspects,which are not being dealt with and thus you are not getting theresults you would like, these lists and suggestion can be extremelyhelpful.
Priority however must always be given to theflow that comes forth from within us or others.
You may want to look at the list of otherresources for energy psychology in the epilogue.
Credentials and Legal Statement
You are the only person who can be morallyand legally responsible for you.
I am not licensed to tell you what to dowith your life. Even if I was, I would not, because I believe thatyou know better than anyone what is best for you.
Only you can actually create your ownhealth, happiness and fulfillment. The rest of us are here tosupport you in this.
The techniques described in this book, to myknowledge, have never harmed anyone. They may occasionally bring tosurface hidden or repressed emotions, which could perhaps createsome moments or hours of discomfort as our energy begins to flow,bringing to the surface whatever has been obstructing that energyflow.
If you have doubts about performing theseprocedures or at some point do not feel well, you will always wantto refer to your own doctor or mental health professional and askfor their guidance.
I also suggest that you consult with atrained EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner in yourarea for help. Many of these practitioners are also registereddoctors or psychotherapists.
Thus, before reading this book and employingthese techniques, understand that you are taking totalresponsibility for your own physical, emotional, mental andspiritual health and wellbeing.
Thus, if you cannot agree with taking totalresponsibility for your own wellbeing and holding me totally freefrom any responsibility, as mentioned above, then you can if youlike, return this book within 30 days and have a total refund.
What are my credentials?
During the last 40 years I have assisted,through personal appointments, lectures, classes and seminars, over20,000 people in creating their physical, mental, emotional andspiritual health and harmony.
I have taught around 25,000 hours of classesand seminars and have directed a spiritual center with a membershipof around 3500 persons for the last 26 years.
I am the author of 30 books, 600 CDs andDVDs. Around 120,000 books and 300,000 lecture CDs and DVDs havebeen sold.
I am, however, not a doctor, nor apsychologist.
My university degree is in chemicalengineering and now I might be called an "Engineer of HumanHarmony".
I am a member of the European Associationfor Counseling.
My main credential, however, is my desire todedicate as much of my life as possible to creating a moreharmonious world for all to live in.
I am trying. I sometimes get discouraged,but there is no other purpose which excites me as much or has asmuch meaning for me. Discovering EFT and its unprecedentedeffectiveness has created a whole new dimension to thisprocess.
What is EFT?
EFT stands for Emotional FreedomTechniques and is one of a number of energy-based psychologicalor psychotherapeutic methods based on the regulation andharmonization of the human energy system while we are focused on acertain ordinarily disturbing thought.
Its founder Gary Craig, previously a civilengineer, has been dedicated for many years to helping people livehappier lives. He learned the basics of this method from histeacher Dr. Roger Callahan.
In 1980 Dr. Roger Callahan, a dedicatedpsychologist, after many years of relentless empirical andintuitive searching for more effective ways to relieve his clientsof their problems, made an incredible discovery which will foreverchange the nature of psychology and physical and mentaltherapy.
A Leap in Perception
This discovery is such a quantum jump in ourperception of the nature of mental and physical illness that someprofessionals cannot yet embrace it because of their inability tolet go of previous conceptions.
Until recently, I was one of those who couldnot embrace it. Around 15 years ago I first saw Dr. Callahan'sLove Pain video where he demonstrated his healing techniquein which through a tapping procedure people overcame the pain theyfelt upon of the loss of loved ones.
I observed that truly the people seemed tofeel better. But I put the video on the shelf for 15 years,even though I have been working with people's problems daily allthese years.