I WOULD LIKE TO thank Debbie Marrie for her willingness to work with me plus her constant flow of e-mails that served a great purpose in keeping me in line with all deadlines. For Barbara Dycus, whose lasting friendship makes every work a joy. And Tessie DeVore and the entire marketing team and editorial team members who, with their input and expertise, make this work another must-read.
I am grateful to Maria Gamb for her involvement in the dietary portion. Her expertise in matching and mixing the food groups, menus, and recipes for each blood type is greatly appreciated.
And without going unnoticed is my not-so-silent life partner, Lori. Her continual belief in me and what she sees in me has always given me that sense of worth. And always with a gentle push of confidence and pride she keeps me on my toes to write one more book. Thanks, babe. I love you!
Inner Out: Fourteen-day colon cleansing and detoxifying system
The Inner Out Colon Cleansing and Detoxifying System is designed to generate a progressive cleansing effect on your body for fourteen days. It does this in three phases: Phase 1, preparationkills parasites and breaks up mucous buildup. Phase 2, cleansingscrubs and cleans the colon. Phase 3, restorationrestores normal colon function with added probiotics.
Digestive Enzymes
This digestive enzyme matrix is loaded with a complete line of enzymes to meet any shortage of enzyme production that may be missing in your digestive system. Each capsule contains a matrix of enzymes that provide the specificity of enzymatic action for every food group, creating a greater capacity for better digestion, assimilation, and uptake of nutrition from the foods you eat.
A.M./P.M. Multivitamins
This is a daily multivitamin supplement for blood types A, B, AB, and O. Each formula contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and herbs specifically formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of each blood type.
These are liquid trace minerals. Our bodies do not manufacture them! One of the secrets to good health and longevity is found in the soiltrace minerals! This source of organic trace minerals has a similar complement of precious organic trace minerals. We are made from dust of the earth, and this dust, our own soils, is greatly depleted. ConcenTrace liquid trace mineral supplementation is a very necessary and healthy choice.
Coral Calcium
Calcium is a priceless organic mineral and essential for the function of every organ and gland. It is also imperative for balancing the blood and tissue pH in the body. Calcium is the major mineral our body needs in abundance, yet it is the most difficult mineral to absorb. Coral calcium, marine grade, imported from Okinawa, Japan, with magnesium and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is formulated to promote proper assimilation in the body.
Body Genetics Protein Shakes and Thin Tastic Protein Bars
Protein is essential for your body. Your body could not function without it. You need enough protein on a daily basis. Other than food sources, you should supplement your diet with a shake or bar as an afternoon pick-me-up or midmorning grab-and-go. Whatever your preference, be certain to include enough protein throughout every day.
Alkaline water
You can go without eating for days, even weeks, but you cannot go very long without water. Every cell in your body is craving the quenching effect of hydration. Revitalize your cellular strength, bring more life into your skin, and supply your body with organic minerals that protect it from disease and chemical imbalance with every ounce of water you drinkdrink alkaline water.
Homeopathic HGH, orally absorbed
To roll back the clock is impossible, but to slow down or reverse the negative effects associated with the aging process is possible. By supplementing with HGH, replacing what time and nature can no longer produce, you can enjoy sleeping better, more energy, smoother-looking skin, lower cholesterol, lower percent of body fat, and feelings of youthfulness. You once had enough HGH; now be certain that you still do through supplementation.
There are many other nutritional supplements I could have listed, but for our purpose of covering the major nutritional needs, I feel these will go a long way to filling your health pack.
You can also e-mail the following for information:
Organic meats
Coleman Natural Products, Inc., 1767 Denver West Blvd., Suite 200m Golden, CO 80401, (800) 442-8666
Specialty meat and poultry
DArtagnan, 280 Wilson Ave., Newark, NJ 07105, (800) 327-8246
Spelt flour and pastas
Purity Foods, 2871 W. Jolly Rd., Okemos, MI 48864, (517) 351-9231.
Dump the Junk
For kids under construction, Dr. Christiano has developed the Dump the Junk curriculum for grades K12 that includes nutrition, exercise, and attitude. He applies his whole child approach for helping our kids be physically and mentally fit and more academically sound. For more information, please go to
For all Body Genetics products, go to:
Or call
(800) 259-2639
Body Genetics Meal Replacement Bar
Body Genetics Meal Replacement Bar creates a thermoblast when it comes to losing weight. It is formulated to increase the bodys ability to burn calories. It comes in delicious dark chocolate and serves as the perfect meal replacement for weight-loss enhancement. It is loaded with over seventy antioxidants for cellular and cardiovascular protection.
Benefits: It stimulates the metabolism and enhances weight loss, causing the body to use fat for energy. It is filling, delicious, it cuts sugar cravings, and it is satisfying. It keeps you from skipping meals, which is detrimental to basal metabolic rate (BMR).
Body Genetics Strawberry-Filled Cookies (also Blueberry-Filled Cookies)
Body Genetics Strawberry-Filled Cookies have been formulated to serve as a meal replacement or snack. The awesomely delicious taste makes weight loss fun, tasty, and satisfying. Each cookie is naturally prepared and has a unique proprietary blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to stimulate the metabolism for weight loss.
Benefits: The cookies aid the metabolism for additional calorie burning and satisfy cravings for sweets. They are a good fat-burning meal replacement or snack.
Body Genetics Energy Booster/Fat Burner tablets
Body Genetics Energy Booster/Fat Burner tablets are a nonephedrine thermogenic supplement designed to enhance weight loss. Each tablet has a unique proprietary blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to stimulate the metabolism for weight loss and increased energy. Tablets cause no adverse side effects commonly associated with weight loss and energy products that use ma huang and/or ephedra.
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