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Maryse Cardin - 5-Minute Morning Magic: Daily Self-Talk for Creating the Life of Your Dreams

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Start the day off on the right foot by changing the way you talk to yourself with Maryse Cardins 5-Minute Morning Magic.
Change your life by changing your inner voice!
Bring more magic to every day with just 5 minutes of positive self-talk each morning. What you say to yourself has been scientifically proven to influence your success and happiness. No matter what your goals, you can fill yourself with confidence, resolve, self-love, and strength by choosing the right words to fill your heart and mind. 5-Minute Morning Magic is your guide to making it happen!
- Embrace more than 75 simple yet powerful self-talk messages designed to uplift your spirit
- Reflect on thoughtful questions to help you find new possibilities in every day
- Discover all that youre capable of and find encouragement to take bold steps toward your dreams
With each page of 5-Minute Morning Magic, youll find yourself motivated to rise and shine!

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This morning magic belongs to:

START THE DAY OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT BY CHANGING THE WAY YOU TALK TO YOURSELF. The inner voice we all have in our heads can either propel us to happiness and prosperity or compel us to repeat the same mistakes over and over. Only you can choose your course and take a bold step toward the life of your dreams! What you say to yourself in the morning lets your head, heart, and spirit know where youre going and what your focus needs to be to get there. Thats the power of self-talk.

Its simple to get started with 5-Minute Morning Magic. As you sip your coffee or tea, you can also drink in uplifting and energizing self-talk. Its a boost that lasts a lot longer than caffeine! Embrace the messages and reflective questions in the order they appear in the book, or flip the book open and let the universe lead you to a daily focus. Take it one message a day, or repeat your favorite inspiration over several mornings. This is your own joyful journey. No matter where you land, youll find positive words to help you breathe out your doubts and breathe in calm confidence for both the day ahead and your greater life journey.

In just 5 minutes a day, you can summon strength, passion, and purpose. Get ready for the magic to rise from within!

SELF-TALK IS WITHIN MY CONTROL. Like a DJ who compiles a playlist, I intentionally choose my inner music. I speak to myself with love, encouragement, gentleness, and humor. Inner words hold power to direct my day and carry even farther to steer my life. No matter what happens, I am in control of how I respondboth in the world and within myself. I become aware of my inner conversation. When I notice that my inner critic wont stop the running commentary, I deliberately replace it with a voice that is accepting and positive.

Do I speak to myself like I am someone who matters to me?

What powerful things will I say to myself today?

How will those words lead my feelings and my actions?

NO MORE SLAMMING DOORS WHEN I DONT EVEN KNOW WHATS ON THE OTHER SIDE! My heart is ready to take risks and open to all the good that life offers: love, beauty, prosperity, health, discovery, and connection. I am ready to see and say yes to so many opportunities custom-made for me. I receive with gratitude and grace compliments that point me to my strengths. I accept invitations to lifes limitless adventures. I welcome wisdomfor the day and for lifeshared with me. I breathe in all that is possible in this moment and all the gifts that are still to come.

What door that Ive closed in the past could I reopen right now?

What new doors do I see myself opening in the near future?

What beautiful moments of possibility are in store for me today?

I NO LONGER BUY INTO THE CONSTANT RUSH, THE MAD DASH, AND THE SELF-IMPOSED DEADLINES. I stop pushing myself to the point where I cannot find satisfaction. Now, I breathe deeply and gently as I slow down to my own time; real time that is sustainable and meaningful. Many wonderful things in life come together slowly, like growing up, healing, or cooking a meal from scratch. I allow the time and space needed for answers to come to my questions and for paths to clear to my dreams. Im not stopping, but I am slowing to a pace that makes sense to get me where I want to go.

How will I pause my to-do list and give my attention to my dreams?

How can I create space in my schedule and settings for quiet processing?

What will bring me true satisfaction at the end of the day?

WHEN MY NERVOUS SYSTEM IS OVERWHELMED, WIRED, OR ANXIOUS, I HOLD THE POWER TO HELP IT CALM DOWN. I bring myself back into balance with calming toolsmaybe meditation, a hot bath, deep breathing, talking to a friend, a nature walk, or reading a favorite book. I know what works for me if I really listen to and connect with myself. I reach for the healthful benefits of soothing versus the false promises of numbing. As I relax, I am reunited with my real self, the one who feels at ease once the nervous energy is lifted. I am not my anxiety or worry. I can acknowledge these feelings and then show them the door.

What calming tool will I turn to today?

How will I be ready to listen for what I need?

How can I keep the real me shining through?

MY DESIGN IS EXCEPTIONAL. I DONT QUESTION WHY IM DIFFERENT FROM THE CROWD. Instead, I love and honor all the qualities that make me remarkable. I see and experience the world in my own way. This is beneficial for me and the world. I dont expect to be understood by everybody. I wont waste my time and energy trying to fit in or to be someone else. The world needs me just as I am. I am always enough and never too much. I soar when I celebrate my glorious, unconventional nature.

Whats one remarkable quality I will share with the world today?

In what situation could this quality be life-changing for me and others?

How will I feel at the end of a day lived as the true me?

I DISCOVER MOMENTS OF FRESH ENERGY IN EVERY DAY, even when I need to intentionally build them into my schedule. I find reasons to feel good, to be amused, and to laugh. I am a magnet for friends who are positive and playful too. As I relax my tight grip on things, I feel myself free to experience beautiful moments and connections and to follow my dreams. I choose not to take myself too seriously, even as I care deeply and look for ways to grow. Its a happy balance that fuels my mind, body, and spirit.

What can I depend on to bring me joy every day?

Where are new places I can seek playful experiences?

Where will my positive energy and free spirit carry me today?

MY PRESENCE IS MEANINGFUL IN MY LIFE AND THE LIVES OF OTHERS. When I am with someone, I give them all my attention. I want the people in my life to know that they are important to me. I give this full attention to myself too. I put down my phone and bring my awareness to myself. I put my hand on my heart to gain a deeper connection and to show myself that I am all in, with no distractions. I am aware and take notice of whats going on inside and all around me. I am fully and happily here.

Can I be present right now, bringing my full attention to myself?

What do I notice inside me as I put my hand on my heart for a deeper connection?

What do I notice all around me?

I PUSH ASIDE ANY NOTION THAT I MUST FIND WHAT I NEED AND WANT ALL ON MY OWN. Theres no prize for receiving the least amount of help. Whether its a simple hand to get through a daily task or a boost that will alter the rest of my life, I welcome assistance in all its pure and positive forms. If my request for help is refused, I dont take it personally but immediately look to new sources. I will find compassionate people who can offer what I need. When I receive their assistance, I am filled with gratitude for the goodness and love that comes my way.

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