Lake Home
Design, Budget, Estimate, and Secure YourBest Price
Jobe Leonard
Smashwords Edition
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ISBN-13: 978-1496012975
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Deciding to build a lake home is an excitingleap from ordinary construction. There are many considerations youmust take into account for any projects outcome to be successful.A lake home is no different. In this book I will display my decadeof construction experience working with a worldwide leader in thelog and timber home industry. I will use this knowledge to show youthe ins and outs of a lake home construction project.
In my first book, Study Abroad, The Bookof Jobe, I wrote about living in a foreign country for mysenior year of college. It was completely based upon a true story.I originally created the book to help reconnect with theacquaintances I had made while living in the Netherlands. Much tomy surprise it sold thousands of copies in a short period of timeand gave me the inspiration to write additional books about othersubjects I have a great interest and extensive knowledge about.
Some may think that Study Abroad, The Bookof Jobe is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum fromthis book. I actually find them quite similar. Deciding to build alake home is exactly like waking up in a foreign land and having todeal with new customs, languages, and cultures. My first book showsthe growth from a rookie traveler to an expert world-renownedvoyager and author.
My plan is to take you on a similar journeythrough the world of the lake home construction and guide you asyou design, budget, and build the best project available. You mayhave woken up today in a world that was filled with unfamiliarproducts and confusing verbiage. By the end of this book you willhave the confidence to face your project head on.
This lake home centric version will give youa good grasp of industry concepts, terms, and standard procedures.All the worksheets that are in this book can be printed for free atmy website .
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
What is my project?
The first question that needs to be asked ofa project is one that will help guide your entire process. Throughthe first four chapters I am going to help you answer this questionby creating four principles that will steer your project. YourBudget, Needs, Land, and Design are the four major items that willhave the most bearing on your lake home kit or package. We willreview these items in depth before buying materials or speaking toa lake home contractor.
If at any time these four principles aretaken for granted the entire project could begin to crash in atailspin. It sounds bad, and it really can be. For the thousands ofunknowing buyers who build a lake home each year it is always areal possibility. Luckily for you, I am going to take you by thehand, and guide you through the best practices and steps to takewhen creating your Lake Home.
By the end of the book you will know moreabout a lake home kit or package than most people working in theconstruction industry. Plus you will have a full grasp of yourprojects scope and essential details before ever placing the firstcall to a material or installation provider.
Chapter 2
The budget of the project is the drivingforce and will move your project along. It is impossible to build ahome that uses $100,000 worth of materials and labor for $50,000.That sounds logical right?
The old adage your grandfather told you, Youget what you pay for, is still true today. However, I will showyou how to lower the initial costs of your lake home. Thisguarantees you get the highest quality materials, best installationservices, and spend the least amount of money. All this will happenfrom the start. Does this sound too good to be true? Read on.
Establishing what can be afforded isparamount. This concept is as simple as the paycheck you expectafter a week of your own labor at a daily job. Everyone involved inyour project will expect to be paid in a timely fashion formanaging your materials, labor, permits, plans, and construction.These project participants must be paid with liquid cash. If not,the sound of your project coming to a screeching halt will be heardall around the neighborhood.
If you have the cash on hand to finish yourproject then you only must convince yourself starting the projectis feasible. If you will borrow even the slightest percentage tocomplete the lake home you will then invite dozens of others in tothe project. Bankers, appraisers, and loan officers all get to addtheir input. They will begin to scrutinize all aspects of yourproject, from every angle.
In both cases you must establish a budget.What is the total amount you can afford to spend? I recommendtaking this number and deducting 15% right off the top. Mostconstruction experts recommend adding 15% or more to your totalnumber, because you will always go over budget. I find thisapproach completely irresponsible.
The 15% that you deduct from your totalfeasible budget will be set-aside in an easily accessible liquidemergency fund. This will be used for post completion projects,issues, and unforeseen expenses that arise during and after theconstruction process.
If your total budget comes to $100,000 usingthe worksheets in this book then before starting you will take alump sum of $15,000, and place it in an untouchable constructionemergency fund. Your total budget would now be $85,000. Everythingwe do through the rest of this book will guide you to meeting thisgoal.
By reading this book you have taken the firststep to getting the most out of your lake home project and usingonly the funds you chose to allocate.
If you cannot afford to create an emergencyconstruction fund it is plausible that you might not be able toafford to build the project at this time. You can still prepareyour plan, budget, and finish the book. I only ask that you holdoff on entering any major agreements until you are on a more solidfinancial footing. Your goal of building should be to enjoy yourhome with your friends and family. Not to eat cold beans in thecorner of a partially finished, unheated structure wishing you hadan emergency fund. Just remember I suggested the concept in thesecond chapter of Lake Home, as you gulp down your nextspoonful.
What is a good way to come up with your ownpreliminary budget number for a home? I recommend a basic exercise.Determining your projects feasibility can best be calculated usinga modified cost per square foot workshop that I present to you inthe following pages of this book. I will guide you through thefoundation, main floor, and second floor of your lake home. Thiswill help you establish a preliminary budget for your lake home.Answer the questions then calculate the approximate cost per squarefoot for each level of your home in the following chapters.