333Homeopathic Keynotes composed in Twitter Styleby GerhardMiller
333 Homeopathic Keynotes
Copyright 2014 by Gerhard Miller
All rights reserved (including all translations into foreignlanguages)
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in aretrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the copyrightholder.
Published by:
Books on Demand GmbH
In de Tarpen 42
22848 Norderstedt
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Dedication and References
I dedicate this work to my beloved muse Jutta
I would like to express my gratitude to the followingexperts:
Dr. William Boericke {Materia Medica and Repertory},
Dr. Jan Scholten {Secret Lanthanides},
Dr. Robin Murphy {Clinical Materia Medica},
Professor Georgos Vithoulkas {Materia Medica Viva} and
Roger van Zandvoort {The Complete Repertory Mind}
Many contemporary developments have become very fast. So, we arehappy to find short news to digest. News service Twitter is such aformat. In a moment of hubris I said to myself: Why not try theimpossible and make 333 homeopathic remedies compatible. I wouldlike to invite my readers to tell, if Ive been successful. Feelfree to quote agaricus, belladonna and chamomilla on twitter, yetplease make sure you quote the name of this ebook: 333homeopathic keynotes. Thank you and all the best in yourfurther homeopathic studies.
Darmstadt in Germany on March 31st, 2014
Guide to 333 Homeopathic Keywords
Remedies are listed in alphabetical order and by their commonname.
Texts are limited to 140 characters. They focus on psychologicalremedy pictures and thus conjunct ailments to the soul thatproduces them.
Beginners in anatomy and physiology will need WebstersMedical Dictionary or a similar dictionary to look up terms theyhave most probably never heard before. Others like anemiashould be common. This collection of keynotes does not claim tocover all relevant information within 140 characters. Readers areinvited to study those remedies comprehensively and profoundly.
Main chapter
Abrotanum These remedies indications anemia, diarrhea and weakback indicate a patient who feels too weak to cope with lifechallenges
Absinthium A mentally instable and mistrusting kleptomaniacwho is tormented by horrible visions starring all kinds ofdemons
Aceticum acidum A patient without personal identity beingunable to lead an individual life; there is a desire to sacrificehimself or herself
Aconite Having witnessed an accident right before him, thishighly sensitive person has to cope with the effects of a personalhull breach
Aesculus hippocastanum Mentally confused and very irritableperson with persisting thoughts and suffering from weary andswollen feet
Aethusa This unsociable loner takes care of animals instead ofneighbours, since he believes, humans dont unterstand him
Agaricus muscarius Vivid kids who love making fun at otherspeoples expense; adults swing between great anxieties and greatprojects
Agathis australis A new bulimia remedy: excited, excessive,yet also insecure and discouraged person, swinging between calm andrestless
Ailanthus Remedy for bloody and copious nasal discharge; thisperson holds his anger in;
Alcoholus Choleric personality, who is sentimental, passionateand quarrelsome; increased self-esteem and feeling ofimportance
Aloe socotrina Eructation, nausea and flatulence reveal afearful personality with nutrition intolerances; dislikeseverything new
Alumina A mentally instable personality with fear of red andblood; never ever gift her with a household knife!
Ambra Simple minded and very shy person, who suffers fromsevere memory problems and should never be forced to pick up thephone
Ammonium bromatum Personality playing the role of an outsider;asthmatic cough demonstrates the tightness of his sectarianreligion
Ammonium carbonicum Obese person due to overeating; anxiousdreamer, whose coryza indicates an overcritical attitude towardsothers
Ammonium iodatum Overly critical and reclusive personality wholives in a very small world, trying to avoid as many things aspossible
Ammonium muriaticum Emotionally vulnerable patient withaversion to certain people; anxious dreamer, who cant overcome hisgrief
Anagallis arvensis Vulnerable patient suffering from arelationship disorder reflected by itching skin eruptions andsmutty looking hands
Androctonus Dictatorial and brooding egocentric personalitywith delusion he is not appreciated, causing a sensation ofisolation
Angustura vera A highly sensitive personality of lowself-esteem; shy and irritable, who develops bitter feelings frommild offences
Antimonium crudum Doesnt want to be looked at | mistrusting |headstrong | sentimental | fear of touch | desire for the perfectwoman
Antomonium tartaricum Clinging to another person whilecoughing; doesnt want to be touched, yet reaches for others;chaotic; confused
Anthrax nosode Sensitive to the slightest touch; if it waspossible, he would wear nothing; friendly person who lets his doghowl instead
Apis The ailments urinary retention, PMS und cysts of ovariespoint out: This patient denies her female side as unnecessaryweakness
Apocyanum cannabinum A weak liver and heart patient who feelsparalized and stinks around by means of his flatus to let his angerout
Aralia racemosa The slightest breeze causes sneezing withwatery and offensive nasal discharge; this personality has a weakimmune system
Aranea diadema Exaggerated focus on details and perfectionismcause neuralgic pain and head ache; working according to a strictrhythm
Aranea ixobola Nosy, witty and charming personality, yet alsorude and snappish; utilizes her orderliness to keep others underher control
Argentum cyanatum Slim and stiff personality with fear offailure due to her sophistry; her offended ego has brought aboutangina pectoris
Argentum metallicum Famous remedy for exceptionally creativepersonalities, who feel their heart could stop beating followed bytrembling
Argentum nitricum Vivacious and headstrong anarchist | alwaysin a hurry | high anxiety | dreams of horrifying snakes | forsakenfeeling
Arnica Dictatorial hot head; sportsman or lady compensatinganxious dreams: fears of being vulnerable induce desires to beunbreakable
Arsenicum album Blue-eyed penetrator | wise saver | mercilesscritic | anxious dreamer with compulsive disorders | neverlaughing
Arsenicum iodatum Hyperactive children and impatient adults;the body expresses the delicate [ar] and repellent [i] side as hayfeaver
Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum Sciatica shows arsenicumsinsecurity, whereas knee pain stands for sulphurs refusal to bemodest
Arsine (ars-h) combines the extreme anxiety of arsenicum withthe elusiveness of hydrogen resulting in anemia, vertigo and bowelproblems
Arum triphyllum Holding his anger and sex drive in, thispatient pokes his head into the pillow and pokes his nose until istbleeds
Asafoetida Hysterical personality who avoids tackling life;suffers from palpitations that feel like trembling; violence in thefamily
Asarum europaeum The greatest neurasthenic: precocious andreserved child mere imagination is sufficient to worsen adultswell being
Astacus fluviatilis Erysipelas and hepatitis reveal thepatients status as a victim: In his opinion, obesity means to bebetter protected
Asterias rubens Hard working and conservative person whobreaks up with his or her sweatheart as soon as things get intenseand profound