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First, think about all the books you read, the games you play, the movies and TV shows you watch. Okay, now close your eyes and go through those stories in your mind. What characters pop into your head? Are you picturing a scene or moment that you adore? What are some of your favorite books or movies or games that you can revisit again and again? All the things that you feel excited about and all the characters that you are picturingwhatever youre imagining right now, youre a fan of it. And, good news, you can be a fan of anything and everything, and you can be a fan of more than one thing, too. There are fantasy fans, video game fans, sports team fans, and so many more.
A fan is a person who has a strong interest or admiration for a particular person or thing.
The best thing about being a fan is that youll be connected with others through a mutual passion for any given story or character, which also means that you dont have to hide your interests. Be loud and proud, and dont even think twice about whether you should get that backpack with a design from your favorite manga on it. Talk about your favorite characters and the stories you like with your friends and familyeven tell your teachers. Another wonderful thing about being a fan is that youre part of a fandoma community of people who are fans of the same things as you and understand exactly why those things are important to you. Tons of other people share the same passions as you; youll belong to a number of found families across the globe. Just like there are no limits on how many things you can love and enjoy, there are absolutely no limits on how many fandoms you can join. You might find one fandom to pour your entire heart into, or you might participate in many of them.
Fandom is a community of people who are fans of someone or something.
Its easy to be part of fandom, too. The main thingreally the only thingyou have to bring to the party is love. Thats what being a fan is all about. Its caring so much about a story that you keep thinking about it long after the story ends. Its appreciating the worlds and characters others have created; its celebrating them from a place of love and kindness. Keep those warm and fuzzy feelings in mind as you explore the world of fandom, and you cant go wrong.
As a fan that is new to the community, you might have a lot of questions like: How can I express myself in my fandom or share it with friends? How can I build communities and find other fans to gush with over my favorite fictional stories? How can I attend that convention Ive been hearing about?
Well, one way is to read this book. Inside, youll find information on how to get started exploring different types of fandoms and communities, tips, tricks, and even advice from fans who have made fandom part of their careers! You can read this book cover to cover or jump in and read the chapters in any order, because, like fandom, this book is flexible.
We even have a handy quiz to help you decide what kind of community might interest you the most and where to begin on your journey .
It took me a while to discover what fandom is and how I fit in, but once I did, I felt like I could be myself. My hope is that this book will help you find your footing as a fan and learn how to get more involved than ever in your fandom.
May the Force be with you,
Amy Ratcliffe
![A RE YOU READY TO GET more creative with your fandom and express yourself - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/404690/images/Art_P4.jpg)
A RE YOU READY TO GET more creative with your fandom and express yourself? Take this quiz to find a place to start your journey. Circle whichever answers feel best for you right now, and dont worry if youre having trouble deciding. You can totally choose more than one answer for each question if you want.
In your free time, youre most likely to do which of these things?
a. Finish a craft project youve been working on.
b. Cozy up with a good book.
c. Chat with your friends about a cool new thing you learned.
d. Organize an outing with friends to see a movie.
e. Beat the next level of your video game.
f. Open your sketch pad and draw.
How do you share your fandom with friends?
a. We coordinate matching outfits or accessories based on our favorite characters.
b. We come up with stories about our most loved fictional worlds.
c. We debate our favorite fan theories.
d. We plan watch parties for the shows and movies we enjoy.
e. We explore online realms together.
f. We draw our favorite characters and create new ones.
What excites you most about your fandom?
a. The elaborate costumes.
b. All the world-building details.
c. Learning new things about the characters or world.
d. Being able to share and enjoy it with my friends.
e. Being able to play a role in the story.
f. The design and look of the characters and backgrounds.
When you watch the latest episode of your favorite TV series, which of these things are you most likely to say to a friend about it?
a. Did you see that costume at the end? I need it.
b. I liked it, but the book is better.
c. Can we please pick this apart at lunch tomorrow?
d. Wait, let me start a group chat about all of this, because we need everyone to weigh in.
e. They didnt explain the rules for using time travel!
f. That spooky mansion is gorgeous. I cant get over the design!