Google+ Marketing For Dummies
by Jesse Stay
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Google+ Marketing For Dummies
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Copyright 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
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About the Author
Jesse Stay began his career as a software developer, where in an era of social media he quickly became immersed in the world of marketing technologies. An entrepreneur at heart, he has consulted with industry players both large and small to create some of the most social technologies on the web. Jesses approach is not a one-size-fits-all approach of just Google+ and Facebook Pages or Twitter accounts, but rather looking at the overall business objectives of each business he consults with to build the most effective strategy available. Author of three other books on social media, Jesse has also helped write documentation for blogs such as, has contributed to and, and has even helped document, as clients, some of the major social networks themselves. Jesse was named by both Mashable and Entrepreneur magazine as one of 20 developers to follow on Twitter and by Mashable as one of 10 entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter. This inside knowledge of the industry has enabled Jesse to understand the ins and outs of how social networks work and set the stage for documenting an emerging network like Google+. It has enabled him to provide a unique view into marketing that all can understand.
Jesse is currently employed as a social strategist for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In his spare time he runs his current entrepreneurial endeavor,
, and continues to document the social networks he uses in his marketing approaches on the educational site, Jesse also consults for businesses large and small as he gets time. He is a professional speaker and loves to share his techniques with all that want to learn.
You can follow Jesse on his blog at
and you can always circle him at
To Rebecca, Elizabeth, Thomas, Joseph, JJ, Alex and baby-on-the-way.
Authors Acknowledgments
Thanks to my beautiful wife for putting up with me while spending late nights working on this. Im grateful for all of her hard work without her, I couldnt do this. She deserves all the credit for this book.
Others who have influenced me in my writings include my good friend and mentor Guy Kawasaki your friendship and willingness to listen and provide advice is something I will never forget. Also, thanks to my good friend Jeremiah Owyang an all-around smart guy who truly puts research before anything. Lastly, thanks to my former employers, and, who allowed me to build the software that lead me to a true interest and experience in marketing.
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