Facebook Marketing For Dummies, 3rd Edition
by John Haydon, Paul Dunay, and Richard Krueger
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Facebook Marketing For Dummies, 3rd Edition
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Copyright 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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About the Authors
John Haydon is the founder of Inbound Zombie, an Internet marketing consultancy in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that serves small- and medium-sized nonprofits in the United States and Canada. John is also cofounder of 501 Mission Place, an online community for nonprofit executives and leaders. He is an instructor at MarketingProfs.com, conducts educational webinars at CharityHowTo.com, and is a regular contributor to five different blogs, including the Huffington Post. You can read his blogs at www.johnhaydon.com
and www.nonprofitfacebookguy.com
He has presented at BlogWorld Expo, Nonprofit Technology Conference, 140 Characters Conference, and many regional conferences.
Paul Dunay is an award-winning marketer with more than 20 years of success in generating demand and creating buzz for leading technology, consumer products, and financial and professional services organizations.
Paul is Global Managing Director of Services and Social Marketing for Avaya, a global leader in enterprise communications. His unique approach to integrated marketing has led to recognition as a BtoB magazine Top 25 B2B Marketer of the Year for 2009 and 2010 and winner of the DemandGen Award for Utilizing Marketing Automation to Fuel Corporate Growth in 2008. He is also a six-time finalist in the Marketing Excellence Awards competition of the Information Technology Services Marketing Association (ITSMA) and a 2005 and 2010 gold award winner.
Richard Krueger is founder and CEO of AboutFaceDigital, a social media marketing agency specializing in Facebook promotions. Recognized as an online marketing innovator, Mr. Krueger is also cofounder of Samepoint, LLC, a leading social media analytics company. He brings more than 20 years of experience to his roles at both companies.
Richard previously served as Chief Marketing Officer for Boonty, Inc., a worldwide digital distributor of casual games. Prior to that, he served as VP of Marketing and Business Development for Kasparov Chess Online, where he led marketing and brand licensing efforts for Garry Kasparov, the former world chess champion. Before his entrepreneurial career, Richard worked at several top-ten advertising and public relations agencies in New York City. He is a regular blogger and contributes numerous articles to advertising and PR trade journals.
We dedicate this book to marketers everywhere who are in the middle of the biggest sea of change in marketing history. Theres never been a better time to be a marketer, and tools like Facebook are rewriting the rules. We hope that by providing you with straightforward, step-by-step advice, as well as sharing our real-world experiences in marketing companies via Facebook, youll become better at your craft and thereby take everyone to levels in marketing people have yet to explore.
We also hope that you keep your Facebook marketing efforts in perspective, and always put family and friends first!
Authors' Acknowledgments
This project couldnt have succeeded without the help and support of many people.
First, we want to express deep appreciation for our families, who support our passion for helping businesses and nonprofits use Facebook. We know that the time spent away from you can never be replaced.
We want to thank the superb team at Wiley, including Amy Fandrei, who originally reached out to us because of our blogs and held our hands through the entire process; Christopher Morris, our project editor, who kept us on track every step of the way and ensured the book conformed to For Dummies standards; and all the other Wiley folks behind the scenes who made the book possible.